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Everything posted by unibumuk

  1. Jonathan, you've done an amazing job on this. I hope we bring these crooks to justice. They cannot get away with this forever, ruining people's livelihoods
  2. Thanks for trying Ben. Gutted that no logical conclusion has been met but what I do know is that these are crooks. Researching the company before, I found that there are many businesses that these crooks are involved in. Namely Vincent Karan and phil henchoz. I called the accidents company up before (they shared a unit at gateway mews) and they denied all knowledge of being involved with cash4phones.
  3. I got them through the Facebook group. Have no cheque or anything from them other than the correspondence that they received my phone and a screen shot of my account with them
  4. Thanks for that Chipmeister. Bankfodder- what is the name and address of the guy on here that is willing to represent the group? Also, what about the rest of the form? And does it need completing by hand as I don't have a scanner!!!!!!?????
  5. Email said Thank you for your email. Please find enclosed the Letter regarding the meeting of creditors of Yemonia Limited and the forms. You will need to complete the proof of debt and enclose any supporting evidence that confirms that you have handed the mobile phone over to the Company. You can attend the meeting yourself or appoint someone else to attend on your behalf. Proxy form in enclosed for that purpose. Please also provide us with your complete postal address. If you have any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact me. Regards Izbel
  6. I have emailed Capital Books and have received an email along with a attached PDF form which needs completing. I won't be able to attend the meeting so I am unsure of how to complete this form correctly and who can act on behalf of me. Can anyone help me out? Thanks
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