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Everything posted by ice198625

  1. Hi My misses was driving the car on Thursday (A3 S Line 2011) she was stationairy waiting for the lights to turn green when a HGV ran straight into the back of her and smashed all the back of my car in which also result in her being thrown into the back of someone elses car, there is only minor damage to the car in front and very little to the front of my car but this HGV from Bidvest Food Services is not for admitting liability even though the police has done him for driving without due care and attention The bloke has obviously been messing with a hand held work device, or a mobile phone or just quiet simply not been watching the road but how do you hit a car when the lights are on red baffles me. Santander have done nothing but mess about trying to contact the woman whos car we hit to clarify what went on ive told them im not interested what your trying to do with her i want to know whats going on with my car and when its going to be picked up to be taken away to be repaired. My car is now sat on the drive way waiting to be collected and i am no closer to having this simple task carried out. They have also turned round and said to me if they cant get hold of her they will need to refer me to there underwriters co op insurance which means i am liable for the excess dont see how this is my problem when it wasnt our fault
  2. Hi Need some help writing a letter to my employer regarding the 48 hour working limit they have claimed i opted out of the 48 hour week therefore i should remain doing stupid hours per day which i no longer wish to do, So if i have opted out of the 48 hour week i wish to opt back in as ive seriously had enough. They are also now threatning us with a straight written warning if i dont turn in for monday overtime even though i told him 6 weeks ago i cant do it due to school holidays and after 5 weeks they still have not sorted my £200 wage query they owe me. Id be grateful if someone could help me with a template to give to them Few Questions Can they refuse to let me opt back in to it Can they sack me if i refuse to work after 6pm and how long do i have to wait until i can clock off after 48 hours Can they disapline me for not working overtime as i cant afford another day of childcare and they also owe me money so theres another reason why im refusing
  3. I work as a 2 man crew and im pretty certain the 14 hour days has fallen below minimum wage for the hours we have been doing, im a on a pay per job contract and averaging £100 a day its easy money and its little things like traveling between jobs stupid distances which is keeping me and my collegue out until late I dont even want to work over time and hate it how this man expects me to put this job before my family it wont happen he claims i opted out of the 48 hour week but cannot remember signing it for this company so we will see if he recovers this document
  4. Hi I have worked on my same contract for over 3 years and was TUPED over 1st April 2015, Worked for this company now for over 14 months and things are getting very stressful, My contract states occasional overtime may be required due to needs of the business and my working hours are 48 hours per week, I have told my manager i cannot work overtime quiet simply i cannot find suitable child care arrangements and this is supposed to be my day off as i work 5 days tuesday to saturday and sunday and mondays are my day off. Mondays i have my kids i dont see them in the week so dont see why i should have to work the over time when i dont need it, dont see why i should have to put my hand in my pocket and pay out over £60 a day for 2 kids to go to nursery, my manager seems to think its ok to harrass and bully half of us to come into work on our days off with no extra money just our standard pay, his words are its in your contract for needs of the busy no my contract states occasioanlly this is creeping up to twice a month every month and im getting kind of fed up of it This week ive done over 78 hours and told him i simply cannot come into work due to child care issues and im so tired i need the rest, ive basically been threatned with disapline procedures. he says we have all signed a form which states we have opted out of the 48 hour week, My arguement is i cant remember signing it so please supply it to me and if that is the case then 78 hours over 5 days is enough then he is expecting 6 days the week after When i mentioned the over time and the hours im working all he says well why do you think we give you 4 weeks notice to sort out childcare etc my arguement is why should i put my hand in my pocket and pay out childcare and make no benefit from this over time again needs of the business comes out of his mouth i think somehow he didnt like it when said i come to work to provide for myself and my children not for the needs of the business Im so stressed with this job now and thinking of calling it a day the money is so good but its not worth the hassle
  5. Hi Unfortunately I work for a contractor who manage the Virgin network I work 5 days a week over Tuesday to Saturday and I get Sunday Monday off 2 weeks ago my employer said everybody is working over time on 14th March a few of us claimed we can't do it due to appointments, dropping kids off at school etc we are being threatened with disapline if we can't prove our appointments etc Now I have physio on my back after an injury I sustained at work this is for every monday until it's done with I also have to drop my eldest off at school I've told them this but they are not listening I've worked almost every over time day in 3 years of working there but this is becoming far to often now I can't prove my physio appointment as it's all online and is confidential information I've provided a letter about it but it only shows how to book it all online Do I have rights here
  6. Hi guys I rent a 2 bedroom house with my partner and 2 children 1 being 3 years old and other being 9 weeks. I pay full rent and work full time but having an issue with these idiots at the moment I called them out to acess the damp to see what they can do as im sick of scrubbing the walls and re painting them he messes about with this laser tool i asked him what he was doing and he says it will tell him how cold the walls was he was doing this for 20 minutes hoping he came to a solution for us his only solution was to keep my heating on 24 hours a day 7 days a week What a stupid solution when i asked him are they going to pay my gas bill he just laughed really annoyed this is one of the worst people i have had a home off nothing but hassle from day one they have never done any work on this place from day 1 of living here 5 years
  7. Just looked on that ombudsman thing and Virgin Media or Virgin Mobile dont come up in the list does that mean i cant put a complaint to them ?
