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Everything posted by thered

  1. Cheers Andy i think that makes sense with regards to claim il take it as no news is good news as they sent nothing they did not originally send.
  2. Il take it that atm they don't because they have sent me nothing they had not already. Interestingly or not looked on mcol and theres nothing now says something like claim unsubmitted. I could view it before
  3. Update Mortimer Clark have written 2 letters one saying they do not agree with my defence and sent paperwork saying they have agreement ect, but no default or termination notice and whatever else i wanted. Not sure if clutching at straws The next letter is a reduced settlement of about 1/3, with reference to court. Its still higher than the original alleged debt though good sign??
  4. sound advice i think, makes sense you see that much different sometimes its hard to know which route to follow and sometimes there is more than 1 way to skin a cat, just suppose there is always the chance it may get lifted thanks for the replies as always much appreciated
  5. I take your point i thought as they have not provided certain docs they would not be able to fight the case and they would just call it a day rather than waste money.
  6. I believe you pay for it and its along the lines of UNLESS you provide what i want within xx days the claim is struck out
  7. sorry about the last post dont think my browser had refreshed properly I thought an unless order could be used as a way of this never being dug out again
  8. well after waiting and waiting and waiting nothing, got letter of court saying they had 28 days r it would be stayed, well past it now looked online it doesnt seem to be stayed yet shall i go with an unless order or leave it? ty
  9. Its been abut 5 months tbh and i dont know what a civil court could do as its not even in her name so who would BH take to court??? Dear person we are taking you to court because we believe you may have a suite in your home that was signed for ages ago by somebody else who didnt pay for it. yeah sounds very unplausible Posts sound BH linked tbh advising people to give up or face the consequences or they will be sorry :behindsofa::behindsofa:
  10. cheers Andy will keep you posted, If you can think of anything to add in the meantime drop me a line as its going in later tonight Cheers
  11. I will have to pop that defence in today, they have not complied with my 31.14 so i am wondering what will happen now? I am assuming they will pull everything they have out eventually, then ask the case to resume in a further 28 days. Can i ask for it to be struck out if they dont respond in 28 days, unlikely i know but i assume they are just waiting for judgement by default before they submit
  12. Thanks m8y for all the help anyway, i may continue i have no default but the defence is just what i showed you yesterday. Not arguing the fact i have had loans i had a few but not sure on this im not even sure if they are mixed up and also my loan is £11995.39 Odd isnt it? and i was paid ppi or misselling nt sure if this loan was £10000 plus what they added is actually the PPI I have Sar'd OC just waiting anyway, do i need to ask claimant for extension? i have written thrice no reply shall i phone or just submit it ?
  13. Dates wrong its from the future after it was signed and i didn't get any anyway
  14. Thanks or the info m8, i was feeling good not now I read that much its hard to take it all in RE terms though doesnt it need to be there after all if my agreement has no terms or wrong ones how is it in prescibed form? As is it not the terms that give Marlin its right to assign as they claim. No terms or wrong terms i am in no position to agree to anything with them as they are not mentioned on the agreement does cca127 not apply? its pre 2007 Money is more blood out of stone £1 a month poss
  15. Not even the fact the agreement is diferent number to what they are chasing Terms are wrong date Statement starts before loan date Statement doesnt add up correctly to amount claimed Interest is slightly out on loan calculator PPI been paid out where is it on agreement? Claim Nram agreement NR
  16. Thats about right m8 yes, hows the defence looking good or bad have you spotted anything?
  17. Just out of interest if my Sar request throws up new evidence can i add it later?
  18. Sorry Andy nothing in the box of crap old paperwork stashed linked to any of this, i thought i may have at least found my PPI payouts from Northern Rock Everything is on here in relation to it. Cheers m8y
  19. Friday but going away so will have to do it early Would judge not accept it? If so how they provided nothing with POC TY
  20. Sorry Andy cant remember a thing about it, i think it carried as normal. lost job and CAB sorted everything. PPI was paid about a year later on all loans ever> I have sar'd NR and will see i anything arrives although i do have a box of crap old paperwork stashed you just jogged the memory i will have to have a look RE the defence i thought the idea was i get them to show their hand and pick through it, its not a final defence is it?
  21. Im not sure mine is enforceable, its pre 2007 must be with prescribed terms as of yet not provided. The Guardian link doesnt apply to this time but IMO this did In line with FCA regulations, NRAM recently reviewed the sales process for all PPI policies sold with unsecured loans through the telephone, branch and internet channels within Northern Rock between 14 January 2005 and 18 March 2008.. During this period there is evidence that some mis-selling of PPI policies may have taken place, so any customer who purchased PPI during this time period could be due compensation if their policy is found to have been mis-sold. Depending on individual circumstances, affected customers may be entitled to a refund of the premium they paid plus an interest payment of 8% to reflect the return they could have generated if this money had been invested in another way. We have proactively contacted all customers who were sold PPI with their unsecured loan from January 2005 onwards with the aim of reviewing their case and paying redress where necessary. it was paid out too on all loans from NR i ever had and i had 3 or 4 around this time. With regards to defence im not sure what t omit but my statements are true
  22. No they got some, Virgin now have a lot of them tbh though the POC states an agreement with a company that started 5 years after agreement. Its not true is it?
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