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Posts posted by jimbobonline

  1. Bankfodder let me explain further as I may not have been clear in the original post. I have not asked the E-O any questions yet I was asking those to the forum readers.


    NPower (NP) made an error in 2013 (one of several). I raised complaints which seemed to go nowhere. In 2014 I raised another complaint about billing and made sure it was followed through. It culminated with their final response saying they had done everything correctly and would not reduce my bill substantially, as I expected really.


    I took the complaint to the E-O this year and their final response and deliberation was pretty useless. There was nothing of any real substance in their finding and the actions binding on the NP were useless as far as I was concerned. So I asked the E-O what evidence did NP submit to you leading you to not uphold my claim and can I have a copy of my file containing this info? I got various answers every time I called ranging from "you aren't allowed to see you own file(?!)" to "I don't know enough about that/not sure" to " you will need to make a SAR.


    So I raised a SAR. I looked through the info and there was no evidence of any kind from NP in the bundle - nothing. Only the evidence I submitted to them plus emails exchanged, call logs and same recorded calls (some of which are missing).


    So I would like to know if they are required by the DPA to submit this NP evidence (that the O-E request from them) to me or do they have a right to with hold it?


    The whole point I made the SAR to the E-O is to see this evidence NP submitted to the OE to support their complaint. And in a nutshell they haven't supplied it.


    This is what the penultimate paragraph in the letter from the E-O's Quality Assurance Officer says:


    "You will notice that we have removed some names and email addresses of our contacts at npower, as permitted in section 7(5) of the Data Protection Act 1998. We have not removed those you are already aware of from previous correspondence"


    Any pointers/help/suggestions appreciated - if I need to make an FOI so be it, assistance with the correct wording so I don't go around in a circle would be helpful!!


    Jimbo :-D

  2. Hello All


    I made this SAR request to the Energy Ombudsman (E-O) as I wanted to see what Npower submitted to them as evidence to back up their response to my complaint with them. Npower are reknowned for saying they have done everything correctly but not substantiating anything with hard evidence. My questions are:


    1) There are some emails between Npower and the E-O where the NPower's persons details (name number email etc) have been redacted. Is this permitted? Why?


    2) The E-O hasn't sent me any evidence from Npower to substantiate their response to my complaint (but they did include the emails I sent them as evidence) . Should they withhold this from me in SAR request? As this was the purpose of me making the request in the first place.


    3) Can I do anything about the above to get the info I was after in the first place?


    Many thanks in advance



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