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Everything posted by thisisnatek

  1. Hello! I have ATOS assessment tomorrow. From their leaflet I have learnt that if I want the assessment to be AUDIO recorded I must contact ATOS in advance. Well do I or is it in my rights to just record the meeting?
  2. Thank you silverfox. I might do just that
  3. No I haven't sent SAR to Wageday. Just sent CCA request to MMF. The CCA they sent back is in the first post as I attached it there. My credit file shows MMF and default on £550. Opening balance on credit file shows £551 so I assume they used my postal order to pay £1 towards the debt which is very naughty as I wrote to them that £1 was for CCA request only!
  4. Could someone help me with that CCA please? Original credit was 150, now MMF saying it's 550. Could someone please please please advise me what to do, any charges to knock down or something? Or am I supposed to pay of original 150 plus extra 400 on top of that?
  5. Hello, I sent SAR request to Lloyds giving them all detail that I think they would need and I notified them in SAR request about recent name change, attaching copy of my deed poll. They wrote back to me saying that I need to send them an original of my deed poll (I changed name back in January) and returned all documents I sent to them with my SAR request, yet they haven't returned the cheque. What do I do now? I don't feel like sending them originals and from all the info I already provided they should comply with the request.
  6. Well they just asked for one. Funny enough they said is to keep my records up to date. In the same sentence they said that my CCA request has been forwarded to the right department and I shall receive it shortly.
  7. What if DCAs request a copy of my deed poll? Do I have to provide it regardless of whether I want to or not?
  8. oppss! Dunno what happened but I've sent Lloyds sar to Natwest and Natwest to Lloyds! bonkers! What am I like?
  9. I found out comparing reports from three different cras that none of their data is complete! Different cras showing different creditors and sometimes even different amounts! How is that even possible? And more importantly who to trust???
  10. Are you watching now channel 4???? Secrets of CRAs? What are your thoughts???? Shocking!
  11. So no need to sar them then? Damn, sent sar requests to both banks last night....
  12. Hello, few background info: I have a joint tenancy with another person. Contract with SSE is only in his name. He is being threatened with disconnection due to high bills. After the latest bill in Feb this year he owes Southern Electric £1.5k. He tried several times to arrange repayment plan but everytime he did SSE wanted more than he could afford so it's well behind now. All repayment plans failed as SSE wouldn't negotiate and acknowledge he could only pay what he could only pay... We just got a letter today saying that we will get disconnected shortly. Also stating that alternative is to install pay as you go meter, and it would cost a lot of money! Last thing we need is to add up to the bill! I am on ESA and housing benefits and cannot really spunk out a lot of money as I haven't worked for more than a year. This entire situation just adds up to my depression and anxieties.... They said if he tries to switch providers they will block it! They're within their rights to do so. My questions are: 1) How to negotiate with SSE and arrange repayment plan? At this point they're asking for £250/month. Too much! 2) Is there any 'safe period' by law that they cannot perform disconnection of electricity services? 3) Only he (the other tenant) has a contract with SSE. They will block him if he tries to change providers. How does the situation look for me? Can I change providers or get a contract with new provider?
  13. Lloyds account Was opened late 2006. Natwest around March 2008. Natwest defaulted Jan 2009 and lloyds defaulted Apr 2010
  14. I had same problem. Back in 2012 coop opened a bank account for me. They did close it in 2013 as I've had charges. My credit history gotten worse but I went to Barclays late 2013 and oppened an account without o/d facility. I've had failed IVA, CCJs, plenty of defaults back then and I was only on benefits when i went to Barclays. Month ago they even sent me a cheque book!
  15. Hello everybody! I'm tackling my debts! I used to have bank accounts with Lloyds and Natwest. Due to charges, unpaid item fees etc (and I'm not kidding, it's mainly due to that!), both of the accounts were closed and now on my credit file I owe Lloyds £3k and Natwest £2k. I am about to SAR both banks. But... What will it change? So far I've read on CAG that banks are not very compliant with SARs and it's nearly impossible to get any of those charges cancelled/revoked, even if hardship request has been made. So is it really worth it? I only ask because tbh I haven't got much money to spare and i'm just about to invest £20 to send SARs off. Bit scared and unsure of the entire process... If anyone could advice me in this matter I'll be ever so grateful!
  16. Well all the info is in the pdf I attached. Original creditor wageday advance, debt assigned to MMF. Original loan amount was 150 quid but now is 550... most likely made up from charges and interest. I don't know what to do with that CCA now, and how to proceed.
  17. Hello, recently received CCA from MMF re: Payday loand with Wageday Advance. Not sure what to do next. Original credit amount was £150. Now it is sky high £550! Is there something I can do about it? Sorry for asking, new to all this debt fighting and CCAs. Just wanna sort my debts out and would greatly appreciate any advice [ATTACH=CONFIG]49134[/ATTACH]
  18. Hello, I have recently changed my name via Deed Poll. I want to tackle my debts atm. I notified my bank so they will most likely amend my data with all the CRA. Do I need to notify any of my creditors/dcas? And how to be sending CCA/SAR requests as from now? Just print my new name or add in the text previous name?
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