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Everything posted by rimarj

  1. I will double check what I put on the follow up letter but I know that on the bottom i put about correspondence being by letter. And I thought if they couldn't produce an agreement they couldn't enforce it even in a court? Or has that changed too?
  2. Question on this: Mack hall have other companies in their group such as portfolio recovery or something which are at the same address I have put in a cca request with nothing sent back and also a follow up letter with so far nothing sent back but yet they still keep phoning and leaving automated messages? Can they do this still?
  3. Thanks I will send those off and then update with any replies I get
  4. I'm guessing I can find SAR templates on here, s79? Is that a cca? Yeah I thought myself I wonder if there's another pile of post knocking around somewhere as I have letters ranging in dates etc.. I will take a look in the garage today and see if there's anything I have missed..
  5. Ok no probs thanks for all the help so far! Very much appreciated
  6. Ok well I have now stopped my payment to them.. When you say let it run do you mean see what happens now I have stopped the payments and see how / if my CRA file updates? I'm sorry for question after question... Just keen to get things sorted hah
  7. Wow really?!? That's music to my ears haha! Blackhorse has just this week vanished from my credit file but I'm assuming that DLC will put something back on.. If they put it back on how can I dispute this? Should I just use a standard cca request and follow up letter or are there other letters to do something about this?
  8. Makes sense.. I have an original order form from Honda, the Net Price for the car was £11,162.00 I paid about £274 per month for around about 1 year, then gave the car back, then as the files attached show - they sold the car for around £5500 ish. . minus what i had alread paid.. leaving with with £4333 still owing.. So you think they have gone about this in a way they shouldnt? I was actually wondering myself with an amount such as £4000, why i wouldnt have been in court very very quickly.. yet 3 years down the line they are just still chasing.. Odd... If they have done this, and charged me for the full remaining finance after taking off what the car was sold at, do i have a leg to stand on in terms of doing anything about it?
  9. Im guessing its just a tactic to try to get you to pay something. . What would you say would be the 'something wrong'? In terms of a discount, i thought when someone buys a debt, they may not have necessarily have bought it for 4333, but maybe for 3000 which would be the discount from the original amount? I may be wrong on that just something i thought i heard / read somewhere before.. Another part that confuses me is if DLC owned the debt and they are a DCA (i think) then why would they pass it on to ANOTHER DCA who then says i have to deal only with them, but i dealt directly with DLC when i blindly set up my payment plan..
  10. Thanks dx I didnt actually write the link in anywhere.. one appeared as a link in the message and one appeared as an attachment.. it confused me a little lol.. But thanks for merging etc
  11. Uploaded and attached. I have TRIED to keep them mostly in some kind of date order, however when i saved them after editing some went in another order, mainly just the first couple, other than that they are latest dates first.. The second doc (doc2) is a recent one which i JUST found now.. Unforunately after going through 5 / 6 bags of old post, i did not find a credit agreement.. just letters of outstanding money from both blackhorse and several DCA's.. I will keep hunting i dont know if the attachments will help with anything at the moment.. Edit: And on the page where you can see the sale of the car lowering the balance, as explained above the extra £30 payments are from a missed payment previously which they agreed to have spread over the months to pay it off. I will be the first to admit i have never been one to strictly help myself in these debts.. I have been naive for years.. Im not looking for a get out of jail free card.. Just help on what options i have really..
  12. I have found some information.. Dca letters Blackhorse letters etc but I have not come across and agreement.. Only the original purchase order form from Honda but nothing with it.. Will try to keep looking and in the mean time put up the rest of the documents. also have a statement from August 2010 to August 2011. I made my final payment in October 2010 at the same time I acquired my current car (which was cheap and paid in full). There are payments of £30 also set up as I missed a previous payment I believe in August 2010 I set up an extra 30 per month as agreed with them to clear this but stopped when I gave the car back. There is no letter of them acquiring the car but there is a sale proceeds part in December 2010.. 2 months later of £5544.83. Then on the following year up to may 2011 there is adjusted legal liability and liability reversal then a new payment due and a credit facility fee.. Anyway this will all be seen in the uploads when I do them this evening..
