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  1. Thanks. The only thing I can think of is they have never issued me with any reminders or demands that I should licence the vehicle. I get these for my old landrover. I always tax that on line. I don't understand why it took two years and the only reason this came to light was the car was clamped in my husband's work car park. Surely, if a car is MOT'd. and insured, but not SORN'd they should have flagged it up on the system and written to me? Or is that to obvious and simple?
  2. Yes, I understand that. But why is tax payers money going to pursue people who have not even avoided paying tax? It seems totally out of proportion to the 'crime'. Why have I not even been offered an on the spot fine? Why do I have to travel over two hours to a strange city to attend this hearing? I could accept that it is an offence not to display a tax disc and even pay a small fine, but taking me to court with the possibility of £1000 penalty plus costs, seems ridiculous. I have already paid the clamping fee.
  3. For keeping an unlicenced vehicle. Even though it was band A and therefore no tax is due. 'To answer the charge that on the 12/07/2013 at *place name* you kept a motor vehicle registration mark xyz for which a licence was not in force, contrary to Section 29(1) of the vehicle Excise and registration act 1994' The car is in band A (49 diesel car) and therefore £0 tax is due. I have already paid the clamping fine and obtained a licence. I can't believe the DVLA are taking me to court for not even avoiding paying any tax! In fact, they are using my income tax to fund these kinds of prosecutions. I obtained a tax disc the very next day. I returned the forms to them immediately. I am just in shock that this has happened. Also, the court is in Cambridge which is over two hours away!
  4. Sadly no. I just sent it first class. No proof of posting. I can't believe they are taking me to court when I have already paid them money for unclamping the car and I didn't owe a penny in any case.
  5. I 'll try to be brief. My car is exempt from tax. I stupidly thought I therefore didn't need a tax disc. However, I was clamped and had to pay a £250 fine and get a disc asap, which I did. They sent me a form saying that I may have to go to court and to complete and return the form. I did this immediately. Today I received a summons to go to court and possibly have to pay a £1000 fine plus costs! I am distraught. I did everything they asked of me, and very quickly. But in the court letter it says I did not return the form that they sent me. I most definitely did as I was very upset and made sure it was sent immediately. Is there anything I can do? I have tried phoning but no one would speak to me about it. I have now composed a letter stating I was not avoiding paying any monies due and that I returned the form they sent me immediately. Is there any chance they can cancel the court appearance? Thanks
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