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Everything posted by sonictheory

  1. I got an (almost) convincing email regarding a job opportunity. A brief description of the £30K PA position with only basic experience required send CV to someone called Whitefield Chantay. Sure enough typing was fine (other than the misspelt email address) and there was no request for any personal information or rush to get the CV they requested in, but using Outlook as a forwarding email? That and there is no record of a business with that name registered at Companies House. I really wanted to post it here (minus personal details of course) but had already pressed block as phishing. I got a job that pays almost that much so don't need one but oh well
  2. Not anytime soon I expectWRONGA = STRAIGHT TAKING MONEY (and the biscuit)
  3. TBH I think that this could have worked better if the original note allowed 28 days rather than 14 in light that most get paid monthly. Then I'd replace the NTO with first warning and 25% increase also for 28 days. After a final warning advising that a court order may be sought with EA fees be given again for 28 days and an extra 25%. This at least gives the debtor 3 months roughly to engage early and clear the debt. I'd also allow the opportunity to have reasonable repayment plans for debtors on benefits or when there are multiple tickets and it would not be financially possible to settle in one lump sum. This would at least give the debtor reasonable time to resolve a matter and an incentive to engage rather than ignore. That way if they get a hefty bill and Ea's entering their home then one could reasonably say they would only have themselves to blame
  4. Could I also add that Early intervention does not always resolve the problem or avoid things getting worse? For example with PCNs the general response if you do call from the council is "we'll make a note of it but cannot guarantee further action will not be taken" Plus f you can't actually pay anything for 3 months (or at least not pay in full) it resolved nothing. In fact regardless of whether you have just one or several PCNs the process is pay in full quickly or we'll send the EAs. There is no otion for installmental payments. Fine if you can manage to live on a little less and get those 2 or 3 tickets done on payday, but many simply can't. So where is the incentive to make a call that could end up causing even more stress and anxiety? Especially now that even less time is given to respond
  5. Thankfully any LO's I had (for PCNs) are either paid up or expired (I hope), but I can imagine how hard it's going to be for those that might have even had a chance of paying but are now getting royally screwed over by the corrupt system of greed and the removal of affordable access to sound legal advice There really needs to be a petition against this utterly disgraceful display from a government who are all about claiming how "things are getting better" now when the poorest are being hit harder and treated more unfairly than ever
  6. I find the "compliance fee" worst of all the new charges. It sounds like the old letter fees. I wonder how many of these letters arrive late if at all
  7. It seems to me the the have's never tire of taking everything from the have not's. Whilst I accept that it is better to pay what one owes, but surely there should be better systems in pace to help those that simply cannot do this, or at least ways in which a more apropriate method of repayment could be implemented to aid those that are strugling rather than a can't pay, too bad you have to pay even more now.Personally I find the system sickening on many fronts
  8. Just an update. Just received a second posted letter from Whyte and co (nada from them the past few months) informing me of the changes in legislation and kindly allowing me to pay at the reduced fee before the extra costs are added. However I believe that by then the warrant will have pretty much expired though (issued early April 2013) This is correct that once 12 months is up the warrant will have expired on a PCN?. It's not that I couldn't find the money if I had to but the principle of paying a ridiculous amount of money to a company that has not in my view carried out their duties according to procedure. I don't wish to go down the small claims route ideally (which I would if it came to it) but nor do I want to assume that if I held back until the warrant was returned I could possibly pay the original fine directly or wait for it to get written off. I guess I need to know my position now so I can breathe easy by the end of April with minimum cost to myself but need to know where I stand. Note I do not have a car so it would be a home visit (which hasn't happened yet)
  9. To be honest all I get is the odd email/phone call never been visited by a bailiff EVER! I have written to the council twice BTW, the first letter seemed to have been ignored and it took around 3 or 4 weeks for them to respond to the second. Mind you it's probably inexperience in writing such letters and not sending track and trace which I now do for all letters
  10. Yeah I plan to slap them with an SAR as the first contact then challenge any descrepancies. whilst in the meantime I am thinking of writing to Lewisham to ask if they'd accept payment direct to them plus statutory fees (max ATL and letter) as a oncession. No way am I willing to part with £395 worth of fees for a single letter. Am I correct in assuming that once an SAR has been filed action MUST be put on hold?
  11. All in my name sadly and no grounds for Out of time dec. However no visit made only a letter left (not even a knock, no signiture on the letter and no explanation of why the charge is high - i.e could well be charges not on prescribed scale). I have prepared an SAR and considering writing to Lewisham as well to see if they'd accept some payment (incl letter fee) in the interim to aoid any more charges being added. It's more a matter of principle. I can pay in full next week and probably would have if any Bailiff had actually attended (as this is clearly the law) however since all I got was a hand posted unsigned letter for which whoever posted it didn't even knock on the door would it be right to do so?
