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Playing Devils Advocate

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Everything posted by Playing Devils Advocate

  1. Just joined this thread as I too have been given a penalty notice at the same Box Junction, Berkley Street into Piccadilly. I can't believe that the local authority is allowed to get away with this. I happen to work very near to both this junction and the Arlington Street intersection into Piccadilly and both have exactly the same issue. Throughout most of the day, the traffic volume along Piccadilly is so severe that on nearly every change of lights at these junctions it is almost impossible to turn left out of Berkeley Street or right out of Arlington Street without stopping in the box junction. If you follow the letter of the law, you simply wouldn't be able to make the manoeuvre. needless to say, you would also have a line of infuriated motorists backing up behind you. The traffic lights and the flow along Piccadilly mean that just about every change of lights, the cameras will focus in on one or more vehicles and issue penalty notices. They must know that it is impossible for motorists to make the turn into Piccadilly, yet they still issue the fines. There must be some recourse surely??? Anyone tried a FOI request to determine how many motorists are fined each day at this junction? I was so annoyed, that I went and photographed 8 changes of lights yesterday just to prove my point. See and
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