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  1. Hi all I've just been to see a solictor - she said I may get an IUC at most. I asked about sending a possible letter to the council - she said it was something I could do and would look better from myself than from a solictor in the first instance. I'm not sure whether to wait and see what happens or whether to send a letter or ring them up and see what they say. I emailed a few councils and they all said bascically just pay back the money. I wish they would just generate a bill!
  2. A futher one for today I have filled in a SPD review form and I have actually put a date on before my partner moved in as I can't give a full date - I have back dated 20 months! I'm going to see a solictor on Tuesday to see what to do next as I am convinced I will get an IUC. What do people think to writing a letter saying about my mistake to follow it up - bascially moved in and i didnt' think it needed declaring..but it should have been therefore can I pay back the money and any administrtive costs
  3. I currenlty have myself in handcuffs, in prison wiht a criminal record. Bascially I didn't report a change in circumstances and it has now gone on too long. I'm hoping the solictor will be able to help me out and that the council will think the sums involved are too small to wory about but I am panicing about an interview under caution - I'm SURE I will get one. What can i possibley say - only thing is that tenancy was in my name I suppose - but it looks bad bad! the responses on here help alot - but it is also scary to see how far others have been through all this
  4. I can only think how dodgy this all looks (and could be precieved to be as), I'm so so worried. Does anybody know if a local authority caution would show up on CRB checks etc? I want to speak to the council but I think i now need a solicitor as it looks really bad - thankfully at least i continued to fill the form in wrong!
  5. A good saying that I think - not heard it at all I'm going to try and not contact anyone at all for the time being being and just see what happens! I'm still anxious as hell and probably shouldhave just mailed them first off without trying to fudge it. I hope they just send me a big bill!
  6. I got this when I asked annoymously about it (to another coucil i hasten to add). Essentially I think I will be ok - especially as I am willing to pay it back!!!! Good afternoon, The purpose of our review is to ensure that all on-going Single Person Discounts are correct. We accept that there are a number of people who may have misunderstood when a discount would apply. As you have now cancelled your Single Person Discount, there is no further action to take. Any changes are not being backdated prior to 1st April 2014. If you would like to provide me with your address, I shall remove the discount for the whole of the financial year, if the date used was later than that. Regards
  7. its going to be such a long wait. I've very convinced that I will get an interview and i've contacted a solicitor to find out how best to go forwards
  8. RightI have been into council this morning - filled in form and predated when my partner moved in. As it was ages they said it needs to go to the 'back office' to work out amount owing. i put down my partners previous address which I hope won't generate any more problems. I am utterly convinced that I will now get an 'interview under caution' and a stern telling off. I doubt I'd get fully prosectuated for it although they could if they wished. I just wanted to pay the money back in one go but couldn't as they need to work it out. they said 'a few weeks'. Urgh i feel sick to my core!!
  9. I had a friend ring them today with all the details - all i need to do is go in and pay it - they even said they could just add it on to the bill but I want to pay it all in one go!
  10. Every one has said the same thing. Even so and armed with the info I still can't stop bring anxious etc. that's the third time I've asked for lawyer advice and paid as I'm so worried
  11. I got this answer from a lawer Thank you. The short answer is that they could prosecute you but probably they would not. There are no guarantees obviously but its likely. Firstly, if you report this yourself it becomes very difficult for them to prove the required dishonesty. Secondly, most councils have a cut off limit over which they will prosecute. Usually its £3k or thereabouts. That doesn't mean you cannot be prosecuted for an amount under that but its less likely. Thirdly you have no previous which is always a good point. They will ask you to pay the wrongful deduction but its not likely they would take any criminal action. Obviously I cannot guarantee that but given your position the safest course of action is to confess rather than wait to be caight. You cannot lie but at least you can put the best spin upon it. Can I clarify anything for you? Jo
  12. This is horrible! I'm going to ring cit advice tomorrow. i have bascialy 18 months of over payment - they'll know cos they will have cross checked the fact her bank statements etc come here. each time i look and think of how to sort it it seems to get worse. I think i should jsut say - i have an overpayment that i thought i was allowed as tenancy just in my name but on reading it after SPD review letter I reaslie it should have been changed and it wasn't and I will pay it back straight away. if they ask questions though i know i'll just end up in more trouble!! EDIT - i'm not coping and keep being sick and dunno what to do
  13. I did have one thought fill in the form saying 2011 and then just wait and see what happens ? see if they just send me a bill
  14. Thank you Kain. I will try to do that and everybody has said it wil be ok. I even paid online for some advice from a lawyer - you can bascially go to a site and pay some money and they answer questions super quick and very worth it. Yes they have cross referenced and my partner has obviously been here - well her mail has been sent here. I've changed it for this year but they will need the back dated amount. I keep looking online about this and apparently they could prosectuate or give me a caution if it was 'fraud'. I'm going to tell them as I was the tenancy was in my name i thought that counted and I've made a mistake and will pay whatever monies are owing. I reckon about 600quid. I think if i just put the date that would match on the single person discount review form, sent it off they would then send a bill - i just worry about the forms i filed in saying I was the single person here in the meantime! This has made me ill (all my own doing I realise that!) - i've not slept for days, I keep looking and googleing things and i've been sick each time I've tried to eat! I want to go into the civic centre to sort it out...but I think that would make it worse
  15. its also scary when you look on the internet at all the things that can or might happen - basically i need to say 'ahh i've made a mistake, didn't realise what actually counted and need to pay back some money' but hopefully avoid prosecuation in the meantime!!!
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