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  1. The way I read this is that your Mum parked in a disabled space leaving the badge on show and with the disabled person staying in the vehicle, who then removed the badge from display. According to blue badge rules, this is not permitted and the disabled person must leave the vehicle, therefore, any fine or charge is justified. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/the-blue-badge-scheme-rights-and-responsibilities-in-england/the-blue-badge-scheme-rights-and-responsibilities-in-england Note this para:- You should not use the badge to allow non-disabled people to take advantage of the benefits while you sit in the car.
  2. There is a parking bay on the opposite side of the road, so I would hazard a guess that the driver was indicating to pull over into the bay and the cyclist overtook and collided with the car. Cyclist’s fault if that is the case.
  3. An exchange unit is one that has previously been used and broken, removed from the original vehicle, reconditioned and sold for use in another car in exchange for their unit (gearbox) which then undergoes the same process. In other words, it is a second-hand gearbox that has been reconditioned before being fitted to your vehicle.
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