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Everything posted by savvysaver

  1. Haven't seen that one - will look out for it. We so need to get them into real trouble. They want to float on the stock market, but are waiting to see what clampdowns the Gov are going to make. Joke! we know the answer, just ban advertising etc & make them all financially unviable.
  2. Stop Payday loan adverts on television. please sign this petition & keep passing it on http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/42019
  3. Hi, what came to my mind is if it is at all possible to stay with family longer, then it would make sense to. My son being in huge debt & in the forces was going to come out. This would have meant moving back home with no guaranteed income & being in debt pretty much forever. He is now staying in at least as long as it will take to clear his debts, and also to accumulate some savings. Surety of a home base with little or no outgoings bills wise would enable you to be in a happier financial place a lot faster. Not an option for everyone though. Good luck.
  4. Hi, my son was also a twit- just 1 of countless thousands. Eventually he asked for my help. I got him to phone Wonga & give them permission to speak to me. A payment plan was made - with the interest frozen, of £100 a month. Strangely, after 3 payments they did not take a fourth. I got him to register with NODDLE - a fantastic free to register free for life alternative to Experian. It shows your credit rating & everyone you owe on it. Discovered Wonga are also known as Quickbridge - saw the amount still owing to them I rang them up hoping they would accept less if I paid upfront. No, they don't - unless that is you have owed them for 2 or 3 years then they will. What I could do though, as they won't reduce the amount and the interest is frozen, was to ask them for their sort code & account number & reference number. That is now set up on my sons bank account, but he is in complete control. eg if all he can afford one month is £10 or £20 then that's what they get. They can't take out more as it's not a direct debit. Phone them on 020 7990 9494 speak to debt management. Quicker& more effective than emails & you do get a proper response. Hope this helps. So unless you are in a hurry to pay them off, don't. As a certain M Lewis says, you pay off any high interest people first. So once the interest is frozen, just take your time..
  5. I've very happily signed. Basic good economics to me are, if you are on a living wage then you can come off certain government financial support. This means more money in the Gov. coffers to spend on e.g. keeping local services open such as libraries. This means people are kept in employment and kept off benefits which means more money is pumped back into the economy. Yes, employers would have to pay more, but presumably this simply means they would pay less tax as their outgoings would be more. Oversimplified perhaps, but you get the drift of it..
  6. Brilliant!! this is spreading..came on here to post it but you've already done it!! we'll keep spreading the word until common sense prevails & those destructive payday loan adverts are banned.
  7. Hi, on the TOOTHFAIRY website they proudly state they do not do credit checks to see if you are working etc. right away this runs foul of what they are meant to do - namely, to be a responsible lender. There is a brilliant guide to use to compose suitable response to them that should shut them up. It's written by the Govan Law Centre, link on another debt page. Superb. My son borrowed £400 from them and 12 months on, after registering with free Noddle credit check agency , there it was, showing £2400!!! they can go and run. will download letter from the online free book to compose a response. Intend offering £650! its enough!!
  8. My son was in big trouble with Wonga - I got him to phone them, & give them permission to speak to me. I told them (debt management team) he owed me heaps (true!) they froze the interest & made amicable affordable plan to come out of bank each month. I am collecting so much dirt on them all!! We need everyone to copy and paste the link onto every other link possible..it only has 500 signatures so far! yes, nasty attractive cartoon people-so deceptive. Next time I see him, he'll sign a letter saying he owes me, & they will keep it on their record so they wont give him any more loans. Likewise the Money Shop..
  9. Just use this letter writing guide. Its brill T F are guilty of misspelling as they don't care about your employment status-therefore your means of repaying http://www.govanlc.com/PaydayLoanSurvivalGuide.pdf !
  10. TOOTHFAIRY are guilty of misspelling. Their website boasts this - we welcome all customers, regardless of your situation, employment status or income level. You’ll find that we don’t try to tie you in for years, sell you extra products or charge any hidden fees. This clearly shows they don't care if you can afford it or not! A letter offering repayment of the original loan of £400 without interest on the way! ..they want £2400! we must make it not worth their while lending.Here is a free download advise pack with letter writing examples to use and send to any guilty company (which most of them will be) http://www.govanlc.com/PaydayLoanSurvivalGuide.pdf
  11. TOOTHFAIRY are guilty of misselling right away. Their website boasts this - we welcome all customers, regardless of your situation, employment status or income level. You’ll find that we don’t try to tie you in for years, sell you extra products or charge any hidden fees. A letter offering repayment of the original loan of £400 without interest on the way! ..as they now want £2400! we must make it not worth their while lending. A huge thank you for this invaluable guide:)
  12. Hi, just having my first excursion onto this site and spotted your appeal for help/advise. I honestly don't see the problem - namely, the debts are yours, and not your families. As you don't own anything of value any longer, your family won't inherit anything, & you don't have any assets for any company to "grab". Your debts cannot be inherited by your family to pay off, as they won't inherit anything from you, put simply. So keep what money you can, declare youself bankrupt if needs be, and that could well be the best way forward for you to be free of worry. Hope this helps.
  13. http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/42019 Please everyone who sees this, sign it and post it on. We have until Nov 2013 with this one!
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