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Denise Bailey

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  1. Hope you got a response. the waiting time on calls to Skippy is 60 mins !!! I have a major problem with them !!!!
  2. Thank you. She has sent an email with FORMAL COMPLAINT as the title. she received an automated reply saying it takes 2 days, so we have to wait and see I guess. i am not waiting on the phone for nearly an hour (if they ever replied). I actually phoned their quotation line which went through reasonably quickly and as soon as I told him my problem he said he would put me through to the correct department, it then tells you about the length of the wait !!! Unbelievable and absolutely disgusting !!!
  3. my daughter took out car insurance with Skippy Insurance last Wednesday. We received a cover note on the same day via email. Today she has received an other email with an attached letter telling her that the underwriters have cancelled her policy as there is a problem with her risk criteria. She gave all information asked for. The only issue I can see is that she has a provisional licence, however this was given on application and is also on the Proposal Form they sent to her. She is 28 years old and a teacher. They have given no information as to why they have cancelled. They also say when they receive her certificate of insurance they will refund any monies due on a pro rata basis subject to a deduction for administration fees. They should not be deducting anything. Whatever the issue it is their fault. She paid in excess of £550 and now has to find other insurance. She does not have the money to pay out again without a refund. I tried to call them and there is a waiting time of between 45 mins and 60 mins !!! i have emailed them and the automatic response is they will respond within 2 days. Surely there is something she can do. The car is on the road and cannot be left there after the weekend without insurance. Please help.
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