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  1. The first thing I did when I realized I needed the part, even before I spoke to Studio Spares, was to contact K&M via e-mail. Their representative was quick to respond. He was able to identify the correct part and give me the relevant reference number, even though his first language was German rather than English. He also recommended that I use the same dealer I bought the stand from, even though I'd asked to purchase it directly, so my thinking is that they don't deal with the consumer as a company policy. As for sourcing it from another dealer, I think that's a great suggestion, and I wish I'd thought of it earlier. I noticed there's a dealer on Amazon that sells K&M products, and I'll be going there in future. Now for an update on the situation. Before posting here yesterday, I mentioned to the manager that I would be turning to a consumer group for advice. Within 10 minutes of writing on this forum, I received a phone call from Studio Spares, saying that the product I was looking for had 'mysteriously turned up' at the front desk. After speaking for a couple of minutes, I managed to find out that they had (finally!) made a phone call to K&M in Germany, and spoken to the same person that dealt with my original e-mail. It sounds as tho the part may have been sitting at their warehouse for a while. Still, whatever the case, I'm glad it's been found and is on it's way to me. Moral of the story? Don't buy from Studio Spares!
  2. Hi, I'm new to this forum, but I've come across a problem with a retail store, and I'm not sure who to turn to. I ordered a very specific part from Studio Spares at the beginning of February this year. It's a metal faceplate, made by a German company called König and Meyer. I was given a delivery date of the 19th of April. When the part didn't arrive, I phoned Studio Spares hoping for an explanation. I was told that they hadn't received it in their last K&M shipment, and they were expecting it in the next one. I was happy to wait, as I need the part to use a keyboard stand (also made by K&M and sold by Studio Spares) that cost me over £100. 2 months later, and 5 months since I first ordered the product, I phoned Studio Spares again today for the fifth or sixth time since the first delivery date I was given. Each time I've called, I've been given a different excuse as to why the they don't have the part in stock. What's worse, I've now been told I'll have to wait til at least the end of August. I'm frustrated, and disappointed with the company. I've been offered a refund for the part itself, which costs less than £10, but I need the part and not the money! I've also spent a great deal more than £10 in phone calls alone trying to chase the part. I finally managed to get through to a manager today, who I've been told is now finding out why it's taken so long. I still feel that there's a possibility I'll be told at the end of August the same thing I was told in April - "The part didn't arrive in our last K&M shipment". If there's anyone that feels they can help me get hold of this part, or at least receive some fair compensation from Studio Spares, please let me know. Thanks.
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