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  1. I understand no one can give me the answer on here, but I was hoping someone might know possible reasons why. Thanks for replying.
  2. Thanks Ganymede, I tried but the courts are closed until Monday morning I was hoping someone on here could help.
  3. I failed to notify a change of circumstances in 2011. I had an IUC last December, and admitted what I had done. I was meant to be in court this Wednesday, but this morning received a letter saying it has been adjourned til the middle of September. Does anyone have any idea why it has been adjourned? I'm so stressed out with it, and have been for weeks now, I want to get it.over and done.with. I have a condition that causes too much pressure around my brain, and with the stress from this I have been really poorly, I don't know how I am going to cope for another month!
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