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Everything posted by kindregards

  1. hi all, I am the main claimant for benefits, and have been for some years. We have an 8 yr old. my problem is : I have mental health problems over the years resulting in a breakdown. I was told I was unfit for work at a medical assessment over a year ago. however, I am interviewed every six months to see how I am getting on and if and when I will be able to work. This frankly is making my situation worse as it just piles pressure onto me. my husband is capable of work and would quite happily do so.(he is not my paid carer) I am in no fit state most days to cope on my own and we both know this would not be practical. My question therefore is: If my husband becomes self employed (not sure as what yet) will we get help with rent and council tax, would we get any other help? This is the only way we can think of to ease my situation. many thanks
  2. Hi all, I will try to keep this as brief but informative as possible, after suffering a nervous breakdown some 16 years ago (work related) I moved back to my home town along with my husband, the intention was to help my recovery. I was granted benefits for both myself and husband...I was on incapacity and claimed for him. After many years of various treatments and medications my mental health is wobbly at best. I am still in and out of counselling, I need my husband for support on a daily basis (as any one with mental health problems will understand) amongst all of the medication and fog that engulfed my life I somehow had a baby some 8 years ago, we are a nice little trio who get by...still on full benefits. Before my son was born I was on DLA for a few years but came off because I couldn't cope with the assessments. we have never applied for carers allowance. to be honest I don't know how my husband has stayed with me. I was called to my local office for a medical almost 12 months ago and they agreed that I was not fit to work and needed my husbands continuing support. Since then I have been contacted twice by my local job centre for help getting off benefits and back to work. I have done both interviews over the phone. Part of my condition means that I catastrophosize (yes it is a word...although probably not spelled right)This means that the slightest problem I experience is multiplied 1000 fold in my head, it inevitably takes over my life, making it difficult for me to cope with every day tasks. My next appointment is due in September I am already finding it difficult to think about anything else, my husband is willing to work, however I really don't think I could cope, sometimes |I cant leave the house let alone go to school to collect my son. I don't know what my options are but I am finding it increasingly difficult to cope. can anyone help many thanks
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