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Everything posted by fransoir

  1. Hi all... just an update to the story so far. I waited until 10:30am in the morning just to test the situation of them calling me on the Monday morning err.. they did not so I called them waited and listened to the Boney M track with a 14 second interrupt of were busy and will get to you ASAP FOR 16min and I had to give up and make a coffee sorry but there's only so much Boney M I can take... spent another 20min in the queue and Bang!!! it was like the lights came on... A voice a mans Voice and it was wonderful He was Pleasant Precise and clear Wow... what a transformation from Saturday`s response. He pulled up my file, explained the normal procedure and that somebody would call me ASAP and asked if there was anything he could do... Hurrah!!! Well it took about an hour but they did call back and this person was Equally amicable as the last he explained that I was not at fault and that the ball would start rolling... Brilliant!!! I asked about a hire car he said fine, would it be ok if we give you the small car and I said I needed a least five seated... he said sure we will speak to the hire firm and organise this for you... Yeah Baby!!! I then said that I did not wish for the car to be taken away and would wish for it to be inspected at the property... He said fine we will organise that for you, he also explained that if it was going to be taken away that they used Nationwide OR I Could use others. I asked about keeping the car if it was a economical write off no problem he said... speak to the engineer when he calls (as it has a new timing belt exhaust well maintained) etc. and it would be off set when the final offer was made... Excellent!!! Well the engineers phoned at 2:30pm that's them coming on Wednesday 17/12/14 car hire phoned 2pm finally got the car at 4:15pm but have phoned work to use a holiday as I have had no sleep. So its been a long day but all seems well back in work tomorrow night. It would seem that the Nightmare that I thought was to be cast my way was not albeit a long day. I will update as things progress Please do not write this story off yet as I have made some interesting discovery's so far, and if Hasting are as real as they seem to be from todays experience then consumers YOU and I will be able to take richly from this post, and Hastings May gain Valuable Knowledge on customer relations which is a rare thing in today commerce I will make full review of this at the finale outcome good or bad. Goodnight Fransoir
  2. It was the call center that told me that because of its age it would be a write off, which is really scary when all your looking for is support and help, and nobody called back as promised and Im still waiting been in a que for some time now looks like I will have to use a holiday to book a shift off tonight as this is going to take all day.
  3. Well have been with Hastings since 2011 prices started out at around £300 fully comp last quote was £600 changed to premium as it was a better deal think it was £480 for this year anyway paid because everything has been fine its the same car 2001 Peugeot 406 no claims no accidents 9yrs no claims etc... just don't want the hassle need insurance its a legal requirement (not a luxury) and when I'm told not to worry if anything happens you can depend on us to make your claim hassle free I trust that statement. Well 12/12/2014 at 19:40 somebody came off a side street on the right smashed into the side of me so hard that I was pushed into a passing car on my left we pulled to a side street and exchanged details the driver that hit me was with Hastings the lady to my right was with Zenith (she had just changed from (hasting that day to Zenith) everybody exchanged details went home. Called The 0844 number the next morning 22min later gave my details to somebody who did not have any way to check my policy number eventually told me that Hasting claims don't work on a weekend and all they did was log them and I would be contacted on Monday asked about a hire car put me on pause came back saying it was not possible as they cant give a response until Monday. that was a 1 hr conversation between 3 different departments. the scary thing about this is the fact they are ready to turn my car into a total write off it needs 2 new wings a headlamp and a bit of bumper trim and I'm good to go, the car is brilliant not going to find a replacement for what they will offer me. Its not right that Insurance companies should get away with leaving people out of pocket when making a claim Insurance is there so that innocent people are not left holding the cost of somebody else's liability. My shift starts 15/12/2014 at 7pm till 7am now I will have to spend the day time trying to organise transport to work (hopefully a hire car) 30 mile round trip as the car is driveable but the headlamps make it illegal to drive. After the response from Hastings and reading the post on the net I feel a dread of what's coming next from Hastings lets hope this is a successful story and not a sham insurance company, I will keep you up to date with this and I am already feeling that I should in the interest of other should take this to other bodies as they have sold me something that does not match up to what is advertised and clearly stated on my contract and that is 24 Hr support and advise help line, and by that I don't mean phone back on Monday as advise... the ball in your court Hasting make this a success Please. Oh and the Lady that took out Zenith insurance Phoned me said the other driver`s insurance company (Hasting) they were struggling to find him on the database and that she was about to receive her hire car within the hour, that I'm afraid says it all. some companies have the sense to get it right other don't know where to start.
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