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Everything posted by problemswitho2

  1. I've paid tax since I was 16. I have paid both lower rate and higher rate. I've contributed to this country both by paying taxes and serving in the Armed Forces. Please don't lecture me about the morality of my actions. We have blokes with no legs who get support via charities because the MOD/Government don't stump up the cost. As I've said, I've always contributed above and beyond. Now I've found myself in hardship I've been treated like dirt - the harsh reality is, the rules are not set up to help people but to put them down and punish them. Empowering yourself with the knowledge of how the system works is the only way to fight the tyranny which the government is imposing on the disabled and poor.
  2. Okay - there is no "fine" only a court can impose a fine. What you will get is a glorified invoice. Follow everyone's advice on here and ignore it. File it in the bin and ignore any other letters they send you. There is nothing more to add to this. No PCSO is going to come to your house, no one is going to come to your house full stop. It's up to you if you believe this, but it's right. Have a nice life now. Don't steal, don't [problem] and move on from this. You got lucky. Congratulations.
  3. Would you be moving in with your partner or being a lodger? Sorry if that is naughty but it does seem like a sensible way to sort this unfair mess out. If he has two rooms thats the way I'd play it. If not maybe he sleeps on the sofa because he needs a lodger to pay the rent. Don't you have to move out because your parents have kicked you out? Or am I just imagining that?
  4. This is almost all too bizarre to be real. Did the PCSO's explain to you that you were being detained? Did the security inform you that you were under arrest? Why were you not taking to a custody suite? Did you admit anything to the security or PCSO's? Again it's all a bit bizarre. Complaining to the IPCC whilst on paper a good idea will come to nothing. Personally I'd file or paperwork in the bin and forget about it. Nothing will happen now.
  5. She said in front of her manager than "all my other clients are happy to use UJM and give me access, so they don't need to do this'. Oh well - one email a day isn't going to kill me. Just looking forward to showing her she can't go to all the jobs I apply for!
  6. You are a legend. Here is my plan of attack - I am going to wire myself up (luckily I have this equipment as I was a videographer in another life). And then I'll give her the document. With a little luck she will incriminate herself, and then I can go straight to the manager with both this document and also the recording of her ignoring it and treating me like dirt. My aim here is to get another advisor - and I think with this I will get that. It's a shame there isn't a similar rule for her making me email my jobsearch every day.
  7. If I am allowed I will post the recording (obviously removing anything confidential).
  8. Okay - so I am going to continue to send her emails everyday. Because I can't afford to lose my benefit. However I don't even know if I am getting my benefits yet. She sent off for me to be sanctioned last tuesday - and I havn't heard back. She claims I will get a letter when I get a letter. And says she doesn't know. However I won't get any benefits til the decision makes makes his/her mind up. How long does this usually take? Also I do have all the equipment to do a covert recording. So I think I shall do that. I'll let her say whatever she has to say and then send a copy to the manager asking her what is she going to do about it. Hopefully I'll get my money and I will also get a new advisor. But maybe that's me trying to be too positive .
  9. Thanks guys. I did originally complain after she told me I wasn't trying hard enough, that my standards were too high, that the course I did was pointless, that she would never have recommended it, that I was wasting my time. I called up and that is why the manager was sitting in on it. The advisor tried to be nice at first, but she couldn't hold it back even with the manager sitting there. The problem is that they are obviously friends from they way they were chatting. They were just backing each other up. So I've asked for a new advisor before and have got no where. This women only works a couple of days a week and she clearly is from the old school. She keeps talking about "paying" me and tells me I should be grateful. I've explained that I'm not living on £70 as a lifestyle choice. She is also trying to push me to apply for work which is beneath my skills level (sorry if that sounds arrogant). When I told her my last salary she said "not even we are on that". Basically she seems to think that I should apply for pot washing jobs, even though I have a professional background. I am going to record her though. As I know her nasty tone will be even worst without a manager there. Do I have to tell her I am recording? I do look for jobs, and am happy to show them a print off from my own log. I wanted to use my ipad to show her but was told I'd be sanctioned for that as she needs proof incase I am doing it wrong. Overall I'm getting very upset by this women now. She just seems to want to put me down, and belittle me.
