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  1. Well all you people who know bright house allready wont be surprised that after being told that they would not replace a two month old washing machine that went wrong having put these details on here a miss Ann Marie from customer relations contacted me and promised a new machine in replacement to be delivered today Monday 23rd of december and as yet is still to arrive surprise surprise. yet another broken promise by bright house
  2. Well still waiting a new replacement from bright house which was promised today,not looking good
  3. Well,bright house it didn't look good at all dose it only two hours left to for fill your promises made by Ann Marie if customer relations who promised me that a new washing machine would be delivered today to replace the one which is broke at two months old.waited all day so far and ni deliverie
  4. Oh yes i intend that all my corresponding is by email so i have copies of everything
  5. Yes Ann Marie and myself have been exchangeing emails all day and i am still awaiting a resolve to this matter i will let you all know the out come of.many thanks to everyone for all your help
  6. Yes and i have responded but still await for the matter to be resolved.many thanks to everyone thow for all help and addvise i will let you all know the out come
  7. I find this hard to believe after everything i have witnessed and experienced from bright house out of seven goods i have brought from yourselves 3 items have packed up with in months of haveing them and not only that i have found out that i am paying double what there retail value is before your insurance policies then there's the deliverie refund that i have been chaseing for over six months and the loss of earnings for that day when you did not turn up and the payments i made while for months we had not got the goods because of repair.so i truley beleive the only way forward is through the courts and of course there's plenty of tv programes about scams lately
  8. I think you've missed what ive said they don't come to the house to fix they pick it up send it off .and if they do that do you really think there going to bring it back.after what they do ,myself i think not
  9. Even if the machine had to be registered to hoover once purchased for the manufactueres garentee
  10. ralphy12


    Any body who is thinking of buying a washing machine made by hoover then be warned that these machines will not last the 12 month garentee and then they wont do anything about it
  11. It was in June this year hence i have a case for the courts they have already learnt that there harassment and bullying didn't work with me as in quite good at being rude myself if prevoked i just want my washing machine to work as i have 3 kids lol
  12. I am takeing them to court because i was forced to take out optional insurance that i did not want or need and the fact that they are chargeing me 700 for a washing machine which you can easly buy else where for 369. I stopped paying because of depute
  13. I am the one who has started legal proceedings because this is the third item to go wrong within months of purchase.and high interest rates and of course miss sold insurance which is supposed to be optional but isn't really.but they are refuseing to fix the washing machine all they say is if we pick it up for repair it will not be returned to me because i am in arreas
  14. Hi can anybody help me . i am a brighthouse customer that has got into a weeks arrears now i am currently in the process of dealing with them through the courts but in the mean time my problem is this my washing machine which is six months old has burnt out and i can not take it back to bright house for repair under its garentee so i went direct to the manufacture hoover just to be told that they cant do anything unless instructed by brighthouse themselves which wont happen while in in a dispute with them any ideas of what i could do please. many thanks in advance
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