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  1. ok thanks, nram on the credit file say it has been settled though. as an aside should I remarry and my new husband buys his own house with his own money can they then go after that ?
  2. It was a voluntary repo, no money judgement or similar, dont know whether it was below market value but would have been close to it. No I dont own, dont know about my ex but dont think so. Would this matter?
  3. Many thanks, Thats what I was wondering and what caused me to send for a CCA . The thing is, what can I do about it?
  4. Thanks , They sent me a letter saying that payment had defaulted and he wasnt paying the debts so I was liable for it as it was in joint names. I called them and they took payments from then. I feel a bit stupid that I didnt question anything at any time. When I spoke to them on the phone they said that they would clear my name off the debt for 4k and the outsatnding balance would be up to my ex to pay. I phoned again a month or so later and was told it would be now 5k to do the same ( I dont have that money anyway). All the debts were joint debts so I felt I should pay them as he wasnt.
  5. Many thanks for replying. Mortgage taken out March 2007 roughly 94k and also a top up loan at same time for 8k. This in effect gave 100% loan for house after ex had spent the equity on previous property. He lost job and mortgage etc couldnt be paid culminating in a repossession in roughly March 2009. Long story short , we separated and he was supposed to pay this debt off so I wouldnt go after his pension ( I dont work and have 3 kids) . Needless to say he didnt and last year (2013 ish ) M.H. came after me saying I owe just under 27k and started taking £30pcm off me. I took responsibilities for the other debts accrued by him as part of the agreement so still had other commitments. My ex had all the paperwork. I did not take anything to do with the finances. M.H. say the client is Northern Rock (asset management) plc I have not had correspondence from NRAM or have any idea why M.H. became involved.
  6. Hope someone can point me in the right direction. Mackenzie Hall have been chasing and taking payment for what was believed to be the debt owed on mortgage with Northern Rock after loss of job / and subsequent negative equity. This amounted to approx 27k going by Mackenzie Hall letters. A cca request was sent as per copy letters found on this site and they have replied with a copy of an agreement for a loan also taken with NR at the same time but for 8k. They only sent pages 1 & 2 of 5 if that makes any odds. Credit check shows the mortgage as settled and no sign of the 8k loan. Mac Hall still quote that I am due 27k even though the amount of loan they have sent paperwork for is 8k. AFAIK this loan had been repaid when the house was repo'd leaving a mortgage shorfall. Any advice is welcome as to what to do , if anything as I believe they have sent the wrong paperwork. Looking at the form the date of signing by me was 2 weeks after what is printed as the date of signature on behalf of NR. Looks a bit odd to me and seems unusual? As an aside to that the way the date is written is not how I would have written it also My ex husband always signed things first but it shows my signature first. Would this be a doctored or altered form? if so why would they go to the bother on a form showing the wrong amounts? Many thanks
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