  10. Thanks Rebel. The problem is, the advisor seems to have taken it as a personal insult that I won't give her access to my UJM account. My reasons for doing so are because I am looking for work and using UJM is a pain, and also because I feel that the only reason they insist on it is to make people incriminate themselves and thus sanction them! However I am now in the same position with having to email her every day, showing what I am/have been doing! This really is a joke. What is worst is that she admitted in front on her manager, that she was will be contacting every employed that I apply to. she even admitted that it would reduct my chances of finding a job. I feel like I am being bullied by this women. What is more, I generally am just sick of her rude and condescending manner. I don't want to be on benefits and she seems to be making it as horrible as possible for me. I really do want to know if they are allowed to dictate that I email EVERY day, rather than just brining my job search in every week??? Thanks.
  11. Long/short story. Got a new advisor, and she was awful. Putting me down, being rude so I complained. She also tried to sanction me because she said she didn't think I was trying hard enough. I have dyslexia and struggle with writing. And she said me written job search wasn't good enough. I'm not sure if I will lose my money or not. Anyway - after complaining to the manager, the manager wanted to sit in on the meeting. She did. Well because I have removed access to my universal job match they are not making me email every day showing what I am doing. Are they allowed to do this? It seems unreasonable to me.
  12. Good idea though. I've come to this conclusion. 1) Either there is something they don't want me to see (which in reality is probably unlikely, as the simplest way to make me go away and forget about it will cost them nothing in their money terms). 2) They have seen these threads online, and am not going to let me win, as they worry it would open up the floodgates, and encourage others to sue for similar breaches (most likely, so if you looking O2 or slimy lawyer HI ) 3) They honestly believe I took out the accounts and are making an example of me. I can't see this as being true - as I've provided enough evidence to both Lowells and Cabot for them to think the accounts are not mine. So in reality I'm plumping for 2.
  13. Not really relavent to me. Before this I never had a single default or even late payment marker. Now the defaults are removed I am in the same position. So I haven't already got a really awful credit rating, and there actions caused me to have one for over 3 years.
  14. Umm - not possible in my case as the phones were taken out years before I worked at the shop. And- more importantly, if someone did do that it would be infinitely trackable. Everything is done under your "login". So it's all trackable. Nothing can be done without having a record of who did it and when. Even down to the computer terminal that did it. So unlikely, in most cases. However this is again all too confusing for me. If O2 really did believe that I took the accounts out they would have that information. They would be able to tell me to the second when I took the accounts out, they could tell me all the bank information etc... They don't seem to have that information - or be willing to let me know.
  15. No. I've only ever had an account with vodafone. However I do know that they are lying. Basically they said on the phone that one of the phones was brought from carphone warehouse... For 3 months I worked for carphone warehouse when I left the forces and needed a job badly. We used a system call pie. Obviously I looked myself up (before I knew this might I add). Basically the system saves literally everything. So I know that there is no way that the phone was taken out via carphone warehouse. I even asked for the storecode - as I still know people who work for them. Guess what - they wouldn't tell me. The only thing under my "lead" was a charger I had brought and stuff like that. There were no phones brought from the carphone warehouse under my name... Literally could not and did not happen. It's not even possible to remove the information - even if a phone is removed. Once it goes into pie it is there forever. I also know about how contracts are set up because of that job. This is probably more about your previous question - but lets just say that it's more than possible to link an account to another persons bank, the bank for direct debit account isn't even checked when a phone is taken out. Infact there are ways around the credit checks... You should need a debit/credit card for identification. However again there is a long winded way around that. Put it this way - if you wanted to open a phone account in someone elses name it wouldn't be hard to do. Infact once it happened at my store by accident... Someone opened a phone account in their dads name, as the D.O.B was not checked... All of the internal safety checks failed.