  13. As far as I can remember i contacted them I THINK before the default came through.. But I'm not 100% as it was years ago.. I had only payed about 12 months of it at around 270 per month but it was on a 60month plan. They had very rarely been updating my cra files.. It wasn't a monthly thing it seemed to be each time they would send me a letter saying the amount is still outstanding.. Which was again very rare. I will try and contact experian and see if they can give me details on how regular it was
  14. I will hunt out any and all documents I have in regards to this and try to get them uploaded today / tomorrow. It might take time to find them as I have about 5 carrier bags of unsorted post. In terms of the vt or vs it sounds more like a vs actually as I think they just took it and sold it at auction I don't remember any specific requests under acts..
  15. I believe so.. I arranged for someone to come and pick the car up as i heard that it wipes off 50% of the monies owed from the finance.. It wasnt a case of "we are taking the car off you as you have defaulted"
  16. To be honest it was because I was afraid of the thought of getting a ccj over it as I'm trying to do my best to rebuild my credit rating as my partner wants to try to get a mortgage in the close future.. Hers is pretty much impeccable.. I thought the quicker I start paying it the better.. The debt itself was taken out in 2009 it was a car on finance.. At the time a brilliant idea as I could afford the payments but then I decided to get back into studying and start university, so had to leave my job to be able to fit in full time education. I arranged to give the car back a chunk of the amount owed was written off but now the last chunk has remained since 2010. I wasn't really getting any letters off Blackhorse over the last year. . I think I had one still just telling me I owed the money then after that I had one from a dca, the dca I think changed a couple of times and now looks like it's settled with DLC. . And so far the payment plan has been running the last 10 weeks
  17. I had a previous Payday Loan with QuickQuid - worst thing i ever did... However.. I could not afford to pay this one back and stopped the payments, it defaulted and has been a default since around 2011. I never really heard anything off QuickQuid about this, but had an occasional letter from Mack Hall. I started looking into how i may be able to help myself, and i then decided to send them a CCA Request. I sent the statutory £1 off with it, they returned the pound saying "we do not need the £1", and no true signed agreement or anything has been sent to me. The only thing they sent was that they were passing this on to quick quid and i heard nothing since. The date for the 12+2 was 11th feb 2014, so i have no today sent off a follow up letter using a template i found on the internet. Where do i stand now? I was not making any payments to them for this debt, have not if my memory serves me well, had any contact with them apart from them leaving automated voicemails.. Could i be looking at a score of me: 1 - Mack hall: 0? After looking around i have seen that this may mean the debt is not enforcable, but still persuable? Is there anything i can do to stop them chasing me too? I have seen letters to try and get your details removed from their system if they cannot prove the debt is owed from an agreement.. What if 3 months down the line i get post with the agreement? It then becomes enforcable again?
  18. Has anyone had any dealings with My DLC? I have had i think maybe one or two letters from them in the past taking chasing a payment i owed to Blackhorse.. To my knowledge, none of these letters stated they were now assigned the debt, i set up a payment plan of £10 per week as a standing order to them. Blackhorse has now disappeared off my credit file, and im assuming next month DLC will appear on there, I am going to CCA Request them but has anyone had any dealings with them? The debt is about £4,000 and i have been paying it since early December 2013.. Im guessing they would now legally own the debt as the Blackhorse entry on my file has been deleted completely, but dont they have to send me a formal notice of assignment or something?
  19. So i would start a thread in the QuickQuid sub forum for my CCA sent to Mack Hall as the original creditor is QQ correct?
  20. Ok so i should definitely keep paying these, and wait to hear any correspondence in relation to them? Thanks for your help Very greatful Edit: And also CCA them?
  21. Ahh ok, makes sense. After 6 years does it still become statute barred and THEN falls off the credit file? Or has the statute barred thing changed aswell
  22. Ok i shall do that. Does it still work the same way as it did years ago? The CCA Request after the 12+2 days becomes default and unenforceable? Or do you HAVE to wait the further 30 days for that to happen? And is it possible to get a default removed from your file if they cannot produce the original agreement? I dont want to digress from the original topic just stuff that ive been wondering about my current cca request..
  23. dx100 - unfortunately i have not CCA requested these - the one i have CCA Requested is still on my file! But that one has now passed the 12+2 days and i am sending the follow up letter as nothing has been sent to me at all.. (which is Mack hall) The other two original creditors which have vanished off my file was Blackhorse and EE.. Should i send CCA Requests to anyone i am actually paying? i got myself in a bit of a situation when i was young and 18 and applying to all sorts of credit, then i could no longer afford to pay them so they are now MOSTLY with DCA's, should i CCA all of them?? James - What details would you require? I wouldnt like them to go back on to my file but then who would - however i know the most probably will appear back on at some point
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