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Everything posted by Sweetlaw

  1. This is indeed superb news. What a blessing we have people like the esteemed vicar to fight these battles which us lesser mortals would never take on. He not only deserves this victory, but victory in his cause.
  2. Distressing reading here. Seems people are running down this site and people on it who give really good help. Whoever is doing this doesn't care much about people in difficulty. A real shame and well done to ALL those who keep up this really good work, despite the stupid rumours.
  3. That's REALLY interesting, cos I've never read about John Kruse being a bailiff, in the bailiff's pockets, receiving backhanders etc.... as I have read about this forum. It seem's a bit unfair to me. One rule for one and one for another and all that!
  4. Given our local councillor claimed nearly £25000 in expenses the year before last, this would be chicken feed. I'd have loved to have seen it though.
  5. This is absolutely correct and exactly what is stated in law. I am unsure why there should ever be any confusion.
  6. Lots still do but there's some prats who just want to cause trouble and mess up people helping.
  7. Its clear one site is having a really good laugh here and over the road at LB with their comedy duo upsetting everything. Its even on the site apparently that they think what they're doing is funny. It's not funny and its a waste of time spouting stuff which might lead to the OP's car being taken is crazy and like we've not seen it before. Stop your little boys games and grow a pair.
  8. I've read today that if a debtor contacts a bailiff at the Compliance Stage to set up a payment agreement, the EA will visit the debtor's home to set up the agreement and get a Controlled Goods Agreement thus costing the debtor another £235. If this is the case, no matter what the debtor does they're going to be charged £310, not just the £75 Compliance Stage fee. Is this right?
  9. If said site is profiting by altering the posts of a vulnerable person it is below low. I've not looked at thread today, will go over and look later after work.
  10. I read this thread. There's a load of posts been removed from it as the OP obviously has some serious illness. This has put a false view on the thread so I'm not reading it now. They were there when I was on the site after my late shift and gone when I got up middle of next day.
  11. Tomtubby, I am not new to this forum and view the other site only as a guest. I've signed up a new name cos I don't want dragging into this. I am very sorry indeed to read of your need for cancer treatment, I had no idea, nor I think would anyone else not in the know have guessed anything. It is greatly to your credit you've kept posting on here and giving your time to help others while at the same time undergoing daily cancer treatments. Kari, I am very sorry to hear about your treatment for cancer or stress too and your ill health. I will join Tomtubby in congratulating you on winning your Form 4, and on winning in Blackpool if that is how it pans out in the long run. You have done well to get this far. It's a shame you couldn't manage that second day. Regards here, why not sign up with a new name Kari2 or something? You can say your bit then and I don't think they would ban you again if they did to start with. Neither of you need the stress of this at present. It is getting really nasty, but that is in my opinion due to one person or possibly two inflaming things over on BHF. They could have stopped all this. There is more than enough written here ( Form 4 complaints and the matter of costs post 49 onwards ) for most people to decide who most probably is telling the truth. A past record of misleading people doesn't help and you can't cry wolf when your fingers get burnt. That same information is on a FMOTL site too. If people remember the information in the link above posted on this site, and the fact I'm now told by email the Manchestergate has been removed and replaced as is always the case there when he gets caught out then that tells everything you need to make an good decision on this. I think some of the other posts are made by JB himself and maybe even parts of Kari's. I believe the version on here with TT and Fair Parking as long standing people with good reputations. JB is known across most forums and by many companies to have a gift of twisting words and making them sound something they aren't. He's done it lots of times with a good few people and never answers straight questions. One thing is sure. If TT and Kari have BOTH needed treatment from Cancer hospitals they do not need this. JB needs to stop inflaming it and I'd suggest he changes the title of the thread to something different on BHF and maybe getting rid of it. TT should be very proud of her determination to keep helping other people when she is suffering terribly. I'm sure many of us have seen people going through cancer treatment and it is not good. Keeping working is probably foolish TT, but it shows what you are like, just as JB's twisting of words shows what he is like. The truth is obvious. The battle between forums is pointless as he won't stop, he never does. It will drag on and on which goes nowhere but causing upset to some and ego boosts to others.
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