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Everything posted by Nicola19

  1. Just an update really, i've since had a response from Shoosmiths with what they call a reconstituated copy of the original Egg credit agreement, i sent a stern reply back saying i didn't ask for the credit agreement, i requested a full statement of the account. I sent my response on the 17th February, not had any response as yet. I expect what i am asking for is the SAR which in a previous post was confirmed i should be asking for this from Egg themselves, so i need to make this my next priority. Annoyed really as if it had been left with BC i would have been a further £140 less on this debt now and that bit closer to clearing it!!
  2. I will have to check all the letters when i get home (currently at work) From what i can remember yes i think it did. Just checked the Shoosmiths letter and it is for the same balance £1891.07 so its definitely been passed to them by the looks of it. Can't understand how it can be passed about so much, it's no wonder i haven't a clue who i should be paying!!!
  3. Have just dug into this a bit more, my credit file shows the following info thought it may be relevant or help: Payments up to date May 2008 balance £2299 Account defaulted September 2008 balance £2514 Judgement July 2009 £2691 (£177 i assume is the courts fees etc) Payment set up with Bryan Carter Solicitors £20 month 13 Feb 2009 Original Debt £2,514.07 24 Jun 2009 Claim Fee £75.00 24 Jun 2009 Claim Cost £80.00 20 Jul 2009 Judgment Cost £22.00 Barclaycard £ 0 30/11/2011 Satisfied Bryan Carter returned the debt on 5.7.13 with a balance of £1891.07 Don't know if this helps at all?
  4. The judgement was for an Egg card that i got behind with, they were asking for payments i couldn't afford after being off work ill, as far as i am aware there was no ppi on the account, i wasn't aware of sites like this at the time so when i received the papers from the court i didn't know that i could challenge it at that point (2009), only since finding these forums have i learnt that it is highly likely i can contest all the charges/late/over limit fees this is why i requested the information from Arrow Global as this is where the debt stemmed from originally when Egg passed it to them. It went to court July 2009 and i agreed to pay Bryan Carter £20 month, i have since had letters from Wescot, Arrow Global and now Shoosmiths. I had no problem keeping to my arrangement with BC, but for some reason they have now shipped it on to another DCA, i am not happy to start paying Shoosmiths as it seems to me anyone can just write a letter saying i need to pay, i don't really want to ring Shoosmiths as i know from past experience that when you call DCA they normally bully and intimidate you, which i am not prepared to go through, but i suppose it is the only way i am going to find out who actually owns this debt. Having read back through the advice i received a couple of months ago, i noticed i also need to send a SAR to Egg themselves with the £10 fee in order to get all the relevant information (which i guess would include all the charges etc). I have thought of sending a token payment to Arrow Global as they were the initial company?
  5. Ah ok, i am just worried now as i have stopped paying (purely as i am not sure who i should/should have been paying) that they will take further action. I will send the letter to Shoosmiths today then saying i am questioning the account and that i await there response.
  6. Dx what is the relevance of not mentioning the ccj? Surely Shoosmiths should know it's already had a ccj?
  7. I haven't paid anything since Bryan Carter passed it to Westcot/Arrow this was July as i hadn't had a letter of confirmation from WescotArrow to say they were taking the debt over, then i got a letter out of the blue saying i needed to start paying them, this is when i took advice on here. I was paying £20 a month to BC Solicitors a nd the debt has reduced from £2400 to around £1900 now.
  8. Forgot to mention the CCJ was issued Arrow Global as the client!?
  9. Hi Taxibhoy, No i didn't send any paperwork, i think the fact that i said i wanted to close the claim sort of put an end to it so to speak. I still haven't heard anything from them, i received a letter saying i owed about £3500 and that i should contact them to arrange payment, i've tried to ring them about 6 six times and always end up hanging up after sitting for around 20 minutes in a queue, i am sure they'll soon be touch about repaying it. Just stay calm and don't admit to anything, act daft if necessary i think they're more interested in stopping the claim and then getting it repaid, it's highly unlikely they'll take it any further than that. It's a big weight off when you've made the call, i feel loads better just need to work out how to pay it back, let me know how you get on.
  10. Letter done including postal order, claim details & judgement on route from court (cost £5) Can't wait to get response now.....have to be patient!!
  11. Thank you so much for your help with this dx and brigadier, I've done the letter and will post today can i just confirm i need to leave the s.77/78 there but remove 79 from the letter? Will see how long it takes them now....tried phoning the court for the copy of CCJ but put in a queue, will call them again at lunchtime. Starting to feel positive and a bit more hopeful, original ccj amount was for £2691 and last balance i had was i owed £1891 so if i am able to get charges removed etc i'll soon have it cleared.
  12. card defaulted - 15/4/08 unfortunately i've made a token payment within the last month as other half was starting to panic due to them sending constant demands and threatening ccj, certainly don't need another one of those! overdraft defaulted - 13/3/08 - no contact as yet regarding this one.
