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  1. If you are talking about my motorbike insurance, Carole Nash's Solicitors "New Law" wouldn't get involved because no other vehicle was involved. The contractor knocked my bike over because he caught his sleeve on the handlebars
  2. Back in September 2013 i recieved keys to a new flat 1 month before i actually moved in. 2 Days after getting the key (17.09.13) the contractors working for my landlord managed to knock my motorbike over off its side stand, whilst trying to access the bins. I didn't know for sure at the time that it was them that knocked it over. I was getting the bike ready that day for long ride to visit family for a weeks holiday. So i had to ride the bike damaged. The landlord sent me a text the following week confirming it was his contractors that did cause the damage. i suspected the damage to be more than £200, so asked if the contractors would pay up to the value of £200. They begrudgingly agreed, only in £50 a week payments. However after 6 weeks of not receiving any money, i sent them texts asking when they were going to pay. These went ignored for another week, until i sent one saying i would get the police involved. I immediately got a text back, saying the landlord was going to take care of it. I took my bike back to the dealer for an official evaluation, which should have cost £80, which they did free of charge because my bike was due its service soon. And the damage was closer to £400 The landlord agreed to meet me a couple of weeks later, and told me point blank: "If you want your money, you are going to have to take it to a civil court. And as its private land, i don't fancy your chances. That said i am prepared to knock £100 off your rent, and that's it" I tried showing him the piece of paper from the dealer, showing that £100 wouldn't even cover the cost of replacing my windscreen. He wouldn't even look at it. Since i've hinted to the contractors that i am serious about taking this to small claims court, they said that them & the landlord will deny any knowledge of any involvement as far as damaging the bike is concerned. Now don't forget i have the landlord admitting the contractors damaged the bike in text message. Its an iphone, so these can be screen captured & printed What can i legally do here? I mean i am planning on moving closer to work as soon as my 6 months is up in april, so i can see me having to fight him again to get my bond back.
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