  16. Not that I am aware off. I'd say 90% chance no. Basically - I had a couple of credit cards and isa's etc... I'm not sure if it's possible to take payment from those sort of accounts. But certainly not out of my current account. I'd have noticed that. I've asked what banks the money came out - and they won't tell me.
  17. As I've said something is up - they won't send any letters stating their position (that was the first one I've had). They say they will send something and then don't... Okay - letters can go amiss but multiple copies? They refuse to put stuff in writing (recorded) and then say they will and refuse. They don't want to sort this out. They told me in 2013 they are still looking into it... I have the screen shot proving that... Asked on their online facility. They just said "you shouldn't have been told that". Wouldn't say anything more. Either someone was completely making it up - OR they were looking into something, and they didn't want me to know that. The DCA's dropped out very very quickly. As in they sent for information to O2 and then both dropped out as soon as they had a response. Now they won't tell me what O2 said.. Apart from O2 claiming "they don't have records due to age". They have something because they have stated it in that letter. Infact they did say that O2 were "going around in circles". They have gone straight to a barrister. No in house solicitor dealing with it. I truly and honestly believe that something is a miss. I don't know what is it... But I do know that not only did I not take those phones out, but that I couldn't have taken two of them. One of them I was living 200 miles from the address they were registered too - the other two I was in a different country with no access to the internet or phones for most of the time. I'm just thinking for the sake of £1k - would you not just apologise and offer £500 or even less to make it go away? They no longer have a financial stake in this matter, they sold the accounts. This is only going to cost them money - unless they get awarded costs... Overall - I'm just confused. I never originally asked for money. I just asked for them to sort it. They refused at all points. They wouldn't even look at it... They told me they were not interested in this. They refused to put things into writing. They then said they would once i wrote to the CEO but never did. My attitude now is simple. I'll run this to court. I'm going to put in a SAR - and I'm going to see if I can change the situation as Richard above has said. It's not about the money - it's about the principle.
  18. I have no objection to them properly issuing defaults. I do have a problem with them giving them to people who have clearly said it's not right. The OFT guidelines say if in doubt let the county court test the evidence before ruining peoples lives. Let's just say - when one of the DCA's tried they ran off quickly when I presented information. I think O2 know this is dodgy - and for some reason they are not willing to sort it out.
  19. They are actually alleging statements were sent UNTIL 2011. Basically I didn't live at the address in question. I can prove that using all sorts of information, including the electoral roll! I have a recording from them saying "it looks like someone you may know opened the accounts, this isn't the type of fraud we are interested in". I'm not really sure what there argument is... They certainly are not acknowledging there failure to do anything once I did let them know... There are a few points which I cant prove are wrong in their statement. They claim they emailed me... Complete lie. My email account keeps all emails... And I've searched and there is not one! Infact at the time I primarily used a work email account - my belief is that they are just making stuff up. If I were to do a SAR asking for everything, it might be easier. However so far they have not sent stuff they have promised... And have clearly made stuff up. So I believe that they will just remove anything that doesn't help them. And will even add stuff... I honestly believe that they are acting in a criminal way. This isn't a company making a mistake and following their rules - they are lying and being actively dishonest.
  20. Do you know how I alter the claim? I agree in hindsight that the DPA is a bit of a mess, and wasn't really designed for this situation. Again - do I have to submit and forms to claim general damages? I specified £1k as at the time I wanted to get the defaults removed without costing me a fortune in fees. I sort of chickened out at the £1k but it seems that if I am going to persue this, I may as well go for it properly. The interesting point about it costing them less... They have already instructed http://exchangechambers.co.uk/barristers/gareth-shires . Since they are paying a barrister to look at this and send letters... Well lets just say it tells me they are in some way worried. Surely they employ in house lawyers to deal with this stuff, atleast before it gets to court. It seems mad that if they are instructing barristers, they don't just settle. Guess they want to fight this one out.
  21. EDIT This is the PDF version of the 4 page letter O2 have sent me. Please ask any questions or give any views you have.
