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  1. Hi Slick No I hadn't done that tbh. Was hoping me not pursuing it would mean an end to the matter! Clearly not! I'll get onto it. I will send a ltr to DW to that effect too. Thank you. Such a pain! So annoyed right now! Thanks again
  2. Well this has reared it's ugly head again!! After 5 months of silence, I thought the threats were over! Seriously considering going to the paper on this one! Fed up with being harassed when the gym lost the cancellation letter! They are in the wrong, yet making me feel like this is unreasonable, I'm so blinking annoyed right now! Continual calls from Scottcall (thought they were cold callers re PPI or something so ignored) . Then a letter from them so know what it's about now and now receiving texts from them too! I assume ARC or DW have passed this to yet another company hoping the threats will work? My question is do I respond or ignore? And has anyone else had their claim pursued by this company? I still have proof of screen shots of letter creations I did to cancel my membership and the letters themselves (although I was on the verge of deleting them tbh!!). Thank you
  3. Yes there was another one from ARC at end May just before I went away with friends that gave me 7 days to pay but not heard since so keeping fingers crossed that is it x
  4. Hi all, just by way of an update and to help others, since their last letter at the end of May saying I had 7 days to pay, I've heard nothing! I'm hoping that's the end of the matter but only time will tell I suppose! Thanks everyone for your advice and reassurance, I really do appreciate it and hope this full thread will help others who become a victims of DW too x
  5. Ignore them it is then (& I'll try to get advice in the meantime just in case they decide to make an example of me!). Thanks a lot for your help and reassurance
  6. ARC replied saying they can instruct sols if they want & saying the screen shots can be manipulated and is not proof. I need Royal Mail proof but I know it can't be changed ANC contract doesn't say you need Royal Mail proof! They're willing (as good will gesture) to waiver administration fee and will accept the months notice of £38 which is in dispute. If I don't pay in 10 days they will instruct sols to issue court proceedings. I work in a law firm on Friday nights so will try to get legal advice from debt dispute litigation team but don't know any lawyers in that team so not sure if they will help. Any advice would be gratefully received. Do I ignore or reply? Thank you
  7. Hi Slick, that's fab, thank you so much for taking the time to reply. I will send this letter today. I will be away in 2 weeks time so will need to tell them that as they won't be receiving any responses whilst I'm away. I'm sure they'll respond b4 then anyway!! I'll keep you updated. I notice not many people have finished their thread with the outcome and I'd like to do this in order to help others. Thanks again
  8. Sorry can't find contract arggghhh but paid rest if July on the day I joined and bank statements says 15 July. DD's came out 1st, 2nd or 3rd of month. Thank you so much
  9. Hi slick, I'm not worried about getting money back, just don't wanna pay them more. I want to reply tomorrow with copies if letters sent and screenshot of properties of docs. What should I say?
  10. Hi Slick I joined mid July 2013 and had completed my 6 months in mid January. I therefore gave notice by letter on 16 Dec (which they say they didn't receive) so had assumed Jan would be my last payment. Another DD came out at beg if Feb so I sent another letter dated 3 Feb and cancelled my DD so they couldn't take any further money. Is that correct in terms of notice because I thought it was. They aren't disputing the 6 month period, only that they didn't receive my first letter in December. I have a screen shot of the properties of both documents which gives the date they were created (as he said I could backdate any old letter!). Is that enough evidence? Thank you so much for your help.
  11. From major & co directing me to contact ARC. They may take me to court. I have seen draft letters to send but wanted to make sure the law hadn't changed b4 I send one. Also wanted to see if anyone had actually been taken to court. I apparently owe £38 plus admin fee so total of £53 but letter saying they will claim £132 from me! If u cld direct me to correct ltr and who I should send it to (DW/ARC/solicitors?) that would be fab
  12. They will issue claim in small claims court if I don't pay! Proper advice please as not sure how successful fighting this will be as didn't send recorded delivery.
  13. Cancelled membership at DW by letter (normal post), called to check rec'd letter but mgr would called me back if probs as not there. No call rec'd. Another DD taken so sent further letter and cancelled DD. Ltr from gym demanding money. Rang again but no call back. Ltr from ARC. Called ARC and said I'd sent ltrs and called. Called DW and mgr busy. Call received from ARC saying they'd spoke to gym and initial ltr not rec'd so insufficient notice given. Apparently onus on me to check ltr rec'd and no proof I sent it but pointed out no proof they hadn't so my word against theirs! Am I less honourable! Called DW again and mgr answered phone. He wouldn't budge. Said my fault and I can't prove I sent it (apart from copy I have). Two days later and today rec'd ltr from sols in Nottingham with added expenses! Where do I stand and have others succeeded in their disputes like this? Do I have to pay admin charges and sols fees? Thank you
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