  13. Will it be a huge mountain to climb/fight when i get the SAR if i find out there are masses of charges/penalties, how difficult is it to get these removed? I'm pretty sure that's why i gave up as the charges weren't even putting a dent in the debt that much i do remember.
  14. I definitely need to delve into this more, i know i owed money to Egg but i didn't know anything about debts/law/rights etc at the time, only now from reading all these forums etc got me thinking, how can Wescot not know about the CCJ that Bryan Carter issued, surely if they've taken a debt on they should know i'ts background, well you would think so. I just want to find out how much of the debt was charges/penalties etc, can't wait to speak to the court tomorrow and find out who the claimant is named as. I've learnt loads just by reading these forums, so helpful as are all you good people for taking the time to respond!
  15. Yes, although Bryan Carter told me it had been passed back to Arrow, i just didn't understand why after me paying BC all this time they suddenly pass it off to someone else.
  16. The only reference they have made is threatening me with one, that's why i said surely they must know that i've already had one issued for this debt! Having done some checking you cannot be issued with a duplicate CCJ for the same debt if i am correct!?
  17. Hi, I know the exact dates of the defaults i just didn't want to share this in case anyone from Lowell was looming The credit card is the debt i have been paying bits off, but the overdraft i've never had anyone chase me on that, so hoping to hold tight for the next 6 months then it will be SB. Just wanted to know if it was worth doing a SAR on the credit card or will this alert them to the overdraft account?
  18. I've been on to the court, i have to ring back tomorrow at 9.30 as that dept has now closed for the day!! I got my judgement number from my credit file, there is a £5 charge for a copy.....(is nothing free lol) Will look for a template now for the SAR and get that sent off to Egg. Do you recommend i start paying a token amount each month for the time being just to keep them at bay? Thanks for your help, i will let you know how i get on!!
  19. Nicola19


    Hi, i am hoping for some advice regarding 2 debts with HSBC. As i am aware from reading these forums i will be careful how much info i post regarding dates and amounts etc. 1st debt - credit card defaulted April 08 - £2300, i've paid bits here an there balance currently £2100 they keep threatening CCJ, door step collection etc. I tried to enter into a payment plan but they weren't happy with what i was offering so i just pay the odd amount here and there for now to keep them at bay. 2nd debt - bank account/overdraft - defaulted March 08 £600 - never had any contact off anyone, but i am sure as there is approx 6 months left before SB i know doubt will have someone chase me soon. What i need to know is how do i go about finding out how much of these debts are stupid charges, penalties etc as i want to claim these back, i don't have a problem paying any debt i have run up but when they add charges for the fun of it that i will not accept. If someone can advise what i should be doing next is SAR the best course of action? Thank you in advance!
  20. Hi, thank you for your reply, i've just looked at the letter sent from Westcot it say: Arrow Global Guernsey Ltd - Egg. I haven't got a copy of the CCJ i am not sure i ever did get a copy, could i apply to the court for this? I am pretty sure the amount that defaulted was just full of late charges etc etc, at the time i didn't know about forums like this so just filled out the form i was sent, like i said very naive but what you don't know your very ignorant of. I don't dispute the fact i owe Egg money, i had a very good job and a good income and i ran the account well at the time, but as we all know that once your unable to pay they couldn't give two hoots they just want their money! I am just unsure what i need to do next, do i send them a letter asking for all the info relating to this account - a SAR which will show all the charges etc?
  21. Hi i am hoping someone can help or at least point me in the right direction. Back in 2008-09 i went through a really difficult period, i was laid off work due to sickness and my relationship ended so with various bills an no income i found myself in a mess. I contacted all my debtors to arrange a payment plan but egg credit card weren't interested in letting me pay what i could afford, i managed to pay token amounts but then i couldn't keep up with this, they defaulted the account, then i didn't hear anything until i received a letter from Bryan Carter, they asked me to pay a chunk of the debt to stop it going to court, i wasn't in a position to do this so they sent the forms and i made an offer to pay of £20 month, being naive at this time i didn't actually realise the conseqence of what was about to happen, ie a CCJ being registered. ....so annoying as i would have asked my parents for help had i known. i have been paying £20 month since the CCJ was registered 22/7/09 until June this year, i rang BC to change the payment date an they informed me the debt was no longer with them and that i would hear from Westcot in due course. No contact until 12.9.13 with the headline 'failure to make payment' saying despite their letter of 28th August i have failed to make a payment or enter into an agreed plan, unless i contact them urgently to make a payment or to establish a regular repayment plan they will have no option but to recover the debt, this will be either: Legal action through the court and judgement obtained against me (haven't they already done this)? Refer the debt to a door stop collections agency. what i want to know is it worth me asking for a full statement of the account before it was taken to court, after reading these forums i am sure there will be charges that were applied that i could possibly claim back!? What will happen in 2 years (when the CCJ falls off credit report) i am sure unless i find myself with a windfall i will still be paying this debt, i don't have a problem paying what i owe when they are genuine charges. I also have 2 other debts that are still not resolved that are with HSBC so hoping some kind person may advise me on these also. Thank you for taking the time to read, any constructive advice is very welcome
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