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  1. 1) Who is making the allegation. 2)Has head office been informed (london office). 3)Do you have the footage of Mr w exiting the room with the alleged computer and not the stills,and may we have a copy for our investigation. 4)How many people have checked the footage and who compiled the time line in stills. 5)Is the hidden camera in the smoke alarm on the same system as all CCTV cameras or is it an individual camera independant of all others. 6)Can you prove the equiptment was taken with the intent of deliberatley deprive the owner forever. 7)How many people entered the room in the previous fourteen days before the allegation was made and this includes weekend casuals who dont have swipe cards,hence why the door is left a-jar for conveinience sake. 8)A few months ago an employee was sacked (london Office)for a simular allegation,were the police involved? and if so can we have the crime reference number for our investigation,and if not,why not. 9)Have the police been informed about this allegation and do you have the crime reference number given when reported,and if so may we have it for our own investigation. 10)Besides Mr w's imidiate manager who is responsable for the secure storage of all IT equiptment and who is the key holder for said storage. 11)Who gave authority to use company facilities to broadcast an E-mail to company employees not to aproach or converse with Mr W without vexation d
  2. Dear Miss it seems you've been misinformed you do not have to be a union rep to represent an employee in a tribunal a representative can be anybody of good character and if i can represent in a court of law t hen you have no right to deny Mr W a fair and just hearing, Mr W wants nothing but a speedy conclusion to this situation and wants to return to work as soon as possible, and your delaying tactics will only hinder the process of a fair and just hearing, for what is one of your employees. I have contacted Mr Managing Director/Chairman and informed him of what is occurring within his business along with list of questions submitted to your office, and i will contact anyone who appears to be your superior and inform them of your lack of knowledge in the areas concerning tribunals for disgruntled employees. your sincerely Mr D this is what was sent.
  3. its an investigation,and i have the evidence from the first meeting but things have changed their attitude has now changed because ive asked a third party representative to come along for support and the will not answer any questions until my hearing (she stressed it was still an investigation) so my representetive sent her a message.
  4. Hi Hilly, Yes that's correct the IT equipment was suppose to be in a 'locked' cage but this was not followed by the correct procedure as apart of another IT Team. The allegation was just solely a tower but for this to be carried out within the time space of 20 - 30 seconds and to fit in a gym bag is highly highly unlikely. You do have to swipe in and out of the IT equipment room and the time sheets have been provided and this verifies that i have enter the room and exited within 30 seconds which carrying two hands with a broken hand is acceptable by any mean.
  5. thats right no police,if i could tell you the company you would understand,they handle all sorts of media and sport they are the handlers of all betting results so the last thing they want is the law snooping,so this means they are a law unto them selves.
  6. thanx for the welcome and speedy reply, a week ago i was called into a meeting by my floor manager and HR and was presented with an acusation of theft, a computer had gone missing not a laptop but a full computer,and because i have access to the room in which all IT equiptment is stored along with about ten other people including the manager who has made the accusation, but all computers are under lock and key and the manager is the key holder which we need his permission to enter there is a swipe card on the room so all times and dates are recorded, and unbeknown to the work force a camera was placed in the room because of another incident also a theft of a lot of laptops, ive been sent evidence in the post ie- photo stills and a list of people who entered the room over a certain period, it shows i entered the room twice another male entered eight times and a female entered once, this room has two entrances and one is an exit to the outside which people use as a conveinient way of leaving the building, must say within this room is a large cage were all laptops a PCs are stored which the manager has the key, the evidence they have presented does not show anyone taking anything in or out of this room or cage but because i was carrying my gym bag and laptop bag im the one whos been accused, i am of good character and ive been promoted twice in two years work nights on my own and manage a small team of techs ive had no complaints about my work and enjoy my job but my floor manager who only started a couple of weeks before the last theft of laptops is my accuser, the lad who was blamed and sacked for the theft still swears to this day it wasnt him he really was an honest guy but this manager was adamant it was him and got managment to sack him, i dont want to throw accusations about but i know it wasnt me and im sure the other lad who was sacked was also innocent ,im only twenty years of age and feel this is going to ruin what i thought was going to be a career that would lead to bigger and better things but the e-mail that was broadcast to the company has already made me an outcast as my colleagues and those i thought freinds now think im a thief i am devastated its proper shattered me, ive a meeting on monday with the same people including the floor manager ive mentioned. please any advice would be most welcome.
  7. i work for a large firm somthibg gone missing ive been accused amd suspended and my manager has e-mailed everyne in the firm and i mean everyone not to contact me or talk to me even in the street most people who work there live in my area,please could somone tell me if this was lawfull or not?
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