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Everything posted by asgoodwin2003

  1. Hello everyone, I recently stopped my claim for JSA, I am still unemployed and my wife works part time. However, my father died in July last year and between my brother and I we received inheritance from the house and savings etc. This money took my savings over the threshold for benefits. So, I stopped my claim as I wasn't receiving any money and it hardly seemed worth going through the Jobcentre motions to claim nothing! Now, my question is, (and I can't seem to get through on any number for the NI or Pensions that the JCP gave me) would my leaving the JSA stop or change my pension? I worked for 20 years paying Income based contributions and then signed on for the last 6 or 7. The JCP advisor said if there was a problem I could sign on for "credit only" JSA? Would I need to do this, or can I just pay NI contributions myself while I'm looking for work? Any advice and help appreciated, thanks in advance! Andy
  2. After receiving the friendly call from Dell the laptop was picked up Monday and today (Friday) I have the full refund back in my account , thanks Hacked_Off , the e-mail to Michael did the trick
  3. Hi, Well I sent my complaint through to Better Business Bureau AND wrote to Michael Dell.. . yesterday received a very nice call from an American sounding gentleman apologising for the problems and accepted my refund request. Apparently he had been forwarded the e-mail from Michael Dell . So...all being well, they will collect the laptop Monday and set up the full refund! I won't count my chickens yet but its a start. Hacked_Off thanks for your help!
  4. I will try Michael and I am currently trying Better Business Bureau complaints, apparently it goes to Headquarters of Dell!
  5. Thanks Hacked_Off...I sent these links to Dell resolution centre. Got an email back by another Indian sounding name saying he "could not honor" my request of a refund. Then he stated a 14 day return/repair limit!. They are coming up with allsorts of excuses but nobody is acting on it at all.
  6. Thanks, but this is all irrelevant. The laptop is faulty after 2 weeks. They failed to pickup for repair twice. Refused a refund, waited 3 weeks to "solve" the escalation crap. The problem I have is I want the money back...I want advice what to do next. The computer can have dns, hardware, software or whatever else wrong with it, I don't care. The computer is now not mine to care about.
  7. Within 30 days I can ask for or reject repair, replacement or refund. After 2 failures of pick up I have the right to ask for a refund and they are bound to concur. Its in the Goods section on the Trading Standards website for Business Info
  8. The law is on the Trading Standards website, it was bought before the new law on October 1st. Within 30 days I can accept or reject a repair or ask for a refund or repacement. They lost the rights to any "offers" they had when they failed to deal with it and I wanted a refund. They offered to repair which I accepted, the pick up failed..did you read the letter or are you just assuming it is my fault and don't know what I'm talking about???. It is all explained. I need a solutiona and advice on the problem not questioning my knowledge as the Dell people have, passing the buck...can you give me advice or are you just going to ask me things that are already in the problemm stated?
  9. The internet connection was fine, as I used it on the old computer fine to contact Dell Tech Support. The lady was online chat for 2 hours doing all sorts of technical things with my laptop. It was not recognising any pages such as Google, Facebook or even Dell.com . She herself conceded it was something to do with the hardware, hence the supposed repair dates. The anti-virus was the same it came with. The only difference to my old computer was that it had the Windows 10 operating system. However, this is all irrelevant, it was a hardware problem. I did explain in the letter that it was not anything else :s
