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Everything posted by Baz1994

  1. Yes I'm in the same boat, mine still with FOS / Ageas - had an up-date last week saying that they were still investigating. Will let you know if I hear anything further. g/l
  2. OK many thanks again ims, maybe one to sleep on as to which option to take.
  3. Even though they are in excess of £12 ? I thought that there was a ruling that confirmed this ?
  4. Thanks for your reply ims. Sorry to sound ignorant but why would FOS not be interested ?
  5. Hi, just an up-date on the situation regarding charges reclaim. Just received a very brief response from RBS denying my claim on the basis that I was aware of the charges when I opened the account and that they are deemed fair in relation to costs. There is no mention of 6 years time-barred or any independent investigations, just that If I wasn't happy with decision that I can take it to FOS. What next, do I just reply with a Letter before Action ? Any advice would be appreciated.
  6. Sorry for silly question but do I send to my old Fenchurch Street, London branch address or is there somewhere else that I should send it to ? Cheers g/l
  7. I originally submitted a PPI mis-selling claim with Welcome Finance in which they originally up-held then decided to pass details to Dial4ALoan (same address as Welcome), who I then received a response stating that they were not regulated at time of sale (November 2003) and therefore PPI claim rejected. I had no prior dealings with Dial4ALoan or ever received any correspondence from them but I do remember only dealing with Welcome who contacted me to confirm loan was successful. So on that basis I submitted two SAR's, one to Welcome and the other to Dial4ALoan. Firstly received details (lack of it) from Dial4ALoan, which consisted of a copy of a completed FOS PPI questionnaire that I had originally sent to Welcome (who had passed on to Dial4ALoan), various internal commission sheets (some with Welcome Finance Services printed on them) between them and Welcome and an internal processing sheet with no figures but with various abbreviations and notes. There is some information on the sheet stating that loan had been reinstated with WFS ? There are no original loan application details or anything confirming details sent to my address from Dial4ALoan ? Secondly I received the Welcome SAR details and amongst various documentation, I have located a A & T Finance Loan application dated September 2003, in which I recall was unsuccessful due to lack of equity in my property at time. I do also remember Welcome contacting me and selling the PPI product, for the eventual loan to be successful but they never explained terms and conditions of policy, and I have recently found out that is was only for 5 years and not to term end. Does anyone know if Welcome Finance own Dial4ALoan as they are now no longer trading ? Has anyone experienced a similar situation and can kindly shed some light on where I stand or what to do next ? I am becoming rather frustrated with this lot as today I have received a further letter from Welcome re SAR, saying that they do not have to disclose or keep any information older than six years as per ICO website ? They also state that data that was sent confirms that Welcome were not involved in the policy sale and that it was sold by Dial4ALoan, who I had no prior dealings with. Sorry for long post but any help would be appreciated. I also sent a letter to Aviva / Norwich Union the Underwriters who also rejected complaint as they were not responsible for the sale and that I should pursue Welcome as they were regulated in November 2003. Any comments or advice would be very much appreciated. g/l
  8. Many thanks ims and I will see how what I can do with what I have until I locate missing statements. If I need any help I will let you know Cheers
  9. Also do you have link to PPI reclaim spreadsheet thanks ? And can I still enter details even though I have a couple of years missing statements ? (I am still trying to locate them but wanted to start the ball rolling with what I have)
  10. Many thanks ims So use this one for Credit Card Fee / Charges reclaim ? Would you have a link for appropriate letter ? Do have some sort of one that I successfully used for reclaim of Welcome fees but wondered if it would differ for Credit Card fees ?
  11. Further to the above, can anyone confirm where I can locate Credit Card Reclaim spreadsheet details thanks ?
  12. Many thanks for your reply. Where can I find details regarding this decision ? Or am I probably wasting my time ? Don't really want another issue with FOS at the moment as have no confidence in them. May have to just accept it as can see this dragging on for another few years !
  13. Does anyone know if its 8% simple or compound interest that needs to be applied to refund premiums ?
  14. Oh ok but might have to give them a call about it anyway, as contact has given me her details to discuss further if need be. Good question and sorry to sound stupid but not really sure. The letter just states Card Protection Insurance (CPI) complaint on your Barclaycard account but prior to January 2005. I have already received a refund cheque from CPP for post January 2005. Do you know if the application of 8% interest is correct ? If so should I have not received amount (not against balance) less tax, and premium refund deducted from card balance ?
  15. And thank-you mrbrooks and hopefully I can utilise some experts on here to draw up some sort of response.
  16. That is unbelievable and sounds about right with this lot. This has been a bit trying for me this one but I do not want to give up ! I didn't take the SAR route with this one (silly me), as I had all statements and agreement details anyway. I now wish I had if I had known what was to come. I'm still considering proceeding with one now, even though I have only until 10th June to respond to Ombudsman but still not satisfied with their findings and wondered what will happen if I reject it and complain about the service provided ? Will I have to go to court or will I still have a chance in requesting further clarification of said details that I am not happy with ?
  17. Ok many thanks and will have a read of thread. Cheers g/l
  18. I have finally received SAR details re ongoing PPI claim with RBS Mastercard and after reviewing various statements noticed quite a few late payment fee charges for £20. I am sure I can reclaim these and if so can anyone kindly point me in the right direction as to what spreadsheet I need to use to calculate refund ?
  19. Yes it did and was taken over by Goldfish then Barclays, in which I have been maintaining requested monthly payments. What should I do regarding 8% simple application - Should I dispute it with barclays first asking for clarification of said policy or should I go to FOS ?
  20. Thanks Citizen - No not on this Morgan Stanley / Barclaycard account but it has been suspended due to another Barclaycard account that I have an Payment Plan arrangement with. And can you confirm if its simple interest and not compound ?
  21. Apologies if I have posted under wrong thread but wanted to advise the following and perhaps someone can enlighten me before I respond to Barclaycard. I was successful in reclaiming CPP (CPI) for the above mentioned only due to the fact that I noticed a refund on my latest statement but no explaination from Barclaycard ? I decided to chase and request details and breakdown of refund amount. Today I finally received a letter from Barclaycard apologising for not explaining calculation of refund and prior letters being sent to me (in which have now been enclosed dated February 2014) and confirmation that refund has been made. What annoys me is that they are saying that because I hadn't responded (but how could I when letters had not been sent, requesting way of refund) they deducted from account ???? Mind you they have given me a goodwill gesture of £50 for the inconvenience but again they will deduct from my account. Am I still within my rights to request that they return by way of payment to my bank ? Its not a large sum but still around £185 but would rather have the cash than reduction of card balance. Also they have advised that Barclaycard apply 8% simple interest as it is not a company policy to award compound interest for such complaints. Is this correct does anyone kindly know ? Should I request details where in their policies does it state this ? I'm not looking a gift horse but the difference in refund is in the region of £600 I don't really want to go to FOS at moment so any advice would be appreciated before I respond or accept their offer.
  22. Many thanks ims21 and will get one sorted asap.
  23. FOS are just unbelievable - just received a voicemail message from someone at FOS again, asking to discuss a recent case with them and wanted to ask a few questions ! Did not even leave his name, quote any reference or leave a phone number ! Can I request that they only contact me by e-mail or letter in future ? Its just when I speak to them, as previously explained they just ask any question that has been already answered in their questionnaire.
  24. Sorry can someone kindly confirm where I send Capital One SAR to ? Would it be the same address that I sent my PPI complaint to The Data Controller ?
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