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  1. Hey can anyone point me to a post containing an example of a defense I can tweak for my own use please, I'm confused which one exactly to use.
  2. Is it worth copying the CPR defense and posting that on money claim with my details edited in? Obviously I'd send Lowels and Mr carter SARs and CPR requests.
  3. Hi, I had this form through a few weeks ago. (21st of Jan is date) Its a blue court form which I assumed was just another debt collecter spam mail thing. I've now found out differently and having looked up various threads here thought it best to ask what to do. Firstly I've never had a 3 Mobile Phone, Hubby has but this form is in my name so its likely the debt is incorrectly assigned or just wrong. Im going to defend via moneyclaim, do I go with the CPR letter requesting documents and put defense as awaiting documents as I have no recollection of this debt? Wording on the form is as follows:- I'm being a little vague to prevent them from Id ing me. This claim is for £300ish the amount due under an agreement between orig creditor and defendant to provide finance/services or goods This debt was assigned/ purchased by lowel on XX/XX/2011 and notice severed pursuant toproperty act 1925 Particulars Three mobile Account number : XXXXXXXXXXXX Claimant claims £300ish Claimant also claims interest pursuant to s69 county court act 1984 from XX/XX2011 to date at 8% per annum amounting to £50ish ************************** I know I only have days to submit defense what do I do?
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