  8. Nice name for them Virgin Bledia Well i had an email today off social media team to explain how my contract is actually 24 months and no 12 months even though there system states it is still 12 months, They say i had a sim change in december 2014 and thats why the account says 12 months as surprise surpise someone in there team did not drag the contract details over properly so i sent them another reply stating how is your mess up my problem i explained to them my problem now is you sold me a upgrade despite full well knowing that i had 12 months remaining on my contract and now i am left paying for two phones because they refuse to cancel one due to there error Here is the email they sent me today i have seriously had enough of these muppets, and the 14 day period has passed Hi Chris Thank you for taking the time to contact the social media team and apologies for the delay in my response. We are busier than normal at the moment and this has led to an increase in our response times. Firstly, I would like to apologise for any inconvenience or frustration this matter may have caused. We pride ourselves on the services we provide and it is always disappointing to learn of instances where this has fallen short. Having checked the account it does state that the contract expiry date is 08/2015, however this information is incorrect. I can see that the tariff was removed and re-added due to a previous issue in December 2014 and this may be what has caused this issue and allowed the upgrade to be processed online Based on the information available this shows the contract for the Samsung Galaxy S5 was taken in July 2014 on a 24 month basis and the upgrade is not due until the 21st June 2016. Based on this information we would be unable to allow the upgrade to be processed. However if you can supply the original paperwork which states this was on a 12 month basis I’ll be happy to look into this further for you. I do appreciate that this is not the answer you were hoping for and wish that I could advise of a better outcome. If you have any questions, please let me know. Alternatively, our teams are available 7 days a week on Facebook and Twitter. Best wishes Lucy | Social Media Advisor I HAVE NO PAPERWORK WHICH STATES ANY OF THE INFORMATION REQUESTED I HAVE THE PROOF THAT IT ALLOWED ME TO UPGRADE IF THEY KNEW THIS WAS A PROBLEM THEN THEY SHOULD OF CALLED ME BEFORE POSTING OUT THE PHONE BUT NO THEY DECIDE TO RIP A STAFF MEMBER OFF INSTEAD, I HAVE HAD IT WITH THIS COMPANY
  9. Hi guys need some advice these hypocrits and Virgin mobile refuse to cancel my contract after being told im eligble for an upgrade, what i thought was an upgrade appears to be a new contract with a new number, after having a conversation for over an hour with an english rep on the phone he said yes your phone ends 15th August 2015 even though i only had the phone for 12 months i asked him to check and double check as i didnt want two phones on contract he said yes all is ok and you can order an upgrade. So as i said the phone arrives i quered to why i received a new number and a new sim card they claimed that the new system they implemnted sees an upgrade online as a new order which i find a complete joke. I said ok i will call back Friday to cancel the remaining month on my contract which i was told £17.50 to cancel was happy with this after all i got a new phone good tarriff and £200 in pocket off my S5 up until today when i phoned to pay the £17.50 to be told its not £17.50 and its £40.00 to cancel the contract i argued not a chance am i paying £40 when told differently the excuses was brilliant i received off customer services, He puts me on hold trying to get my contract cancelled and his manager says they cant cancel it due to me owing them 12 months at £42.99 per month I am sick and tired of Virgin Media as a company and to actually think i work for these fools aswell. Where do i stand here in terms of cancelling this contract is there any head office i can email, contact OFT, trading standards ? Just annoyed now i am left with 2 phones to pay one for 24 months and the other at 12 months Proof to show my account was eligble for an upgrade 13 months into my contract wish they would invest in english call centres so frustrated Upgrade Photo http://s16.postimg.org/srg75ioxh/virgin_mobile_upgrade_edit.png even states in the contract VIP - 12 months 14th august 2015
  10. found checkmend before i came on here great website worth the £1.99 report will keep hold of this now
  11. Cheers i will donate tuesday when i get paid Many thanks for your help
  12. sent a letter to them got one back 10 days later with a complimants slip from exercise4less and a £39.99 cheque guess this means they lost ?
