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Everything posted by MaximusMeridius

  1. Hi sorry for lateness answering She is 18yrs She went straight into hairdressing apprenticeship at 16yrs and she goes to college one day a week. I went to see them and they said I should have informed them that we stopped getting child. benefit. They again said that that she stopped being my dependent when child benefit stop. I just can't see how they can say that, she became more dependent. She was/is earning £90 per week, I took no money of her, infact I had to help her moneywise. I realise that rules are rules but they have cut roughly 50% of my benefit and backdated it to 2012. I have only just finished paying arrears and now they have just hit me with £1000 more arrears and on top of that they have raised this year's payments from £5 per month to £125 per month.
  2. Good evening all, some advice would be appreciated. I received a letter today stating my council tax benefit has been reassessed. They have gone back to tax year 2012/2013. The letter states:- "Your claim for Council Tax Benefit has been reassessed because child benefit ended for ******** from September 2012." They state that I owe 2012/2013 - £279.37 2013/2014 - £845.76 They have also changed my benefit for this year and my monthly payments have risen from £5.22 per month to £124.00 per month. There is no way I can pay this and pay arrears on top. I rang them and apparently when my daughters child benefit finished she no longer became my dependent. They also said I could appeal but there would be no point because it wasn't council rules, it was Government rules. Some advice would be greatly appreciated.
  3. It's probably nothing and sure other people would have picked up on it if it meant anything but; There is no mention of an account No. in the Particulars of Claim?
  4. No fault of the seller, I know when something I buy (usually from U.S.A) will/might get pulled by customs. The point i,m trying to make is a courier will deliver to your door then invoice you, I have no problem with that. My problem is with Royal Mail who make you collect your parcel from a depot even though I have paid for it to be delivered to my door, I understand that the postman cannot be expected to collect Custom payments when delivering parcesl but there should be a way of paying the money due, by phone or online. When they receive money then they can deliver the parcel to my door which is what they were paid/contracted to do. I don`t lay awake thinking about this, it`s just something that used to annoy me, I have not bought anything from the States for a while so things may of changed with Royal Mail?
  5. Correct Conniff In fact from my experiance they won`t deliver at all, you have to go to a main depot to pay and collect. I don`t mind paying these extra costs but I paid for the item to be delivered to my door, not to the main depot which consists of a 10mile round trip and has to be collected between the hours of 09.30-15.30.
  6. Another question if you don`t mind If i stop paying this judgment can NewDay commence other enforcement proceedings?
  7. Thanks for your replies, If you don`t mind i will ask a few " what if " questions concerning this answer andyorch, I have read lots of threads that you and DX have been involved in and I don`t doubt your answers. WHAT IF this debt/judgment is sold a few more times before before it is paid of in full. I then apply to the court to mark the entry on the registar as satisfied, who would the court contact to get confirmation?
  8. And a very good motto it is. I agree with unclebulgaria that they would have to apply to the court to get the claiments name changed on the judgment, this I would think would cost them money. I have a suspicion that they have not and i,m not about to tell them its subject to a CCJ, i,m not going to do thier job for them. If they havn,t applied to have the claiment name changed then i still maintain that ( i,m just playing devils advocate here) the defendant (me named on the judgment) does not owe Santander (claiment named on the judgment) the money anymore therefore the judgment is satisfied?
  9. Sorry that should off said Lewis Group collected the payments on behalf of santander.
  10. I disagree, the judgment says i owe Santander the money, not Lewis, not Hoist and not Newday. I don,t mean to be argumentative, i,m just trying to find out who Legally owns my CCJ. Lets say i just do as i,m told and in 5yrs time I satisfy the judgment and ask the court to mark the entry on my file as satified, who does the court check with to see if it is satified. Santander? how would they know, they sold it 5yrs previous. like i said, i,m not trying to be argumentative, just throwing a few questions. Have Santander just sold the debt, have they sold the debt and CCJ, can they sell a CCJ.
  11. Just playing Devils advocate really As i see it, i don,t owe santander the money anymore someone has paid it for me. The assignment letter from Santander says in black and white that i don,t owe them the money anymore. If Santander tell them i still owe them the money, then Santander are lying as far as i can see.
  12. Sorry i,ve just re-read the judgment, it says at the bottom you can ask the court to mark the entry on the register as satisfied and, for a fee, obtain a Certificate of Satisfaction. I,m going to send a letter to the court with a copy of the Assignment letter from Santander, say the debt has been settled and can they mark the entry on the registar as satisfied. Lets see what they come back with.
  13. I offered to pay £xx per month and have the judgment in front of me from the court agreeing to this amount. The more I think about the more i,m annoyed, I assume they bought this debt for a lot less then the full amount. Why didn,t Santander make me the offer? I,m going to ignore them until the produce something from the court that says i now have to pay them. Lets make them work for their ill gotten gains. I,m going to write to Santander and ask for a Certificate of Satisfaction, its their name on the judgment and as far as i,m concerned I don`t owe them the money any more. I know i,ll probably get nowhere but i,m going to see how far i can push this. I,ll update the thread as and when, if anyone is interested.
