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  1. I'm not sure how I would find out who hosts it, but I will certainly look into it. Thanks.
  2. The biggest issue by far is the latency, or 'lag' as it is more commonly known. Despite my connection being more than sufficient (according to the software EA asked me to download) I always suffer badly with this. I had put this down to possibly a bad line on my old console, but I've moved home since and it's the same on this game. Other games are not affected in this way. Battlefield 4 allows up to 64 players in each server, once the number of players goes beyond 30 or so the game gets progressively worse. Once there are over 50 it is simply unplayable and also suffers from other strange characteristics: Rubber Banding: suddenly being 'teleported' back to a position you occupied moments ago Button functionality randomising Opponents avatars appearing only after being overcome
  3. ...and that's where it's different with console gaming. The console is built and is not modifiable, it therefore has to be up to the task. The booklet that accompanies the game disc states nothing other than a broadband connection is required, it does not state to what standard that connection needs to be. In my case, it is more than capable. while working 'with' the publisher I downloaded a peice of software from them to my laptop and ran a test, to which they receive the results and analyse it - they confirmed that it was all correct. game discs for the PS4 can not be copied, and even if they could they would need a modified version of the operating system running on the console. If this at all exists it would be detected by Sony upon connecting to their network and the hardware would be deactivated from online connection. In the case of console gaming, the whole copy and return issue does not apply. It simply wouldn't work, and the publishers know this. If the rights of the consumer are being affected by regulation borne from industry paranoia, should this be accepted?
  4. Hello all. Here's a topic that will get any 'gamer' hot under the collar. Regarding the online experience of any game, what are our rights? In my case, a few years ago I had an issue with a game on the Playstation 3 console, the game was battlefield 3, made by EA Games. I created a case with them and jumped through some hoops testing my system and connection, in the end they just let the case expire and I got nowhere. A couple of years later, I purchase a new console, the Playstation 4, at £350, plus £30 in order to access online content (which includes the Playstation Network that provides the service of connecting games online). I pay a further £47 for the game Battlefield 4, and then a further £40 to have a 'premium' account with EA games so that I can download extra digital content for this game. A month in and it is obvious that the game is under performing massively, lots of gamers complaining about the quality of the online experience and their subsequent choice to not play the game any more. This is very similar to the issues I had experienced with the previous game. I contacted EA and talk to advisors there who, again have me jumping through hoops, running connection tests and re-installing the digital data, concluding that all is as it should be. Since I am deeply dissatisfied, I request a refund. They tell me to take it up with the retailer (in this case, Asda). Asda have a 28 returns policy, we're 40 days down the road. EA are 'unable' to refund directly. I then ask about a refund for the premium account, and funnily enough, they can't refund that either, advising me to contact Sony (can you imagine?). So, I'm left with a game and a premium account that I can not enjoy because the service provided by the manufacturer is insufficient. The gaming industry is booming and thousands, many many thousands of consumers experience what I have explained above on many titles by all manner of manufacturers. But due to the complex supply chain and the inherent difficulty in proving that online experiences are substandard and not of sufficient quality, there is no support for the consumer..... or is there? Please, if you have any advice on this I am eager to learn. If there is nothing currently in place to support this, how do I start a 'movement' or petition and who do I direct it toward? Honestly, the publishers are getting away with daylight robbery and without any action this will never change.
  5. I am happy to say that, although Hastings uphold their policies, in my case they feel it could have been better managed and therefore have cleared the fee. Thank you for your help Jamie. Jase.
  6. Hello Jamie, how long would these cases usually take to resolve? I only ask because the letter I had threatened to cancel my policy if I didn't pay in 14 days, and I'd hate to get to that point while we await a conclusion. thanks Jase.
  7. Hello Jamie, I sent the details as requested. Did you receive them? thanks
  8. I surely will Jamie. Should I mark this for your attention?
  9. ME TOO I moved home in November last year and changed the details MYSELF online. I then had a letter in the post telling me that the admin fee would be debited from the card I used to pay for the policy within the next 6 days or so. I complained about this, considering I had done the work myself, and I work in admin and understand how simple the task is in the background. Despite that, I got a letter from a customer services leader that this is how it is, I'm welcome to take it up with the financial ombudsman. Very matter of fact and unsympathetic. Well, 3 months more down the road and I get a letter, telling me that I still owe the fee! (it's £29.99 for me) and that I need to get in touch the Hastings to resolve the matter. Hastings has my number, why not get in touch with me? Besides, if the funds weren't taken, why ask for them now?| I will check with the bank ASAP to see if they were taken. Hastings, this is really bad form. I vow that I will never again consider your services, and will warn anyone I know looking in your direction. Shoddy.
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