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Everything posted by stoptheexploitation

  1. You can take it from me a Brighthouse staff member that what I am telling you is 100% fact.
  2. As we all know that Brighthouse introduced the new single pricing agreement at the start of September 2013 & increased the interest rate to a whopping 67.9% minimum. If you did not know or were aware of, at the same time Brighthouse introduced a sneaky little price rise in the cost of their goods at the same time. The cost of goods purchased from this company increased by 25% that is the cash price displayed, over the terms of the agreement that means those products will cost you the consumer more. If you are unsure about the reliability of this information, I suggest that you visit your local store & ask them. They cannot deny it, Also ask them about the responsible lending policy that they are meant to adhere to. It states that no more than 20% of a customers weekly income can be used to pay Brighthouse, but again I know that is not adhered to.
  3. Brighthouse or this particular manager can shout all they want about involving the police. The police will not get involved as it is a civil matter & no criminal activity or offence has taken place. Brighthouse or their representatives can also not force their way into your property, they have no legal right to even attempt to do so. As the householder it is within your rights to refuse them entry. After a certain period of time, they will pass the visit's over to a ARM (Asset Recovery Manager) other than the standard CAA (Customer Accounts Advisor), be aware the the ARM has no more power or authority than the CAA. Don't be intimidated by the bully boy tactics.
  4. The new single agreement from B/House is for new agreements dates 2nd September 2013 onwards. Any existing agreements prior to that date you as customers still have the right & options to cancel OSC (Optional Service Cover) & DLC (Damage Liability Cover) DLC can be cancelled if the customer has their own insurance policy. The new single agreement has all service covers & insurances included, at the new whopping interest rate of 64.7% minimum. Brighthouse adding value to peoples lives everyday, yea right. More like adding debt to peoples lives every day.
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