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  1. Keep us informed with what happens along the way,I am in the same position as you but mine will default on friday,qq did offer me the pre default plan of 4 months;but this is no good to me as all I can manage is a 12 month plan and thats what i intend to stick too.
  2. Hi all,new to all this but here we go.Re quickquick a bit of 1st hand info on setting up a repayment plan.I have e maied them twice asking for a 12 month plan(collections and support) but told to ring or use live chat,so i went on live chat only to be told"they do not do plans before default day" and i would need to call collections on the day.I asked in my e- mail for qq to cancel the cpa and direct debts,also I have written to my bank to do the same and oh dear i lost my card too. I have since e-mailed the same letter back to qq also asking why are they so difficult to deal with when all I want to do is sort it before friday, pduk and liquidadvance accepted and sorted a 12month plan within hours of asking.I,m running out of ideas myself now and just wait until default day which is friday. I will keep sending my original e-mail to them each day before hand and hope for the best,its not as if I dont want to pay them back its that I cant do it in one go.
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