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  1. I have called your customer services dept and they were extremely un helpful and the woman was quite abrupt. I have sent another letter to Head Office which was signed for on Friday last week, Head Office never respond to my letters. I have printed of the Furniture Ombudsman QQ, Which i am sending of today. I called in the stockport shop yesterday and a manager is coming out Friday. I am sick and tired of saying i reject and have not taken acceptance of the sofa which i did withing the first week and since, this is a disgusting service and i am within my rights to sue. i have informed yourselves and the stockport manager i want this sofa gone by Friday, so he is coming to my house to look at it (3rd visit now only had it a month). The manager has said i can pick another sofa and they cannot cancel the credit agreement we will see about that. If i have to sue to get my consumer rights heard i will do.
  2. [ATTACH=CONFIG]47485[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]47482[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]47481[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]47480[/ATTACH] Thank you for your responses. This is my sofa a week old.
  3. Hi everyone this is my first post on here I purchased the daze sofa from DFS and within a week I was on the phone to them after material start to become loose and baggy and bumps along front edge. I emailed them pics and I'd not get a response so I called them They sent upholster out who said we needed to start sitting more evenly on it and to leave till after Xmas to get worse an they will restuffed it. I told upholster not happy £2 k I want a perfect sofa hat I don't have to get omeo e out o in first week. Not happy with this I called DFS again and told them still unhappy they said they would send service engineer, I have had to take 2 days off for them to come and see my new sofa not happy!!! I then called trading standards who sidi cn write and reject the sofa asking for replacement or refund, I sent a letter recorded delivery stating I reject and have not taken accptance due to quality under SOGA 1979. The service manager came out yesterday and confirmed there was something wrong with the foam and ordered some more. I told him I have not taken accptance and want them to take it back and he said I can't hive to lt them fix it. I have opened a dispute with the finance company and informed them not happy with quality of of and they are contacting DFS. When we purchased sofa we were told its one of the best including the foam!! right less than a week old my mum came round and thought I had purchased a clearance/ used one. I have lost faith in DFS nd would rather hey tke bak the sofa Asti is not of a good quality at all. Wht can I do? Am I being unreasonable? I m now being old cant reject as we signed or it?!! Surely this cannot be right. Help please
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