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Everything posted by dave006

  1. I asked for a stay as we didnt know what the debt was. It was granted. But the company with the claim would not give me any more info, so I need more time now I do have the details (from the other poster on this thread earlier) I just need a few weeks to look into it and get advice etc
  2. Thats what I though! Worth a go I just need some advice please? We are going to attend, but I need more info on the debt so more time to look into it?
  3. Thanks for all the advice. That court is closed now and we are at the hearing in the morning? What should I do please, quite concerned now tbh Hearing is at 10.30am All I need atm is advice on what to say to get some more time to look into this properly?
  4. Thanks for all the advice. That court is closed now and we are at the hearing in the morning? What should I do please, quite concerned now tbh
  5. Court.pdf They have her wrong DOB and gender if that makes any difference?
  6. Thanks Andy. She has been moving round doing her degree last 5 years, back home now. I will use that site, thank you But what do we say tomorrow at the hearing to get more time to get advice re this? We are certain it is not her debt? That site has a CCJ from 2018, but gives no other details at all? Who is the original claimant, who set up the agreement, what was it for, what ID was used etc? If we dont have this info how do we argue our side? All we are asking for is some time to look into this further? Can I post the PDF that site sent me here?
  7. My daughter received an enforcement a few weeks back for a CCJ. We have no idea what this is for. I went to the court and asked for a stay, granted. The hearing is tomorow but we asked for more time as we literally have no idea what the debt is for, denied. So we are at the hearing in the morning I emailed the claimant 1 time asking for details of the debt, copies of the signed agreement and anything else they have. They said they dont have to provide this, and just said it was from 2018 and that's it If my daughter owes this I will pay it, simple as that. I just need advice on what to say in the hearing tomorrow please? I just want any documents, agreements etc that they have so we can look into the matter and get advice, that doesn't sound unfair to me. How can we defend the debt if we dont know what it is Any advice much appreciated
  8. right just posted CA request by special delivery. Is there anything else I need to do now?
  9. sorry gave you the wrong company its is Jeff Johson cars ltd in leigh, sorry not allowed to post a link yet!
  10. we couldn't get a car loan with them. they said we have a bloke who lends people who we cant lend to, money to buy a car. It was sold as like a personal loan. And im sure when we asked them to honour the warranty they said it was a logbook loan. Until we see the CA I am not sure what type of loan it is. and this is the bloke who owns Sentinel debt recovery: Google Wade Johnson Chorley and you will read all about the big cat who manages Sentinel and it's smoke screen Company areyouowedmoney
  11. Didnt even know I had gone to one! It was the first template I found. Thought I would do it the right way through here, thats why I posted. Thanks for the advice, all of it is much appreciated. I will send the CCA tomorrow, what happens next? 1/ they dont have a CA, end of story? 2/ They magically find the CA, what then? Thanks
  12. Im really sorry, I really dont know as I dont have a copy. I thought it was an HP loan, but it was probably a log book loan. Does that help. CCA being sent special delivery Monday morning.
  13. Hi, the original finance agreement was with a very samll company called Leigh Car finance. It was even them really, just one of their directors who did small personal loans so people could buy a car. It was a very much copy and paste doc, and we weren't given a copy. The DCA dont seem to have a copy either. So all I do for now is send this letter? Then what? What do you think the chances are that they will go for the bankruptcy route?
  14. Thanks for that mate, appreciate it. Will get that letter sent by recorded delivery asap. What about the threat of bankruptcy action, do I need to do anything re that or send another letter?
  15. By the way, any help asap really appreciated, you have no idea how worried and upset my wife gets. Thanks
  16. Hi, need some help please: Had a loan for a car a few years ago. It was a complete lemon, broke down time and again. took it back and it broke down again the next week. Paid a £500 cash warranty on it that was supposed to cover it for everything. It broke down one last time about 3 years ago, called them, said we had to get the car to them. We couldnt, so it sat there for 10 months. I told them time and again, and then eventually scrapped the car and informed them of that. Borrowed £1500 to begin with for the car, paid £800 (£500 for warranty) deposit for a car that was worth maybe £1200 max at the time (didnt know that then) Paid £300 a month for about 20-24 months. Yet this letter below says I owe £5110 still. When you have disabled kids and no transport and cant get credit you are desperate and will use anyone, know it was stupid but had no other options at the time. Then 4 weeks ago go a letter from this firm saying they had the debt and were going to do a doorstep visit. I called them straight away telling them I withdraw any right they have to visit me, and that I dispute the debt. We never had a credit agreement (there wasnt one, ever) and we did not owe the debt etc. I was told that they didnt have a copy of the CCA!! I was told to email them what I wanted and they would get back to me, this is what I emailed. Re our conversation today: no 1/ You have no right to access to my property, you have no right to call at my property. We do NOT have, and have NEVER had, a contract. Any permission you believe you may have had from me is hereby withdrawn. If you believe that you have power of attorney to act on my behalf, you are hereby FIRED, and any consent you believe you may have, tacit or otherwise, is hereby withdrawn. If you feel so inclined as to enforce statutes as a consequence of this matter, I will report your conduct to all relevant bodies and will pursue proof of claim in affidavit form, under your full commercial liability and under the penalty of perjury. Please also see the full attached notice of denial of access. no 2/ You have been asked to only contact me by post from now. Any attempt to call me by phone will be classed as harassment and will be reported as such. no 3/ I am giving you 7 days from today to provide me with a copy of the credit agreement for this alleged debt. If I do not receive it in that time I will consider the matter closed. no 4/ I refute the debt, I do not owe that money and no payments will be made on it. no 5/ I expect a confirmation email from you today that you have received this notice and that all points are understood. This was on the 5th september 2014. Today got a letter saying " Accordingly a statutory demand is to be served upon you without further notice" and threatening to try and make me bankrupt. I m a full time carer with disabled kids so really wouldn't be a hassle for me as I have no asset's anyway! But I dont owe this debt, I dispute it, I have informed them of that by email and on the phone, they dont even have a copy of the CA. I need to do this the right way now. I know I need to send them a letter stopping the bankruptcy (I really dont think they will, but the Mrs is really worried) nd I need a letter to ask for Cetc. Can anyone give me the correct templates to post asap plus any other advice re anything I need to do. Thanking you so much in advance.
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