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  1. Thanks Dx, I did have a quick read of that when I first came due to it being the same solicitors. ....but I'm not certain if much applies as the poster seems in quite a different position to my dad, i.e. they had requested a CCA previously and had some sort of communication with them. Perhaps it is relevant though, I honestly don't know about this stuff. I'm just concerned my dad has no options as he has ignored literally every piece of correspondence from them since 2010 :/ Thanks
  2. Sure, He gets carers allowance and a small pension, totalling £280 a month. My mum gets disability allowance and some other benefits, and she has a better pension, her income comes to about £1000 a month. So he mostly lives on her income. They have almost paid their mortgage so their house is the only asset. He has an additional £7000 debt from another credit card, which he also hasn't been paying either :/ My mum has debts of around £16000 too but hers are under control (on a payment plan she can afford). They share a joint bank account and share the house but generally operate independently when it comes to credit cards etc. I hope that helps
  3. Hello all, I'm new here, I have read through some of the blogs and other threads to find advice, but it's quite overwhelming so I thought best to post here my query, apologies if the information is readily found somewhere else I haven't noticed. My father has had a court summons delivered today. The debt is for just under £2000. The original debt was Vanquis credit card, it was then sold to Lowell. Yuill and Kyle are now dealing with it. He had the credit card in 2008 and defaulted in 2010 and hasn't paid anything since. He has had all the phonecalls and letters as usual but he has ignored them all (buried his head in the sand), he hasn't ever requested anything from them. Obviously now he realises he has has to deal with this now, but he has no idea what to do and will struggle to pay this money, and is very worried about the prospect of court. Can anyone advise me on what he can do? My mum used this site for info regarding a PPI claim and it helped her immensely, hoping someone can help with this issue...... Thanks,
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