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Everything posted by jimmybwa

  1. Thank you for your advice. Its very much appreciated.
  2. OK, thank you. The date of the default is the 31/05/12. I think I stopped using the account before October 2011.
  3. Sorry, if I'm being slow on the uptake, but does it not become Statue Barred, or can be registered as Statute Barred after the six years. So, over the next 9 months, until next June 2018 there is a risk of CCJ?
  4. No I've not paid anything/aknowledged anything since before the default was put on.
  5. @renegadeimp I really don't want to risk a CCJ and the 6 extra years bad credit rating that will bring.
  6. I have a default of £2,976 with Natwest. I actually posted about this sometime ago, but have never managed to get it sorted out. I really would like to, as its getting me down and holding me and my family back. £1,176 of the total is made from fee's from when I went over my overdraft limit and then couldn't afford to pay enough money back to the bank to be able to get myself back under the limit. I accrued the overdraft while at Uni. This was a student account to start off with. The first D on my Noddle Credit Report is on June 2012. My owed balance went up from £1800 overdraft to over £3000 in the space of 8 months. Its now sat at £2976 and has been at this value since October 2014. Even though at the time I complained to Natwest, that this was spiralling out of control and I didn't know what to do. They just said you need to pay it back now to get under your overdraft limit. And offered no help. I couldn't afford this, I was only just breaking even at the end of every month anyway. I am now finally in a place financially where I can actually start paying something back. And hopefully I would like to get a mortgage. I am in the position where I could pay the money back in full. But I'd really rather not pay the extra £1200 of charges. Robinson Way contacted me about this initially and I think Westcot as well, however I did not acknowledge any letters. I went to speak to a bank about the possibility of a mortgage the other day and I mentioned the default. They say I would need to satisfy the default before I would be considered. I really do not want to risk a CCJ. The bank(Skipton Building Society) suggest I should complain to Natwest and hopefully they might let me pay back the £1800 without the charges. Could anyone please help with what to do? I only have 9 months until the 6 years of the default is up.
  7. Sorry I got my dates totally mixed up, the records on noddle are from 2009 onwards. It actually started in May 2011 and carried on until Jan 2012
  8. Yes this is showing up on my credit file now, Equifax, Experian and Noddle all show it. The charges are penalty charges. In 2009 Natwest changed how they charge for going over their overdraft limit. it was I think 35 pounds for going over which was charged once in the month. They then set it to be charged per day and that worked out at £5 a day. when I got my statement at the end of the month I was over, plus they were going to charge me approx. £125 in penalties. This then happened each month.
  9. I have a default of £2,976 with Natwest. £1,176 of which is made from fee's from when I went over my overdraft limit and then couldn't afford to pay enough money back to the bank to be able to get myself back under the limit. I accrued the overdraft while at Uni. This was a student account to start of with. The first time I went over the limit was in May 2011. My owed balance went up from £1767 to over £3000 in the space of 8 months. Even though I complained to the bank that this was spiralling out of control and I didn't know what to do. They just said you need to pay it back now to get under your overdraft limit. I couldn't afford this, I was only just breaking even at the end of every month anyway. I am now finally in a place financially where I can actually start paying something back. However, I am unsure as to how to go about this. I have already had debt collectors (Robinson Way) trying to contact me. This was about 2 years ago. Can anyone advise me on what to do? What about the fee's of approx. 140 a month will I need to pay all this back? This has been troubling me for a long time and I want it sorted as I really want to try getting my credit record in order to enable me to get a mortgage. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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