  10. Ah ok, thought I had to look it up and it was showing my saved page..
  11. Hi everyone, I need some help fast!, To sum my story up this is a letter I wrote to Dell yesterday (one month after receiving a brand new laptop and 3 weeks after I reported the breakdown. "Official letter of complaint for faulty goods and refund refusal I bought a laptop from you on 27th August 2015 and it was received by me on 4th September. I paid £429. On Thursday 24th September the Internet was shutting off at will, I contacted my provider Plusnet on my old computer, obviously the connection was fine as I was chatting to them online. Upon chatting with your technical advisor XXX for 2 hours on Friday 25th September, it was conceded that the Internet hardware had a fault and needed to be repaired. XXXXX said she would book a pick up on Monday and the collection would take place Tuesday 26th September. I was to expect a call between 5-6pm Monday evening to confirm pick up on Tuesday of the laptop. I received no call, so I contacted XXX XX again. She told me the booking did not go through and to expect a call Tuesday for pick up Wednesday. I informed XXXXX that I would give Dell another chance but it had to be Wednesday as I wasn't available from Thursday to Sunday. I also told her I am on holiday in a couple of weeks so I want the laptop fixed by that time. Wednesday came and the booking did not go through again and apparently UPS would not review it until 4.30pm. They called me in the evening and said it would be collected Thursday. By this time, I was understandably angry so I asked for it to be picked up after the call the same day (Wednesday). They refused, so I contacted XXXXXX and asked for a refund. I was told she was waiting for a "review" of my refund! So it came to be that I gave Dell another chance, still very angry, that they could pick up the computer Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday next week but I want the refund by Friday as this is my right. Friday 2nd October I was offered a new computer in 7-10 working days! No, I wanted a refund. I was then told the "earliest" Dell could collect was Wednesday 7th October. I said this was the latest date as I wouldn't be at home and you would refund within 3-5 working days. Monday 5th October (a week after the original collection booking) it apparently was passed over to a "manager". Later that day XXXX (XXXX manager) offered for an engineer to come and visit and "fix" the laptop. Tuesday 6th October XXX wrote again and said refund isn't an option she can provide! She was sending up to "higher management"! Under the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (as amended) goods you supply must be fit for purpose. As there was a problem with the goods when I bought them, I requested that you pick up and repair the goods at no cost to me. I gave you two chances to do so, you have refused my refund and offered me a new computer and engineer, although I clearly stated I wanted a refund. I have all the e-mails sent by XXXX and XXXX and all I have sent including the original chat log confirming that there was a hardware problem with the laptop. The laptop failed within two weeks of receipt, the repair options were handled really inefficiently and my refund request was replaced with "other" offers. There should not be a problem, by law you owe me a refund and passing it around the Dell office is not making the problem go away. A copy of this letter will be included in a report to Trading Standards with all the relevant data. Please respond within 5 working days of this letter." After receiving this, a very arrogant man called me and basically talked down to me (he was very sure of himself). He told me an engineer would be coming tomorrow to attempt to repair the laptop. I told him I had given them many chances to repair it and now I want a refund. He refused point blank and sais that was not going to happen and they should be able to attempt one repair. I said I would take this to Trading Standards and if I have to, to court, he very arrogantly said "go ahead with that sir". He was actually egging me on to do it! Am I in the right thinking I do not have to accept a repair if I don't want to, and ask for a refund? If so, does anyone know what to suggest I do next? This has been going on too long now and I anxious for a solution. Please help!
  12. Thanks everyone for your input. ..yeah I wanted to do the DRO, but it would cost me £90 which we can't afford to throw away. Fine if my circumstances don't change in 12 months, but I am really hoping to find a job in the next few, therefore I would lose the £90 and the DRO so it was worth it to try for the £1. To be honest, I don't know how they can refuse it, either I pay something however little or pay nothing for 12 months and then it's all gone, surely it's in their interest?
  13. Hi, thanks for replying. The debts are from around 2005, lost my job at that time and needed help. Churchwood been paying them for 5 years or so. Capital One, Morgan Stanley, Barclaycard and MBNA I think were the cards. As far as I know there aren't any charges and on the letter I asked if they would freeze them and not add anything under my financial circumstances. Not sure I should reply to that Fredrickson company, if Capital One instructed them why don't they have my new address which Churchwood knew and they have a letter with it on!. I'm not that trusting. Have noticed a few on here saying they do that to confirm your address very slyly. I will hold back on that I think, they haven't contacted me neither have Capital One.
  14. Hi everyone, hope you can give me some advice. To cut a long story short until a couple of months ago I was paying Churchwood Financial £80 to pay off a 4 credit card debt. I could not afford this as I am currently not working and my partner was kindly paying them from her part time wages. Upon speaking with the CAB I discovered I was eligible for a DRO(Debt Relief Order). I cancelled the account with Churchwood. Upon further chats I decided to use the self help pack and offer each creditor £1. Our disposable income was £7!. I sent each a very nice letter informing them that although I qualified for a DRO I would willingly pay them £1 a month until my circumstances change (which I hope they do, hence the reluctance to try a DRO). I sent the letter, complete with other creditors and amounts and also a budget sheet clearly showing out budget. The creditors were Cabot, Capital One, Moorcroft and Link Financial. Moorcroft have already agreed the amount. Cabot and Link have yet to respond, even though I know they got the letters on 28/08/2013 as I have a signed for receipt. Now the unusual thing. My father has recently gone into a nursing home so does not live at my former address. I also do not live there, as my brother and I are sorting things out there to sell the house for dad. I still check the post there every day. Last week there was a letter from Capital One saying they had passed over to Fredrickson International and I should deal with them. Well, I ignored it (my new address since August of last year was clearly stated on the letter to them on 28th August!). I went down again today and find a letter addressed to me again from Fredrickson International saying they want the full amount to avoid "further debt recovery". Now my question is, do I let them know I have the letters? (even though they are to the wrong address and Capital One have a letter with my new address on anyway!) and do I pay Moorcroft as they agreed, and contact the other two to find out if they want to continue?. Or do I just wait it out?. Would appreciate any help on this. Thanks very much Andy
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