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  1. i had a shorthold assured tenancy, it started on 28th june and finished 27th december last year yeah i paid a deposit which is in payment protection scheme called dps it is still being held as we are disputing it at the moment as they want back for rent arrears but im trying to find out if my rights are broken so i can argue for my deposit back as the fast move and that meant we had to move and the new house is wanting a deposit and we have no cooker in the new property
  2. im wondering if anyone can help i was renting a property from a letting agent, not long after moving in i lost my job and so started to organise housing benefit, the landlord was not happy with this and kept showing up. The owner of the house is the letting agent sister, they served notice to quit. then i got a message they wanted to do an inspection i said that i would be home and would let her in. 24 hours before the inspection i was called away for a family emergency and told the landlord i would not be there and would like to make another time, to which i received an email from the owner stating she didn't care and wanted me at the house for the inspection, i said this was impossible as i was around 300 miles away and wanted to do another day. The next day the day when the inspection was meant to take place the owner rang me from outside the house and informed me that if i wasnt there in 10 mins she would enter the property using management keys. I told there was no way i could be there and i wanted to have the inspection another day and she said tough basically it was her house and she entered the property she also threatened over the phone that she would change the locks and i said she couldnt do that to which she replied she could it was her house and hung up which then left me wondering that when i returned would i be able to get in. We then got our moving date and 2 weeks before we were due to leave she started emailing me saying that she would be at the property on the 24th december out move out date was the 27th, she said she would be at the property on the 24th and would stay with us to make sure we packed and left and if we had not gone by the 27th she would hire some people to throw all our stuff out of the house. Throughout the tenancy we have had to deal with unexpected visits, calls and nasty emails threats from the owner. Has she broke my rights as a tenant
  3. im wondering if anyone can help i was renting a property from a letting agent, not long after moving in i lost my job and so started to organise housing benefit, the landlord was not happy with this and kept showing up. The owner of the house is the letting agent sister, they served notice to quit. then i got a message they wanted to do an inspection i said that i would be home and would let her in. 24 hours before the inspection i was called away for a family emergency and told the landlord i would not be there and would like to make another time, to which i received an email from the owner stating she didn't care and wanted me at the house for the inspection, i said this was impossible as i was around 300 miles away and wanted to do another day. The next day the day when the inspection was meant to take place the owner rang me from outside the house and informed me that if i wasnt there in 10 mins she would enter the property using management keys. I told there was no way i could be there and i wanted to have the inspection another day and she said tough basically it was her house and she entered the property she also threatened over the phone that she would change the locks and i said she couldnt do that to which she replied she could it was her house and hung up which then left me wondering that when i returned would i be able to get in. We then got our moving date and 2 weeks before we were due to leave she started emailing me saying that she would be at the property on the 24th december out move out date was the 27th, she said she would be at the property on the 24th and would stay with us to make sure we packed and left and if we had not gone by the 27th she would hire some people to throw all our stuff out of the house. Throughout the tenancy we have had to deal with unexpected visits, phone calls and nasty emails threats from the owner. Has she broke my rights as a tenant
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