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  1. thanks. But atthe police we were told that the damaged party can sue for us, does Primark sue for in such cases? >>> or was that all? calling for police?
  2. Hello, I came through this forum as I was searching for what should I had expected from RLP. About 4 months ago, in April, me and my friend were caught shoplifting at Primark. The case is that we are not UK citizens, we were visiting London for several days. We are extremely ashamed and do not even realize how that kind of thing happened to us. when we left the shop with several items purchased, and items taken from the shop e ere detained by the Primark security, taken downstairs in a room here entered a furious man, asking to empty our bags and shouting at us that e had arrived to his country for stealing. He was very rude, he screaming all the time as a result we were totally scared and didn't know what to answer. he and the security emptied our bags and took our passports and took the items we stole to the other room. they demanded for us to write our addresses and e were told we would receive a fine. after half an hour the man came back as e were writing the addresses and told that he had called for police as the cost of the items we had taken separately as more than 200 pounds in total. the police took and cautioned us and sent the caution to our embassy, we were told we would have problems while applying for visa for UK and US next time. We received 3 RLP letters since then. The case is that only my friend received letter, which said there is a joint accusation for co-offenders, it didn't concertize ho many of us were blamed. we haven't answered and ignored them until now as we read some of previous posts. the first letter demanded fine of 300 ponds for one and 250 pounds of the fine for my friend, the second stated the same amount and the threats of court appeals. The third letter my friend received 10 days ago and it states that RLP has to advise its client to appeal and that we should answer the letter within 14 days. We are extremely worried, do not know ho to act, hat to do , we are just 20 have not finished the university yet and just cannot manage paying to RLP, but e are afraid, could advise us what to do?? Is there any chance that Primark will sue for us after RLP's notice? and as we are foreigners what will happen? All items ere returned to the store and they were not damaged but RLP states in the letters that we have to compensate the damage tothe cosmetics and other stuff the store was caused to, but there was no cosmetics at all if this matters. Thank you in advance and please help.
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