  14. Thank you for you speedy reply unclebulgaria67 I will do that when the letters start coming. The first letter they sent had no mention of the CCJ and indeed they mention that they will reveiw my payments in 6mths, correct me if i,m wrong but only a court can change the monthly amount to be paid? That leads me to think that the letter is generic or they don,t know about the CCJ. We shall see.
  15. Hi I have a CCJ from (Judgment October 2013), the claiments are Santander, my payments went to Lewis group. I received a letter from Santander stating they have sold debt to NewDay Ltd. I then received a letter from NewDay stating day have bought the debt and that all future payments should go to Robinson Way. I then received a letter from Robinson Way stating that i should stop paying Lewis group and carry on paying them £xx per month and in 6mths time they will review my payments. Well i have a Judgment in front of me from the court that says i owe Santander £xxxx.xx and to pay Lewis Debt Recovery so that what i,m going to do until the court tells me otherwise. I tried paying Lewis group today by bank transfer but got a messEge saying HOIST had bought Lewis group (in August 2013) and Iwas redirected to Robinson Way website, I didn,t pay. I want to pay this debt because I owe it but i,m not going to pay it unless; 1. The court informs me about the change of ownership of debt or 2.My credit file states that the CCJ is satisfied, I assume I don`t owe Santander the money anymore. I,ve had a look around the site and can not find a definitive answer to the legalities of selling a debt that is subject to a CCJ. Answers range from, They need to imform the court. They can do what they want. They can sell the debt but they can not sell the CCJ. I,m expecting a flood of letters and phone calls from Robinson Way soon and was hoping that someone would have the answer to the question in the title. Thank for looking
  16. sxflyer11 I can`t help you but i can push this back to the top. You have paid back £30,000 over 8yrs on a £27,500 mortgage and you still owe £23,000?
  17. Hi I had an email yesterday from someone pretending to be FedEx saying that they had a parcel for me and to click on link if I was xxxxxxx, I shoved it straight into the spam folder. This morning at 8am I received a phone call, it was a recording telling me that they were FedEx, they had a parcel for me and I had to press one if I was xxxxxx. I disconnected the call then rang them back hiding my number, a women answered and said "Hello, Fredricksons, can I have your ref. number please" The phone number was 02031478161 Just letting people know their dirty little tricks incase you don't know already.
  18. Hi I have a CCJ which I am paying monthly and upto date with payments. Today I received a letter telling me the debt has been sold on to another company. I also received a letter from the company that bought the debt telling me I have to start paying them and to stop paying the original claimants. My questions are:- 1. Should my credit file now show that the CCJ has been payed? 2.What would happen if I stopped paying it. I didn't mind paying it back because I did owe the money but I'm abit miffed about paying somebody else who bought the debt for a fraction off its original worth.
  19. Hi All My time is nearly up to submit a defence for this court claim (10th January). I sent Creation a CCA request and have had no response from them. Could anyone please advise on my next step re: my defence. I have been reading other threads over the xmas period and I fear that I have mucked up, it appears to me that I should of sent the request to the solicitors acting for Creation?
  20. Hi Just realised that I have posted this in the wrong Forum, could someone please move it to Financial Legal Issues.
  21. Hi Sorry for rambling on in my previous post. Can anybody advise me on whether i can/should counterclaim this court summons with a PPI claim or would I be better sending of for a CCA request, it`s an old store card going back to 1991 which turned into a credit card when Adams shop went bust. It is not statued barred because I was paying it up until 2 years ago.
  22. The particulars of claim.:- By agreement(s) entered into between the claiment and defendant, the defendant has failed to pay the sum of 3068.84. The claiment has requested payment but the defendant has failed to pay the full sum demanded. The claimant claims the sum of 3068.84 and interest under s.69 of the county court act 1984 at a rate of 8% per annum from 09/12/2013 until judgement or sooner payment. Costs. The claim does not include issues under the human rights act 1998. The claimant has complied with sections lll and lV of practice direction- pre-action conduct of the civil procedure rules.
  23. Hi Just received another court court claim form. This is the third one, the first two I admited and offered monthly payments. This one I want to defend and maybe counter claim but I fear I will need advice and probably some help. It's from Creation finance and is my wife's name. This account is from 1991 and started of as a Adam's store card which was changed to a credit card when Adams went bust. About two years ago a sent them a SAR because I was going to try and claim back PPI payments. The claim is for £3068+£85.00 court fee+£80 solicitors fees =£3233.84. The PPI claim to date is £3172.95 calculated with the compound interest calculator found on this site and going back to 2001. I.m also thinking about sending a CCA request because I'm pretty sure one will not exist. Was hoping for advice on how to best defend this claim.
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