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  1. Thanks for the additional info Tom and Brassneck. I think it's too late to worry about the credit reference agency's as due to all the other thousands of pounds of his debt this address must now be blacker than black plus the tools at Santander have passed on £1900 of debt to Debt Management & Recovery Services under the name of Mr M.Smith instead of Mr Michael Smith so that will go against me as well.
  2. I visited a local Solicitor this afternoon who signed off my stat dec for a fiver, I told him I would be a regular as there are sure to be many different Bailiffs to follow! I then posted a copy to Whyte's Head Office and hand delivered a copy to the Council, obtaining a signed receipt, in case the debt gets handed back to them. Hopefully this will do the trick. Thanks to everyone from the forum who has so far contributed to this thread. I can't say I feel safe in my own home, but definitely safer due to what I have learnt.
  3. Thanks for you responses. It is a warrant of Execution by removal of his goods for sale at auction. Is it correct that due to the nature of his other debts, as listed above, that bailiffs can't be deployed to my house to recover them?
  4. The Creditors are Havering Borough Council and the Bailiff's are Whyte and Co. I am looking into getting a stat dec done now and you are spot on it is Northampton Court that issued the CCJ. No his car has not been here for nearly a Month no idea of it's value it is a 2001 Peugeot 206cc. I don't have a car as I don't drive. As for all his other debts am I doing right by sending all letters back "does not live at this address",or should I contact them? Many Thanks.
  5. Hi, My son moved back in with me in 2012, due to him repeatedly stealing from me I had to tell him to leave my house forever a couple of weeks ago and subsequently changed the locks. When attempting to clean his bedroom amongst various disgusting things i discovered many letter's from debt recovery companies and bailiffs plus receipts from Cash Convertors. After collating these it appears there are 12 (is that a record) debt collectors chasing him for money, these debt's cover thing's such as payday loans, mobile phone bills, bank overdrafts, goods and a parking fine (bailiffs). The total outstanding amounts add up to approx £4k. Since he left I have returned every letter addressed to him, unopened as no longer living at this address. Last week when I was out the bailiffs visited to take my son's car, which was obviously not here and saying they would now get an order to remove goods from my house to sell at auction. I am now terrified that they will come and take my property. I have little money and not much of value (except for the house itself). Probably the most valuable goods for resale are my laptop and tv, it gets worse as both these items were bought online under his name (we have different christian names but the same initial, as at the time of the purchases he worked for a major retailer and I used his staff discount car number though I paid with my debit card. Other things such as my golf clubs/fishing gear have been accumulated or given to me over the years, so no receipts. Do they have the legal right to seize any of my property because my son lived here at the time these debts were incurred. In regard to my son he is 23 he neither has a job or signs on. The only thing he has left of value is his car, his tv(£50) and 2 gold rings(£70) are both with cash convertors. I have no idea where he is living/in hiding. He is a drug addict and from the discoveries in his room his only sources of income are as a small time drug pusher, to his friends, and stealing from my 83 year old mum who is housebound and has Alzheimers. This has all left me feeling mentally and physically drained and paranoid to the point I will not answer the door or phone and sit in darkness, so any help or advice anybody can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
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