  13. Hi guys Been working today and had my brand new galaxy note 4 stolen tried to track it through find my phone on find my phone via samsungs website but phone has been turned off. Someone said to me they can trace your phone via the imei even if its off apparntly Also the police officer who dealt with my crime case today said i can register my phone online on a database so if it crops up in a exchange shop it can pop up as stolen but cant remember what he said its called does anyone know may thanks also is it worth phoning the police with my phones imei number cheers
  14. Thanks will do this tommorow and post it up
  15. I know how you feel pal, i have had nothing but hassle with this gym and this harlands lot, they send my case to a solicitor or a DCA who ever it was and now they demand i pay £219 even though 12 months of gym membership is £119 They have done nothing but stress me out over this i am thinking about sending a letter to the xercise4less head office and tell them i am not happy with the way you have made me feel towards your staff and at your gym they took my £37 for a joining fee promised loads of goodies and delivered nothing to me. Also thinking about telling them i want my £37 back
  16. Hi Sorry for the late reply been very busy at work I used the gym for a period of 4 weeks on and off think at most 5 or 6 times for 1 hour sessions this is when i decided to cancel the DD as they was making promises and not delivering them to me, also never received the hamper or the other bits and bobs they promised I also received a letter the other day saying my charges are now £216 this has come from a solicitior aparntly i chose to ignore harlands and now they have passed it to these people, also the manager at the exercise4less gym i attended is also useless and is no help whats so ever if you need detailed information i will have to email him requesting this i am thinking of writing a letter to exercise4less head office but need some help on the writing maybe theres a template somewhere i will check the link now many thanks for your concern and help on this matter i just feel like i have been robbed and how can a gym at 12 months equal to £216 my calculations are £119.98
  17. Hi guys signed up to exercise4less about 5 months ago got on a coperate deal through work so went in to enquire and as always was pressured into joining up, wanted to get fit and couldnt argue with £10 a month so decided to speak to someone they said because you work at VM you can join for £10 and then my monthly payments would be £9.99 a month So was happy with this went away 3 days later was paid by work and on returning the bloke i spoke to was not available when i mentioned the £10 joining fee the young lad who dealt with me said he had not heard of that before and it would be £37 to join but i would get what they call a chicken hamper, loads of stuff like gym outfit, gym bag, water bottle, sweat band etc etc, never received the hamper, was told on a weekly basis the stuff i need is out of stock unsure when delivery would be made took the £37 out of my bank, then £9.99 2 weeks later. So i was patient and waited another 3 weeks up until they still decide no delivery has been made so i got really annoyed went home cancelled the direct debit joined another gym with a few friends who has been brilliant with no issues, 2 months later Harlands who deals with Exercise4less direct debit payments decides to tell me i have cancelled the direct debit and they have added there own £25 admin fee for failed direct debit, ignored this letter then 4 weeks later another £25 added for another missed direct debit These people have done nothing but stress me out i got on email to exercise4less where they ignored my complaint, i emailed them again yesterday and the new manager got in touch about me filling out a 30 day cancellation form but said the penalty would still stand, or i can pay up the oustanding balance and continue with them, Way i see it is they never supplied me with the goods they promised and now have the cheek to tell me they are in stock for collection anytime but yet i cant use the gym because i owe them oustanding money aint this breach of contract from there end ? I want nothing to do with this company and just want the whole thing cancelling any help or advice please Many Thanks
  18. Hi will check out the 48 hour and wish to opt to back into it if i can, the job is making me ill and very stressed at the moment only thing what keeps me there is the good money otherwise id of walked a long time ago. Also it does state in the contract i may be needed from time to time to cover high work load on company request
