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  1. Hi All, I bought a car from an independent dealership back in May this year, and was wondering if anyone could give me some advice as to where to go from here? Please bare with me, as its quite a long post. The car appeared to be fine at the time of purchase, however the engine warning light came on an hour after after leaving the garage. I contacted the dealership immediately and they assured me not to worry, and bring the car back to them. I took the car back a couple of days later, the dealer took the car off me, and claimed he would take the car to the their Garage around the corner from the dealership. He returned with the car around 15mins later, and said that the car had 2 faults: 1. overboost sensor 2. glow plug He told me not to worry, his mechanic had cleared the fault codes and the car would be fine. I wasn't really happy with this and explained to him, that I would like him to get the car fixed considering I had only had it for an hour before the warning light came on. The dealer said that I wasn't within my rights to get the car fixed for free, however if the problem still persisted, he would be happy to issue me with a warranty for an additional fee (He said he would have given it me for free, but I didn't pay the asking price for the car) I decided not to take out the warranty, and see how I got in with the car. Low and behold the engine warning light came back on the same day. I contacted the garage again the following day, and the dealer said he would issue me with a free warranty, which would enable me to get the car fixed. I agreed to this, and he promised I would have the warranty in the post within a week or so. However, a month later, and still no sign of the warranty, even though I contacted the garage numerous times throughout this period, to ask for what the delay was. Each time I called, the dealer just said "their warranty guy hadn't come to collect the warranty forms as of yet, but assured me their was nothing to worry about etc" I got to the point where the dealer stopped answering my calls. In the meantime I paid £35 to have a full diagnostic check on the car by a reputable garage. They found 2 faults: Glow plugs: £99.45 fitted inc.vat inlet manifold flap £222.30 fitted inc. vat. I also got in touch with Citizens Advice and the advised me to send a letter to the dealership, in which I outlined the faults, along with their breach of sale of goods act etc. As expected, the Garage did not reply, so CA advised me to send another final letter which I did, however I got no response. I then contacted CA again this morning, and they said as my local CA don't give civil advice, I would have to pursue the matter further through court. They told me to have a look online at moneyclaims.gov.uk and hmcourt-service.gov.uk I have had a look on both sites etc, however I just wondered if anyone could advise me on a couple of things e.g. Do you think I am within my rights to make a claim against this garage? Also could anyone explain the fees to me. I did have a look on the x50 form, but didn't fully understand? Many thanks for any info/advice on this. Its well appreciated.
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