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  1. Two people at least, Sarah and Paul have been replying to my emails, and the best way to get a reply is to message them through Facebook. You can see the inside of their shop using Google Maps, nice place, I would call into them If it was local.
  2. I finally got the rest of my order on Friday the 26th of July. I won't be buying from these guys again, too much hassle even for 30% off.
  3. Hi, I ordered six paints and the citadel brush set from Total Wargamer on the 22/06/2013. Ten days later they dispatched my paints but only sent four of the ten brushes, assuring me they would follow soon. I got an email offering me the Army Painter equivalent of the brushes, which I declined, and I'm still waiting for the rest of my order, plus now they have stopped replying to my emails. I would ask for a refund, but I've already used the paints and brushes. I'm concerned that they won't send the rest of my order. What can be done? Should I just wait a bit longer? Thanks.
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