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Everything posted by lunarsy

  1. I think I have just about managed to stop worrying about this, thanks to your reassurance that Wescot can't do anything. I'll send a letter to BG over the weekend. Meanwhile Wescot wrote another letter on the 22/02 - they didn't even wait for their own deadline of the 25/02. They claim I owe over £300! It's funny really, all in red, all serious! If I don't call them they will take further action. Umm, whatever that means!
  2. I have their bank details, and the old account number. If I give them my address, I am worried they will take me to court, or something nasty anyway. I don't know really, never been in this position.
  3. Thanks for the advice Bazooka and DX. You both say ignore them, fair enough, I will do that. I spoke with BG, they were insisting on having my new address before they can discuss the matter. So I stopped the call. I think if I give them my address they'll escalate things, but not sure. Can't they just discuss the matter without my new address... pains.
  4. No, First Utility now. I read around, it does seem the Wescot letter is unlawful judging by it's content. Great.
  5. No. But since I left without leaving a forwarding address they couldn't contact me. I don't think they have my mobile number either.
  6. Thanks for the super fast reply DX! The BG bill was just over £200 last I heard. BG always talk about adding £14 for each later payment, so I don't know what they might want now. I last spoke with BG in April of 2014. Haven't received any post from them, but didn't forward my mail either when I left in April 2014, so that's not suprising. The letter from Wescot is dated 15/02/2015 - I think it arrived on the 16th or the 17th.
  7. Hello, I received a letter from Wescot Credit Services last week. They want me to verify I am the person named in the letter and live at this address. They say they will presume I am at this address, if they don't get a response by the 25/02/2015. I haven't responded. I suspect they are chasing me for an outstanding bill to British Gas, around £200. If I am right that is, then I imagine they will add some crazy charges on top. At the time, last year in the Spring when I last spoke with BG, I fell out with them. I was having money problems, and mental health issues at the time. They continually called me about paying my bill. I tried to strike a deal with them (over the phone) to pay it off, but they wanted more than I could afford per month. Then I left that rental, and forgot about the bill. I'm not sure I am happy to pay the bill or not, given the way BG treated me. I imagine I have screwed up my credit record now too. Well, I can compromise and pay a small monthly amount, as long as it excludes any of BGs draconian charges. This Wescot letter is rather intimidating, but that's the point I guess. I did read another thread on here which sounded similar to my situation. Sorry I can't post a link. I am now a home owner, if that changes anything. Some advice would be much appreciated.
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