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Everything posted by GrumpyToSayTheLeast

  1. So by your thinking, not only should lorries travel at night, but every single uk business must be open 24hrs a day to trade during the day and take deliveries at night?
  2. Sorry, where are your figures from? I'm pretty sure....no, scratch that, I'm certain that all lorries are speed limited by vosa approved tachograph centers where they are limited to 56 mph. They can drive at 56 mph on motorways. They can drive at 56 mph on duel carriageways. They have to drive to a maximum of 40mph on single carriageways unless the posted speed limit is lower.
  3. And at that point where they say its your fault, you then send it for your own independent assessment and if that's finds in your favour then send a copy of it along with a letter asking for an amicable resolution. Failing that, I would then start the lba and court. Out of interest, what the rough value?
  4. Why should they show ambers? They have lights front and rear and they obey the speed limits. The only vehicles that require them are oversize or slow moving. Drivers should be aware of there surroundings and drive accordingly. lorries are an integral part of the system and to ban them from road between certain times would cause chaos. You would soon be annoyed when it takes 4 days instead of two to delivered your parcel instead of two. In essence I agree with your post though in that it is not the way forward to ban them between certain times at all. They have just as much right to be on the highway. Lets just all drive a bit more considerately and we will all get along fine.
  5. I believe he is probably on about small country lanes and that sort of road being blocked by inconsiderate caravans. If only the caravan drivers(not all but most that I have come across) would pull over and let queues past, it would be fine. But they wont. They drive down country lanes at 15mph and wont pull over for anything. And then scowl as you overtake.
  6. Why wouldn't you hand the bag over to be checked for quality control? Staff in the store wont know the difference between damage caused by you and damage caused by poor/faulty workmanship. Thats like asking a car garage receptionist to investigate the knocking in your engine bay. She is a receptionist, not a mechanic. I would send the bad off recorded and see what they say. But that's just me. In court, if you actually take it that far, you would be used to wipe the floor with as they have offered to inspect it and you have effectively refused.
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