  22. Thanks Richard. I will post up O2's letter, with some info removed. However if anyone from O2 is looking at this they can work out who I am quite easily and I don't really care about that. I'm also a bit worried about peoples reactions - as it's been written in a way that makes me look awful even though I can cut through almost all of it and prove much of it is made up - or clever wording. I've contacted the CEO TWICE now (to those saying to do this). First time, I was promised to be emailed saying they will get back to me. They never did. I called them, and they claimed they had forgotten too... They said they would look into it and get back that day. They did saying they would do nothing, but would write me a letter. The letter never arrived. Emailed CEO again saying I never got my letter - I got a call the next day from an incredibly rude women saying I needed to send all evidence NOW and they she would personally telling a judge how unhelpful I was. Said she would send the previous letter, and a letter saying what she had said again - Guess what NO LETTERS AGAIN. The only letter I got was them calling me the wrong name, and being insulting. I honestly believe they are going out of their way to be dishonest, and trying to screw me over. That might sound heavy - but I honestly cannot believe that they would be so incompetent. BUT - two DCA's wrote these accounts off, with nearly no fight. This was after they looked into it... Does that not seem strange to you? My research into this, says that they are not prone to rolling over like that. I feel that they saw something that they know was wrong. I feel that they know what is happening is wrong. I'm more than happy to keep this going. Basically my case is simpler than yours. I just want a nice life... I've not lost as much as you. However I wouldn't treat anyone like O2 have. I wouldn't act in such a manner. And ultimately if O2 can do this to me (youngish, fairly informed professional with some education) - what chance would an elderly person, or someone with special needs stand? I don't expect to change the world, but I don't mind taking a chunk out of the system.
  23. EDIT - also 02 have amazingly got my name wrong. Apparently my middle name is now my first name... Clearly they are on the ball and know what they are doing.
  24. Okay - Update coming, and some advice required. All of the defaults have now been removed from my credit file. The DCA's removed them off their own back, after O2 decided to not provide them with any information about the accounts. So on that front I have "won". Both DCA's have given me written assurance that the debt will not be sold, reassigned or passed back to the original creditor. In fairness they have been really reasonable about this. However today I received a recorded delivery letter from O2 about my claim. I had consigned myself to writing off the £60 which I paid and just letting it all go - so that I can move on with my life. However the tone of it, and the message has caused me enough upset to consider pursuing them for damages. They have ridiculed me. They start of, saying that "embarrassingly" I've called them O2 rather than telfonica (my mistake, it's not like their shops and website have O2 written at the top). They have gone through again just making fun of me, ranging from them saying I've not pointed out which section of the DPA I'm claiming for, and then just calling me a lier. If they had sent me a letter, or called me saying they are sorry I'd have let it go. But now I'm wondering if I should continue my claim for damages. I can prove I didn't open the accounts, indeed I know that they have not got any evidence I did. I can prove that they have lied. Ranging from them promising to send me letter, promising to look into this, and even them claiming that my bank have told them it's not fraud (I've only got 2 current accounts, and I've called them both and they both promise that they would not disclose me information to other companies). So should I let it go, or waste hours more of my life chasing them through the courts. Ultimately I cannot prove loss - and I know Durkin doesn't bind as it's scottish. Any advice?
  25. Too late for that. I've just submitted a Monelyclaim online for £1000. I wasn't in the country... Whoever opened the accouts has nothing to do with me. They call this a civil matter so I've made it one. The irony is he said that one of the phones had been used to call my own number ... When I said I'm hardly likely to call myself, he said that I might have taken phones out and given them out like Xmas presents. Overall I just feel this is just a company trying to pick on people and get their own way. I'm never going to be the smartest bloke in the world... However they don't realise that I don't back down from fights and I don't let myself be picked on. I've already sent the letter before action to cabot financial... And will be starting proceedings against them when their seven days are up. I'm praying Lowell do issue proceedings next week so I can counter sue. The irony is when you add up the cost of the ombudsman and then instructing a lawyer and coming to my home court, even if they win it will cost them more than if they had just closed the accounts and written it off.
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