  19. Hi Been told i have to work compulsory overtime despite me telling them i cannot find childcare arrangements this company does not care people are paying more for childcare for the day than what they make on overtime they love throwing disaplines for not coming in on over time days when they already owe me 400 pound which i havent got yet and work 70 hours a week at the moment Where do i stand with the 48 hour rule and where do i stand with childcare on the disapline process I dont usually work monday hence why i have my son on this day and im not paying out for childcare Any advice please these long hours are crippling me
  20. Will contact him cheers if no joy might just have to pay it and then good riddance to these con merchants
  21. Hi Took sky out last year as when i lived at my previous address it was a non virgin area so i could not install my staff rates discounted services as i work for Virgin. So i ended up taking a contract with sky, 11 months down the line me and my misses decided to get our own place together and was very pleased to see our new property was in a Virgin Media cabled area so i could benefit from the £12.50 a month staff pack. So had sky installed upstairs in the bedroom and installed my virgin staff services downstairs in the living room, had nothing but hassle trying to get a signal with sky, (bad place to put my dish) so i called them out engineer comes out checks it all ok so he says, i tryed explaining when the bad weather picks up the signal drops and can go off from 1 hour to all day, he said there isnt much he can do apart from book the dish in to be relocated i declined as i said i was cancelling next month anyway so he never bothered. My sky went off for 4 days straight due to the bad weather so i phoned up saying i want releasing 11 months into my contract as im not paying for a service i cant use, the lady on the phone cancelled with no questions, i then got an email 3 days later saying sorry you have decided to leave sky. Got a letter few weeks later saying i owe them £22.49 and if i dont pay within 14 days they will refer it back to sky to take court action against me. Do i have anywhere to stand here ? i know its only £22.49 but dont see why i should have to pay them money for nothing
  22. Hi apologizes for the late reply, my partner gave birth to a baby girl Monday hence the late reply. The company i work for is called Fujitsu Telecommunications also known as FTEL. They supply all tooling, vehicles with paid fuel, the company is indeed well established and is probably the richest company in the world but you wouldn't think so with how tight and skingy they are, its an absolute nightmare trying to obtain the tooling you need ive lost count how many times ive had to buy my own drill bits to complete my job, buy my own snip set but yet they threaten me with a recharge if all tooling is not returned to them when the contract ends. In my eyes they was made aware the tooling was stolen out of my van when in the depot, damaged or i simply lost it, they never replaced the tooling which meant i actually went out and purchased it the missing tools myself out of my own expenses. I have worked for this company for over 2 years now and never received a single penny owed to me, im probably owed money from when i first started but couldn't be bothered chasing pennys but now ive come to the end of my tether with this firm and started running my mouth abit with the protection of the cables union if they try forcing discipline for my attitude towards them its come to the point where i have exchanged a few F words towards the management about still waiting for the money im owed, this is how stressed i am lately with it and it has an effect on my marriage at the moment. The contract has gone over to Kellys Communications starting end of March which i also hear bad things about its like its never ending, so in a way if i start legal proceedings i do have alot to lose as my job is on the line I enjoy my job just dont like being messed about, could really try with getting my foot in Virgin Medias door as one of their employees you dont hear them complaining about there job
  23. Hi guys I work on the virgin media contract and the company i work for are always cocking up on wages, Basically ive had wage problems for the following months June - Quiet abit owed to me August September October November December we are now 6 months down the line and this company i work for has still not paid me what im owed, The management arnt the best either its either payroll not doing the job there supposed to or the management not sending off my wage query's. I am now off work until 27th January before i went on holiday last week i said to management i want detailed breakdowns from June - January 2015 and all i get is your wages are being dealt with i did want to take this further but they won't give me what im asking for. The contract ends with this company in March 2015 as Virgin has found a new contractor which i hope is better but im just worried now i wont see any of this money What rights do i have and who can i contact about the matter i am part of the cable workers union but heard they only deal with unfair disciplines etc
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