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  1. Hi Brigs just wondering about one thing in your draft....Do I need to mention that original creditor had removed it bcz at that time Call credit check took off that entry before Original Crediitor responded me. I have got a respond from Original Creditor, will it be a good idea to send it with my letter as proof of previous communication to Original Creditor... Thanks
  2. Yeh it is indeed as I can see few errors in draft he gave me earlier... Any way thanks for help from Brigs and you
  3. Ms Sarah de Tute Director of Legal & Compliance Lowell Group Enterprise House 1Apec View Leeds LS11 PH Hi mate, post code seems to be incorrect on this above mentioned address...and is it the right person to address my issue??
  4. One thing more, is there any way to stopping this sort of wrong data appearing on any one credit file. Since you know it causes a lot of stress to see unrecognized account and dealing with this rude companies...I will keep you guys updated of the outcome and any further advise..
  5. I will do that first thing on Monday. I was just waiting as I had the same problem with equifax and they sorted out themselves with another telecommunication supplier. I did not make any contact with lowell over the phone as I was not the one who they have details with them and they would never discuss this with me. Just out of curiosity that how come wrong data pop over again on file if it was removed. In my case if it is sold again to any other dca, there are chances of appearng it again...It is going to cost me to keep on subscribing with Cra's
  6. Is it a good idea to write lowell or just wait a reponse from call credit check as its them who put wrong data witout verification. Its going to be 28 days on 4th and they are legally bound to answer within 28 days for any query.
  7. Yeh I have checked others cra's. Its only callcreditcheck who has put this account wrongly on my file...
  8. Hi all, I have got another problem with Call credit chcek of wrong default account on my file. I saw an unrecognized account on my file in May 2013 with differnent name and Date of birth.. It was someone else's O2 account appearing on my file since 2012 and become defaulted in January 2013. I immediately contact to CRA "call credit check" and O2. O2 replied to me that O2 do not allocate the account information to the individuals credit file. they send information to the credit agencies, who then allocate it to the “correct” persons credit report. In my case CRA seem to have made a mistake. I need to contact them directly and ask for a “notice of disassociation” I got a response from call credit check after 15 days that having investigated they could not locate it on my file and therefore no action is required ( dated 25 May 2013). It was taken off from my file without admitting that it was added by mistake.. I asked about justification of that how did they put that some one else acoount on my file without matching my personal details but did not get positive response. On 7th August, I found the same account again on my file from another company called Lowell, which I can Identify by the amount and last digits of account that it is same account... I once again contacted to them on 7th aug and got a standard reply of all details which I already provided with my email.. ..I sent them with all evidences of previous correspondence on 16th but dit not get any response from them and once I contacted again today on 31 aug I was told that I need to resend that email again as they did not receive it. I resned it again stating that I will just wait until 4th september as 28 days would have passed by then and I would then write to ICO for all stress and taking time out to write and follow up for nearly one month for this mess with my credit history. ( and yeh I tried to contact them over the phone several times but no joy. They don't communicate on the phone, only option is email) I need some advise about my options on these points... that Account was not mine and was removed in first place then how come it can appear again with different company name. and clearly lenders had not taken any responsibilty of giving my name to CRA they how come CRA can put some one else data on my file. Account was defaulted in January 2013, how come a company can put defaulted account to some one file after 6 months in August. ( though account is not mine and name and date of birth is different) How can I put a claim for compensation for all this stress and taking time out to communicate with them Any assistance will be greatly appriciated Thanks
  9. No its only with callcreditchek at the moment. other companies took off entry having investigated internally. I put forward my complaint to three customer services who are just insisting that account is mine just becasuse name matches with my name. and they are also refusing to provide any prove even asking me to go local store to inquire myself. which I don't find a right way. What do you reckon shall I ask my personal information by filling data request form and paying £10 because by that way I can justify my position and shall I write to Data controller about linking my information to some one else record. Thanks for your earlier response.
  10. Hi, I have got a problem of wrong information in my callcreditcheck file.I came to know in May that a wrong account of three mobile was recorded on my Experian and Callcreditcheck file. Having contacted and providing my ID to them just experian took off that wrong account from file but callcreditcheck is refusing and saying that three mobile is saying that they hold accurate information on me and asked me to contact to three. I contacted to three and explained the situation that I am an old customer of them but now see another wrong account linked to my credit fie which is unknown to me. I was assured that their fraud department will look into it and come back to me in one week. One week later, their fraud department contacted me bby saying that though date of birth and full name is not yours but that sim was used in my phone, I was called from that number and that the card used to get the contract had the same name like mine. I denied this and asked them to provide any prove that my id was used to obtain contract. They refused to provide any thing and said me to contact ICO if unhappy with the response. I contacted to ICO who replied me through email that they contacted to three and it 's kind of fraud case and I need to get involved police. I then contacted to police who said it has got nothing to do with them and told me to contact Three again I contacted to Three again who is accpting that my personal information does not match with that account but still it will be linked with my personal information on credit file. I am just wondering whay should I do as this case is going no where but wasting time.
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