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Everything posted by mt123

  1. muchalls, i have yet to receive any post so suppose it will arrive at some point
  2. portgrand, any updat on situation as i have similar problem with this company
  3. i hope this is the case but concerned still
  4. dempsey40, thanks lets hope for a quickpositive response
  5. dempsey40 , have you seen sam_a86 messages on link earlier in this thread message is below could you contact him direct and see if he has heard anymore i cannot as i have not been member long enough to be allowed to direct contact! Hi Guys, First of all, I thank everyone who posted an input to this thread and for helping me. Secondly I apologise for the delay of any update on my story as iv been on holiday. After I read what what a few people said when this issue came up, I decided to contact the company by phone and mail explaining that I could not afford to pay the sum and that it was an honest mistake. They replied saying they would lower the original sum, but I still had to sign the doc and pay. I wasn't having any of it as I wasn't prepared to pay for something I wasn't sure of, or even admit to something I wasn't sure of doing. Soon enough I ignored them , they tried calling me a few times and left voice messages asking me to contact them back, after I didn't reply, they sent me a letter about 2 months ago informing me it was my last chance to pay them etc etc or they will soon take legal action. I ignored that too, and since then I haven't heard from them. After reading what some people posted recently about this whole "solicitors company", I actually think that is the case now and I am just glad I didn't sign the doc and pay up, as at one point I was very close to doing so. So if I was to give anyone going through the same problem any advice, I would tell them don't panic, dont sign, and don't pay. Follow up the issue with some advice from other sources such as legal advice, on-line help, or even ask some friends for advice, as more often than not its a [problem]. Thank you. Sam could you contact him direct and see if he has heard anymore i cannot as i have not been member long enough to be allowed
  6. are you sure as company checks out are they just fishing hoping i will pay up?
  7. many thanks hope you get yours sorted
  8. think i wont accept letter then or reply to emai at this point please keep me updated and i shall you through this site any further advice from others would be appreciated
  9. should i not accept letter thats coming? have you took legal advice
  10. i am at a loss what to do as only received one email do i reply or ignore? did you receive any registered post? i have spoke to another man who got pages of stuff in post
  11. the firm looks official when you google it though i have not replied yet as only received email
  12. i have just received similar email from palmer briggs any update on your case?
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