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Everything posted by jc10s

  1. Great 1st response, really helpful. The punctuation is slightly out but the text is split into paragraphs. Would you like even more spaces between them? Do you read books? They have lots of solid blocks of text in them....... It was a rushed post granted, but come on it is easily readable. If you have any decent reasonable and relevant input i would be glad to hear it.
  2. Long explanation....... I Bought a kitchen recently from a well known distributor on a trade account through my company similar to howdens. Paid 1800 deposit and had 5000 on credit. The kitchen arrived and when we came to install around a month later we noticed some parts had not arrived. Some had been marked as delivered and others not even checked off so they knew they were not there. They informed my wife, I was away for 3 weeks with work, that all was there and had been delivered so kitchen could be installed fully. Once install began a small number of items were not there and took 2-3 days to arrive which along with delaying the 2 fitters by not being there was a delay in looking for and reordering etc. The fitters highlighted quite a few other small problems too along the way and out of the 5 tall units we had 3 of them needed re-drilling and making certain holes bigger for cam and dowels to fit, again we made it work but these are all predrilled units with supplied parts that should fit and only adds to install costs. The units were not all made of uniform sized panels, not a lot out but once you know its there you notice it. the designer did not allow for enough plinth or pelmet either. Some of the panels are also predrilled and dont reach the edge of the carcass by 3 mm so have to have a small filler along them A door was damaged, i cannot say whether it was us or them as we unpackaged a lot of items and moved them about looking for the missing parts so thats not 100% on them and I cant prove it is them so will have to stomach that. Overall the fitters made a good job form an awkward one but we both feel it would have been considerably less work and would have been completed at least 3 days earlier if it wasnt for the suppliers. The fitters said to me if they were supply and fit and had bought the kitchen themselves then they would definitely be arguing for compensation. I have not settled the credit account yet for 5000 but would like to know where i stand in regards to a reduction on my bill. The fitters were on a day rate, 2 joiners on 320 a day for the pair. On the second day they had to leave for 2 days in order to wait for the parts to come and still needed paying half a days wage as they sacrificed working somewhere else to come to my job. Sorry for the long winded post but felt it was better to get it all in. TIA J
  3. thanks for the reply...... I have seen the attached drawings to construct new dormer to the side and rear elevation, with rear kitchen extension with bedroom above at.... I have no objections to the kitchen extension wall being constructed with boundary line being the centre of the cavity wall (in line with the existing party wall) allowing No........ the option to join up to it at a later date without objections. Also the rear dormer can be built up on leaf of No ...... on the party wall, with appropriate cladding and flashings on the outside to make water tight. The dormer on the party wall must have opaque/frosted glass. Mr ....... agrees upon completion of the building works at No ..... to reinstate any paths, fence and garden which have been affected by this work. Upon completion the party wall must be left in finished appropriate surface matching the existing brickwork. this is the document signed by him last year he also signed the drawings showing guttering over the boundary line. i was finished for 5pm saturday and 6 pm sunday. it was later than i wanted to work but was on my own trying to felt up the roof. there is no issue with the guttering on his side as it cant cause any damage it will just run off onto the ground for a short time
  4. Just to add I have got on well so far about it but he has got a right bee in his bonnet about the new guttering saying i have to have it how he wants it and doesn't want a gutter on his side of the wall even though he agreed at the start. he thinks by having it over the cavity wall that it will stop water going on his side if it blocks up...... i said i was happy to cover the costs and put it in to be pleasant and make things easier but he got quite nasty last night saying i have damaged his guttering that was already damaged and said i was going to replace that whole section for him when i could get to the wholesalers. i showed him the broken piece but he still remained aggressive and unpleasant saying he was ringing building control up and complaining that i had damaged his property
  5. Hi there, I am putting up a small extension on the back of our house, 3x3 metres with a pitched roof above it the pitch goes on to the party wall and our neighbour was looking at building out the same on his side at a later date. we started work a good few months ago and the roof has finally gone on this weekend but only structurally. After signing all the drawings saying it looked good and we can build the work on the cavity line he now said he wants a box gutter putting in, in advance for when he does his work (prob never happen) he had some damaged guttering on his side that had a temporary repair in it and when we started removing the guttering on our side it came off about 12- 18 inches on his side where the cast iron had been cracked. I know i have to make good any damage but can i not just stick the piece in. Is there any restrictions of when i can work on the house as he has said i should not be allowed to work sundays.....pretty hard to do as i cannot always work in the week at home. when putting the foundations in we also lifted up some cracked concrete on his side and did some small damage to other parts, i said i would re concrete the damaged bit but his whole drive and back area is already cracked and damaged.... is there a timescale to repair what i have done?
  6. "Also get your request for evidence of contract as PoFA not adhered to so no keeper liability I believe that they are hoping you will cave in and pay up or fail to file and they win by default. they know that they arent going to win with keeper liability so they may try and argue that you were the driver and therfore they dont have to obey PoFA anyway." can they not claim from me as i was protesting the claim? what do you mean by the 1st bit get request of contract? the one they say i should be bound to by parking there? do i have to detail any evidence or is this done in court.
  7. my dad is going to go and have a look at the dq...what should he fill in and what are the next stages........ what do i need for court.
