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Everything posted by topcliff100

  1. Sorry for the late reply. Yes they asked questions on a form and that was it. Very good as on Monday they had refunded my money, cancelled my card and issued me with a brand new one with totally different 16 digit number. I'm just in from work so am going to check to see if any money has come out. Thanks
  2. Thanks for the info. I moved to metro bank and filed a fraud action on my account with them there and then. They say it will get dealt with monday. She said they'll issue a new card also but I'm wondering if just closing my account and opening a new one with them on wednesday which is payday will be better. I'm wide awake with worry that they'l clear it out before then though
  3. I don't need to be berated for my stupidity in needing a payday loan or two because things haven't been good at certain dark times this past year or so. OK, yes, I did take a loan out with this lot last year iirc and got into difficulties and tried to arrange a payment plan but they then started hen pecking my account so much that Barclay's actually froze me account from having any debits through it and I had to get cash out over the counter to pay for everything. A good 20 mins each time. So, I closed Barclay's and opened up another account with another bank. Things got very bad for me mentally with a lot of stuff going on that I forgot about this lot though I obviously want to pay them what I owe them now that I am in a good place mentally but maybe not financially. Which is why I needed a small £50 payday loan( I know the cycle starts again but hear me out) to tide me till payday as I knew I had money in my account for a ticket but not food. It was not CFO tho. So I go yesterday to me bank to withdraw my money as colleague said he would give me a lift so I could get good and it wasn't there. They had taken 2 s,mall amounts totalling around £60. From my new bank and account. I never authorised the,m to do so. I have completed a form at bank and they are looking in to it but what can I do? I get paid on wed so its too late to change me bank so I'm dead worried they will try and take the lot at once which I can't afford and I'm worried sixky. I'm trying not to drop into me dark place again but I just wondered what I can do to stop them from taking anything from me bank. I will pay them back but not all at once as can't afford it.
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