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Everything posted by Watermusic

  1. Thank you. I have now just seen a solicitor and we think we will try and put me on the deeds as a restriction showing my rights of tenancy. I think that`s what we are doing as far as I understand it. I hope it will be enough to show that I have bought a roof over my head for life, and is not dissimilar to buying a new property,which would be allowed.
  2. Am 60 and on ESA. I sold my house for £51,000.I have moved in with my daughter and partner and paid them £45,000 to house me for the rest of my days.Because of my change of circumstances I am filling in ESA3 and a form for council tax help. We are seeing a solicitor to draw up our arrangement legally. But I don`t know what form this should take.I am in danger of being accused of gifting her the money. Do I go for a Declaration of Trust, a lease or tenancy agreement or what ? I have spoken to 2 solicitors on the phone,one who just told me to go elsewhere, and a Welfare rights solicitor who told me to deal with it at a tribunal.Surely there is some way I can satisfy Benefits. I want something to prove our arrangement for my own peace of mind too.
  3. Yes he was in the Netherlands.
  4. Thank you very much for your straight foreward and non accusatory reply, abc123def.
  5. My son went abroad for 3 years ,came back and has been turned down for DLA because he has not been in Britain for at least 104 weeks out of the last 156 weeks. He has mental health issues , is on anti psychotic drugs,and felt too frightened to stay in Britain,thinking people were after him. He got psychiatric treatment abroad, and is now a habitual resident here again. Will these mitigating circumstances have any effect on the ruling ? Please advice....
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