  8. its a dq stage yes, does this mean they are pressing ahead witht he charge? what should i do to the questionnaire, can somebody else fill it out, im away until the 12th but the date on it saays the 9th june
  9. just a recap... ...on the forms i added a slight ps. saying that i work internationally and would be away until mid june. i have since been sent a letter saying, claim defended and a questionaire. The daye in the top right corner says 28th may.. ...but in text underneath it says something must be completed by the 8th june..... .......i wont be back from work until the 12th ?? What is the next step, Im struggling to read the letter as it was sent via a phone picture, but i assume it is a court summons.. ..will this be at small claims court and if so what do i do now?
  10. OK cheers, forms sent.......am i not liable though because i wrote to contest the charge??...does that not make me take on the claim? I didnt ever accept responsibility just told them that the charge was contested because we as a group are certain that the fee was paid. I didnt tell them that the driver was slightly dyslexic and couldnt respond properly to defend the charge. In hindsight maybe i should have included that as then they couldnt insist that there is a contract formed on entrance to the car park haha
  11. about to fill form out an send it off now, is there anyhting anyone else can think off that i should include or is the advice sound for a defence..............i just thought i would have to include more information about a defence
  12. iaas? whats this? when you say allocation fee, do you mean court costs? how certain are we that i cant be held liable to the charges?? do they have a chance of making me pay in court if it goes that far? just want to have an idea, are the courts quite clued up on this aspect of the law?
  13. thanks erics brother....... does it matter that im the one that contested the charge? what do you mean by additional costs? does everyone think that is all I should put for now...any other opinions?
  14. any advice what to put on the defence sheet for the court.............????? thinking along the lines of.... i am not nor ever have been the registered keeper i contested the charge due to the driver of the vehicle on the day being adamant that the fee was paid and that person suffers from dyslexia so would not be able to contest the charge themselves. PWE are now chasing me for the money despite me saying i was not the driver or the keeper because they did not follow the protection of freedom act and sent a letter to the keeper 28 days after the incident occurred and as such are unable to keep chasing them. There is no proof who the driver on the day was and with it being so long and so many people there with us, the driver could have been one of 4 people. although all persons present remember collecting change together to pay for the 3 cars we visited in. As far as i am aware PWE can not claim back punitive charges. the incident ha[pened on a tuesday afternoon, not in school holidays and from what was remembered there were very few cars in the car park which means we could not have lost them any money. not nearly £25 which is what I originally contested followed by £50 and now £100. I dont see how parking in a roughly £2 spot can be damaging or detrimental to the amount of £100 plus fees which stands the charge at £180 would this be suitable if not could oyu please post some additions or retractions of what i should put in the defence form??
  15. deleted due to double post
  16. Hi got the last letter that gladstones sent. unfortunately mrs has thrown away other correspondance as its been that long. i can scan a copy of letter if required with name blanked out etc, although it will be pretty obvious who it is with all the other info. they are asking for 100 pounds or a full written response including the name of the driver(s) at the time and a current address
  17. they did send a couple of letters last few months which i thought were bullying tactics, one just before i went away for work. i did an 8 week stint and when i got back i had received one more letter and then the court claim form. What sort of information should i include in the defence. At the end of the day will it be my word against theirs with no evidence? it was sent out on the 14th april and i have 14 days...the 28th, which coincides with the due date of my 1st child. this will be the main reasn i dont want to be shellling out nearly £200
  18. thanks for the replies guys, it is a genuine court claim sheet as far as i can tell. should i have to have a solicitor to go to this county court as im not sure how confident i would be against another solicitor and if so how much will it cost me? what should i contest in the court claim sheet as there seems to be boxes to fill in?
  19. ive just received a claim form with northampton as the court address. i have to reply to the claim but very unsure as to what i need to put in there. i want to get this right as its a lot of money for a £2 parking fee. it says i can respond to the claim online. i i got a solicitor involved would i be able to claim back the costs if i won. surely with all the info above i would win this case......especially as its not my car i was only replying for my mother in law
  20. hi guys, to follow up. ...pwe have now, via gladstones solicitors, given me a court date in northhampton of all places despite me being in lacncashire and pwe and gladstones being in the north west.. .... i received 2 letters from gladstones but work away and didnt have time to put it on here for a response in my last leave they are claiming nearly 200 pounds for a 3 pound parking fee which i am sure we payed. although i am the one that responded to the case it is not my car and at the time was just getting chandged to my partners name from her mothers, which the original fine was sent to. i responded as my partner was driving us that day but now they are chasing me for the money..... what should i do, speak to citizens advice?? just spoke to citizens advice, they were not really helpful just gave me the number for popla... ..dont really want to be shelling out 180+ quid for a £2 parking fee, which im sure we paid
  21. is this better? What is the best procedure from here. We are not paying for something we are adamant that we paid for in the 1st place and especially receiving a bill 4 weeks later.They must assume because i appealed that I was the driver or keeper not that I was acting on their behalf
  23. Yes will do later on. Just says it'll is now 50 pounds and that I was the keeper/driver
  24. OK people so its been a few weeks and now have received a letter posted to myself. not the owner of the vehicle or the driver. My MIL(owner) has not received another as it was me that argued the case for her. They have sent the following letter to me. As stated i was neither the keeper or the driver but was there and argued the case on their behalf.
  25. OK, well I will await the next letter and post it on here, thank you for all the assistance.
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