  12. I think that is a good idea. I will also forward the emailed receipt as proof of settlement.I am also thinking would it be a good idea to challenge them saying I was in at the time and ask if Billy Bailiff would be willing to make a sworn statement regarding alleged visit?I would add that if they cannot do this write a letter of "no resolution"?
  13. Technically I haven't actually been visited so cannot vote as such, However there have occasionally been letters through the door and fees associated as if they had actually visited/attempted to gain entry so my issue would be fees and companies claiming £££'s for phantom visits
  14. The PCN IS paid. Newham have confirmed that they have accepted full payment of the warrant. I did make a formal complaint and their reply was the usual flannel which basically said in a long winded way admitted that they had accepted full payment and that that they were no longer involved and I would have to deal with the bailiffs personally.I do not have a car so I guess my options seem to be as follows.1. pay the fees minus the fine and claim it back (risk is JBW still insist the PCN is unpaid and may still persue even if fees were paid)2. Not pay and go straight to LGO3. ignore
  15. isn't it a good idea to film the bailiff if they put a foot in the door. If you've asked them to remove it on camera and they refuse do they not as such leave you with the option of standing there forever or moving away allowing them in? Is this not then forced entry as you would be technically under duress? Or am I missing something?
  16. Screenshot was very vague and only had date and time of alleged visit, which we'll get to but a brief outline of alleged and actual events June 7 supposed first letter sent (never received) June 18 alleged first visit (which never occurred) left letter (again never received) charge of £57 ATL and £175 ATR plus VAT July 13th First automated message from JBW no description of why they called just a reference number( (first ever contact receeived) July 14th PCN paid directly to Newham council (accepted and confirmed by Newham)h I have never seen any letter signed by JBW prior to any payment. My argument is that I was home at the alleged time and date of visit so could sign an affidavit stating that I definitely was not visited nor was there ever any attempt to remove/levy on the date and time claimed
  17. Hi Caggers sorry for posting 2 queries so quickly (long term reader but only just joined as such). So I had a PCN with Newham council last year which I eventually manage to pay back in July this year. However JBW are claiming that I owe them £495 including the already paid fine (£202) for an alleged visit. I have put in an SAR request but the only evidence is their charges which I wil quickly breakdown £202 fine (already paid) £11.20 letter fee (never received it though had an unsigned copy as part of my SAR £175 ATR fee £57 ATL fee £48.64 VAT My issue other than the fact that this has been paid is that I never received ANY visit nor letters. I had a couple of general reminders over a month AFTER paying the PCN. I have written to Newham twice and only just got a standard confirmation that the full warrant has been paid and that I need to deal with the bailiffs directly over their fees. I have filed an SAR and the only "evidence they gave of a visit was a single entry on their screenshot (literally first visit x date and time), the breakdown of fees that claims vist was x date and time and a copy of Y bailiffs certificate. I am aware that even though the fine is paid I am not free from charges, however I was at home during the alleged visit and could easily sign an Avvdavitt to say that nobody knocked on my door nor left any letters (I still do not have a copy of the letter they supposedly sent) I am considering now taking this to the LGO but need to know if this is the best time.
  18. Unfortunately I made the big mistake of helping a family member get a loan for a car. They are paying this loan but failed to mention that the vehicle was registered under my name and any fine they incurred would be up to me. Car details now changed but in my foolish ignorance several fines were incurred prior to this and I thought mr x was dealing with them. I've thankfully managed to get down to just 5 tickets (2 are private though not council)
  19. I have an old unpaid PCN from Lewisham. Long story but it can no longer be paid online (I did try). However I heard nothing until a letter had been posted by the usual run and gun type (i.e no knock on door etc) a couple of days ago with the usual scare tactics (you must pay now or the amount will increase). I'm not in a position to dispute the original bill and accept the fine plus reasonable costs, however Whyte and co are asking for what looks like £393 in fees! No actual visit, no letters prior, just a hand delivered note unsigned asking for a total of £595 including the cost of the fine. I am most definitely filing an SAR as these cannot be right according what I read. But what I want to ask is the following 1.Does an SAR request put action on hold? 2.Should I write to Lewisham offering to pay the fine plus stat fees (a lot less than what has been asked) 3. Finally if writing to Lewisham how could I word it? Note I am no longer the registered keeper of the the car which was HP anyway
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