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Everything posted by Bravot

  1. As I said - worst case scenario. it does concern me though that people on here seem to see it as an innocent action? Whether it's 1p, £1 or in this case £6 due to the deposit - it's wrong both legally and morally.
  2. If it's a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN) from Richmond upon Thames Borough Council then the best hope you have is some mitigation in writing to them pleading your case. I doubt it though and I would advise you pay up and take it on the chin.
  3. Worst case scenario is fraud by false representation and/or theft. If deemed serious enough could result in a prosecution and imprisonment. The fact that you've blabbed it all online will make you relatively easy to find though, cheers.
  4. Until it gets as far as court it's at the discretion of the police as to whether to hand over any relevant footage or materials. You've put a very precise figure on your estimated speed - how sure are you? Is the speedometer in your car accurate? The worse they can say is no but if you are articulate and persistent then they will probably hand it over to keep the peace...
  5. Incorrect unless it's an indictable only offence, an either-way offence and opted for by the defendant or under other rare conditions.
  6. And lets not forget that someone can still be prosecuted whilst under the limit if they are driving whilst unfit due to drink/drugs.
  7. All depends on relevant force - it's a completely discretionary offer.
  8. Or it's not in the public interest due to the previous endorsements and/or the fact that he's a totter?
  9. Apologies - please try this one: http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWHC/Admin/2014/560.html
  10. Please read the link to the appeal I posted above. If you had continued down the road and then turned around I think you would have been fine.
  11. Not if there is a prohibition in place. Your only recourse for appeal would be to check through the relevant orders but it doesn't always go to plan
  12. In a roundabout way, yes. You've gone from one side of the carriageway to the other. There is very recent case law regarding this - http://www.bailii.org/cgi-bin/markup.cgi?doc=/ew/cases/EWHC/Admin/2014/560.html,
  13. Bang to rights as in the full evidential requirement has been fulfilled. I would suggest that you pay the discounted fine whilst you can!
  14. Dual carriageway, turn in the road and crossover to the opposite carriageway - bang to right I'm afraid.
  15. If you had paid at the first opportunity then you would not have had this issue. Not sure how this is all bullying/secret dictatorship/thievery/conspiracy etc. Well you state that you may have deleted the e-mail by mistake so why not contact them again? You are entitled to a fair appeal - ask to be dealt with at court and I'm sure that they will oblige.
  16. This was on a bus so different regulations apply. Due to the nature of the incident a prosecution is highly likely and you will probably lose the privilege. If you report it lost or stolen then enquiries will be made and you could end up as a party to the prosecution against him. There is no statutory defence nor one that will have any bearings on TfLs however you may be able to appeal for some level of clemency.
  17. I'm afraid that it's far from unfair. A Fixed Penalty Notice is a conditional offer and may be withdrawn or varied based on circumstances and suitability. You are well within your rights to contact a lawyer but I'm afraid that it's a tad late in the game and if you really wished to appeal it would go nowhere.
  18. Hmm most strange. I would write to both the DVLA and the court explaining that you are a foreign license holder and to confirm the penalty.
  19. I would have expected the letter from the court to outline the conviction detailing the fine, points etc. You will have to declare it but it's a non-recordable offence and relatively minor.
  20. Sorry, missed one out - how long have you been driving here? You need to write to the DVLA and explain the situation, again. It's a bit much expecting them to read through all the paperwork
  21. A few questions: Was the letter from the DVLA or court? Where was your licence issued? Have you ever applied for a provisional licence here?
  22. You're welcome. good luck and let us know how you get on.
  23. Even though you wasn't making a call, you were still using a hand held mobile telephone whilst driving by using the GPS function. The FPN may have been refunded due to the issuing force not being able to deal with the matter administratively or their policies. £1000 is the maximum fine at L3 for offence such as this. You must also take into account costs and the victim surcharge. In all likelihood, the penalty will not far exceed that of the fixed penalty notice and I would expect somewhere between £100 and £200.
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