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  1. Not to me either, and anyone she tells the story to is shocked to hear what income she has coming in. It's pretty ridiculous, and even I'm starting to think she's justified in thinking she's being targeted for some reason or another. It might also be worth mentioned we're in Scotland, in case of any slight law differences.
  2. She doesn't get her state pension until next year, and isn't of an age eligible enough to claim pension credits seemingly.
  3. My mother has a small work's pension that she has been getting for 6 years, it was actually my deceased father's and now she gets 50% of it for him, she's currently 61. The pension used to be £87 a month and the government were taking £20 but it's now £51 and they're still taking the amount from it, but that's not the point of the post. For weeks now her benefits have been being reduced/ cut off temporarily, and putting her into rent arrears with the council. The DWP have asked for information on the pension, and she has given it to them time and time again. The pension switched from one company to another at one point, around the time the trouble started, and she has handed them letters. She gave them a letter from the original company saying that the pension was being transferred to the new one. She gave them a letter from the new one saying they were taking over the pension. She's given them P60's and an assortment of information. This has been an on-going thing for a month or more now. They're now asking for a pension statement, which she has never had even once for the pension and have cut off all of her benefits, including housing. She's been to citizens' advice, she's explained the situation to the housing department and managed to settle one set of rent arrears(more incoming, now) and she just can't seem to get through to the DWP the exact details of the pension that is causing so much problems. She has no more information she could possibly hand them, and they still inquire about it. She feels as though they suspect she has more money coming in than she does, and can't seem to make them understand that all she is getting is £51 a month from it. All the income she has had is ESA, Housing benefit and that pension. She's been told she isn't entitled to income support or any other additional support. Does anyone have any suggestions for what she could do next?
  4. They've asked me before about UJM, something along the lines of am I registered. I am registered, I just haven't shared my details with them.. I think the work programme was supposed to get a hold of that. Lol. Besides my account with UJM doesn't work, no matter what I do it says I've put in a wrong ID and password, even though I have emails with password reset requests and the like. It's all just a travesty.
  5. That's exactly what I'm trying to do, but if I can keep the work programme inconvenience away while dealing with the job centre at the same time then I'm all for that.
  6. I do have a copy. It says I have to do 10 "things" (whatever that means) a week. It says I'll access jobsites at least 5 times per week to apply for all suitable vacancies. Which is what I do. The first time she took issue with me was because I'd written down the times I'd looked and found nothing to apply for, which was more than I'd found jobs to apply for when I managed to land myself with her. The next week she'd booked me in to review my job seeker's agreement (which we didn't do. She spent the time with me refuting what I was telling her, constantly saying "nope" to everything I was telling her) I didn't write down when I've looked at a site and haven't found any to apply for, I just put down that I'd been looking at the sites over the fortnight and noted the jobs I'd applied for. That's when she decided to book time with me the next time I signed on, sigh. How much paper and ink do they want me to use? Do they want me to make things up, or apply for unrealistic jobs to pad it out I wonder? Edit: I'd also like to point out how bizarre it is that she thinks there are 1000's of jobs for me to apply for, she was insinuating having to send out 100 CVs a week (but that's just her). Tons of the jobs I find on job searches are management jobs, others require experience and particularly on UJM there are like 7 entries of the exact same job. Should I make an application for the same job 7 times to keep her happy? They have different job ID's/ref numbers, so are they technically a different job to a job centre adviser?
  7. So I have a somewhat unique issue here. I'm supposed to be with a work programme, starting from last year. Since before Christmas they seem to have lost my scent and forgotten all about me, no appointments or anything. That's actually not the problem. I'm happy to have been forgotten by them because they make you travel a fair distance to sit at a computer for a minimum of 2 hours; job searching. Something easily done at home. Recently, however, a job centre adviser has decided to pick on me; saying that I don't apply for enough jobs per week. The last time I said there were no retail jobs I could apply for, she typed retail into indeed and tried to represent the 10'000 matches as jobs that I could apply for. I've not worked before, and my lack of experience doesn't put me in the best position for any job, but I'm confident that the multitude of management jobs aren't suitable. Nor are the one's in London it suggests for my Glasgow postcode. She's said the work programme should be helping, and that I should get on to them and tell them I'm close to being sanctioned. She's booked me in to see her next time I sign on and she's going to go through things with me with a "fine toothcomb". The woman's attitude is condescending, and despite her saying she isn't challenging me one week. The next she is saying I'm either not putting down everything I'm doing, or I'm just not doing it. I'm either incompetent or a liar, clearly. I just wonder if she really can sanction me for not being "proactive" enough, in her words. I asked her to give me a number of jobs I should apply for, she said that a set number is a fallacy. So then how can I not be applying for enough? Regardless, should I contact the Work programme and put myself on their radar again or is there a set number of jobs I should apply for realistically? Do the jobcentre and work programmes even keep in touch with each other about you? They seem to communicate to each other through the client. Most importantly, how much trouble can I get in for letting the work programme forget about me for so long? Edit: If there is scrutiny and it's discovered I haven't been to the work programme, should I be punished? My agreement says I have to go to all work programme appointments, but I haven't actually had any to go to.
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